
annotate es/collab.tex @ 420:0774efad9003

translated up to section 4.4.1 (included). updated the project status file
author Javier Rojas <jerojasro@devnull.li>
date Sat Nov 15 20:04:33 2008 -0500 (2008-11-15)
parents 7e838acf7350
children 4a1dc5e8e2ff
rev   line source
igor@412 1 \chapter{Colaborar con otros}
igor@402 2 \label{cha:collab}
igor@402 3
igor@412 4 Debido a su naturaleza descentralizada, Mercurial no impone política
igor@412 5 alguna de cómo deben trabajar los grupos de personas. Sin embargo, si
jerojasro@414 6 usted es nuevo al control distribuido de versiones, es bueno tener
igor@412 7 herramientas y ejemplos a la mano al pensar en posibles modelos de
igor@412 8 flujo de trabajo.
igor@412 9
igor@412 10 \section{La interfaz web de Mercurial}
igor@412 11
igor@412 12 Mercurial tiene una poderosa interfaz web que provee bastantes
igor@412 13 capacidades útiles.
igor@412 14
igor@412 15 Para uso interactivo, la interfaz le permite visualizar uno o varios
igor@412 16 repositorios. Puede ver la historia de un repositorio, examinar cada
igor@412 17 cambio(comentarios y diferencias), y ver los contenidos de cada
igor@412 18 directorio y fichero.
igor@412 19
igor@412 20 Adicionalmente la interfaz provee feeds de RSS de los cambios de los
igor@412 21 repositorios. Que le permite ``subscribirse''a un repositorio usando
igor@412 22 su herramienta de lectura de feeds favorita, y ser notificado
igor@412 23 automáticamente de la actividad en el repositorio tan pronto como
igor@412 24 sucede. Me gusta mucho más este modelo que el estar suscrito a una
igor@412 25 lista de correo a la cual se envían las notificaciones, dado que no
igor@412 26 requiere configuración adicional de parte de quien sea que está
igor@412 27 administrando el repositorio.
igor@412 28
igor@412 29 La interfaz web también permite clonar repositorios a los usuarios
igor@412 30 remotos, jalar cambios, y (cuando el servidor está configurado para
igor@412 31 permitirlo) publicar cambios en el mismo. El protocolo de tunneling
igor@412 32 de Mercurial comprime datos agresivamente, de forma que trabaja
igor@412 33 eficientemente incluso con conexiones de red con poco ancho de banda.
igor@412 34
igor@412 35 La forma más sencilla de iniciarse con la interfaz web es usar su
igor@412 36 navegador para visitar un repositorio existente, como por ejemplo el
igor@412 37 repositorio principal de Mercurial \url{http://www.selenic.com/repo/hg?style=gitweb}.
igor@412 38
igor@412 39 Si está interesado en proveer una interfaz web a sus propios
igor@412 40 repositorios, Mercurial provee dos formas de hacerlo. La primera es
igor@412 41 usando la orden \hgcmd{serve}, que está enfocada a servir ``de forma
igor@412 42 liviana'' y por intervalos cortos. Para más detalles de cómo usar
igor@412 43 esta orden vea la sección~\ref{sec:collab:serve} más adelante. Si
igor@412 44 tiene un repositorio que desea hacer permanente, Mercurial tiene
igor@412 45 soporte embebido del \command{ssh} para publicar cambios con seguridad
igor@412 46 al repositorio central, como se documenta en la
igor@412 47 sección~\ref{sec:collab:ssh}. Es muy usual que se publique una copia
igor@412 48 de sólo lectura en el repositorio que está corriendo sobre HTTP usando
igor@412 49 CGI, como en la sección~\ref{sec:collab:cgi}. Publicar sobre HTTP
igor@412 50 satisface las necesidades de la gente que no tiene permisos de
igor@412 51 publicación y de aquellos que quieren usar navegadores web para
igor@412 52 visualizar la historia del repositorio.
igor@412 53
igor@412 54 \subsection{Trabajo con muchas ramas}
igor@412 55
igor@412 56 Los proyectos de cierta talla tienden naturlamente a progresar de
igor@412 57 forma simultánea en varios frentes. En el caso del software, es común
igor@412 58 que un proyecto tenga versiones periódicas oficiales. Una versión
igor@412 59 puede entrar a ``modo mantenimiento'' por un tiempo después de su
igor@412 60 primera publicación; las versiones de mantenimiento tienden a contener
igor@412 61 solamente arreglos de fallos, pero no nuevas características. En
igor@412 62 paralelo con las versiones de mantenimiento puede haber una o muchas
igor@412 63 versiones futuras pueden estar en desarrollo. La gente usa normalmente
igor@412 64 la palabra ``rama'' para referirse a una de las direcciones
igor@412 65 ligeramente distintas en las cuales procede el desarrollo.
igor@412 66
igor@412 67 Mercurial está especialmente preparado para administrar un buen número
igor@412 68 de ramas simultáneas pero no idénticas. Cada ``dirección de
igor@412 69 desarrollo'' puede vivir en su propio repositorio central, y puede
igor@412 70 mezclar los cambios de una a otra de acuerdo con las necesidades. Dado
igor@412 71 que los repositorios son independientes, uno del otro, los cambios
igor@412 72 inestables de una rama de desarrollo nunca afectarán una rama estable
igor@412 73 a menos que alguien explícitamente mezcle los cambios.
igor@412 74
igor@412 75 A continuación un ejemplo de cómo podría hacerse esto en la
igor@412 76 práctica. Digamos que tiene una ``rama principal'' en un servidor
igor@412 77 central.
igor@402 78 \interaction{branching.init}
igor@412 79 Alguien lo clona, hace cambios locales, los prueba, y los publica allí
igor@412 80 mismo.
igor@412 81
igor@412 82 Una vez que la rama principal alcanza una estado de versión se puede
igor@412 83 usar la orden \hgcmd{tag} para dar un nombre permanente a la revisión.
igor@402 84 \interaction{branching.tag}
igor@412 85 Digamos que en la rama principal ocurre más desarrollo.
igor@402 86 \interaction{branching.main}
igor@412 87 Cuando se usa la etiqueta con que se identificó la versión, la gente
igor@412 88 puede clonar el repositorio en cualquier momento en el futuro
igor@412 89 empleando \hgcmd{update} para obtener una copia del directorio de
igor@412 90 trabajo exacta como cuando se creó la etiqueta de la revisión que se
igor@412 91 consignó.
igor@402 92 \interaction{branching.update}
igor@402 93
igor@412 94 Adicionalmente, justo después de que la rama principal se etiquete,
igor@412 95 alguien puede clonarla en el servidor a una nueva rama ``estable'',
igor@412 96 también en el servidor.
igor@402 97 \interaction{branching.clone}
igor@402 98
igor@412 99 Alguien que requiera hacer un cambio en la rama estable puede clonar
igor@412 100 \emph{ese} repositorio, hacer sus cambios, consignar y publicarlos
igor@412 101 posteriormente al inicial.
igor@402 102 \interaction{branching.stable}
igor@412 103 Puesto que los repositorios de Mercurial son independientes, y que
igor@412 104 Mercurial no mueve los cambios de un lado a otro automáticamente, las
igor@412 105 ramas estable y principal están \emph{aisladas} la una de la otra.
igor@412 106 Los cambios que haga en la rama principal no ``se filtran'' a la rama
igor@412 107 estable o vice versa.
igor@412 108
igor@412 109 Es usual que los arreglos de fallos de la rama estable deban hacerse
igor@412 110 aparecer en la rama principal también. En lugar de reescribir el
igor@412 111 arreglo del fallo en la rama principal, puede jalar y mezclar los
igor@412 112 cambios de la rama estable a la principal, Mercurial traerá tales
igor@412 113 arreglos por usted.
igor@402 114 \interaction{branching.merge}
igor@412 115 La rama principal contendtrá aún los cambios que no están en la
igor@412 116 estable y contendrá además todos los arreglos de fallos de la rama
igor@412 117 estable. La rama estable permanece incólume a tales cambios.
igor@402 118
igor@417 119 \subsection{Ramas de Características}
igor@417 120
igor@417 121 En proyectos grandes, una forma efectiva de administrar los cambios es
igor@417 122 dividir el equipo en grupos más pequeños. Cada grupo tiene una rama
igor@417 123 compartida, clonada de una rama ``principal'' que conforma el proyecto
igor@417 124 completo. Aquellos que trabajan en ramas individuales típicamente
igor@417 125 están aislados de los desarrollos de otras ramas.
igor@402 126
igor@402 127 \begin{figure}[ht]
igor@402 128 \centering
igor@402 129 \grafix{feature-branches}
igor@417 130 \caption{Ramas de Características}
igor@402 131 \label{fig:collab:feature-branches}
igor@402 132 \end{figure}
igor@402 133
igor@417 134 Cuando una rama particular alcanza un estado deseado, alguien del
igor@417 135 equipo de características jala y fusiona de la rama principal hacia
igor@417 136 la rama de características y publica posteriormente a la rama principal.
igor@417 137
igor@417 138 \subsection{El tren de publicación}
igor@417 139
igor@417 140 Algunos proyectos se organizan al estilo``tren'': Una versión se
igor@417 141 planifica para ser liberada cada cierto tiempo, y las características
igor@417 142 que estén listas cuando ha llegado el momento ``tren'', se incorporan.
igor@417 143
igor@417 144 Este modelo tiene cierta similitud a las ramas de características. La
igor@417 145 diferencia es que cuando una característica pierde el tren, alguien en
igor@417 146 el equipo de características jala y fusiona los cambios que se fueron
igor@417 147 en la versión liberada hacia la rama de característica, y el trabajo
igor@417 148 continúa sobre lo fusionado para que la característica logre estar en
igor@417 149 la próxima versión.
igor@417 150
igor@417 151 \subsection{El modelo del kernel linux}
igor@417 152
igor@417 153 El desarrollo del Kernel Linux tiene una estructura jerárquica
igor@417 154 bastante horizontal, rodeada de una nube de caos aparente. Dado que la
igor@417 155 mayoría de desarrolladores usan \command{git}, una herramienta distribuida
igor@417 156 de control de versiones con capacidades similares a Mercurial, resulta
igor@417 157 de utilidad describir la forma en que el trabajo fluye en tal
igor@417 158 ambiente; si le gustan las ideas, la aproximación se traduce bien
igor@417 159 entre Git y Mercurial.
igor@417 160
igor@417 161 En el centro de la comunidad está Linus Torvalds, el creador de Linux.
igor@417 162 Él publica un único repositorio que es considerado el árbol
igor@417 163 ``oficial'' actual por la comunidad completa de
igor@417 164 desarrolladores. Cualquiera puede clonar el árbol de Linus, pero él es
igor@417 165 muy selectivo acerca de los árboles de los cuales jala.
igor@417 166
jerojasro@419 167 Linus tiene varios ``lugartenientes confiables''. Como regla, él jala
igor@417 168 todos los cambios que ellos publican, en la mayoría de los casos sin
igor@417 169 siquiera revisarlos. Algunos de sus lugartenientes generalmente
igor@417 170 aceptan ser los ``mantenedores'', responsables de subsistemas
igor@417 171 específicos dentro del kernel. Si un hacker cualquiera desea hacer un
igor@417 172 cambio a un subsistema y busca que termine en el árbol de Linus, debe
jerojasro@419 173 encontrar quién es el mantenedor del subsistema y solicitarle que
igor@417 174 tenga en cuenta su cambio. Si el mantenedor revisa los cambios y está
igor@417 175 de acuerdo en tomarlos, estos pasarán al árbol de Linus de acuerdo a
igor@417 176 lo expuesto.
igor@417 177
igor@417 178 Cada lugarteniente tiene su forma particular de revisar, aceptar y
igor@417 179 publicar los cambios; y para decidir cuando hacerlos presentes a
igor@417 180 Linus. Adicionalmente existen varias ramas conocidas que mucha gente
igor@417 181 usa para propósitos distintos. Por ejemplo, pocas personas mantienen
igor@417 182 repositorios ``estables'' de versiones anteriores del kernel, a los
igor@417 183 cuales aplican arreglos de fallos críticos necesarios. Algunos
igor@417 184 mantenedores publican varios árboles: uno para cambios
igor@417 185 experimentales; uno para cambios que van a ofrecer al mantenedor
igor@417 186 principal; y así sucesivamente. Otros publican un solo árbol.
igor@417 187
igor@417 188 Este modelo tiene dos características notables. La primera es que son
igor@417 189 de ``jalar exclusivamente''. Usted debe solicitar, convencer o
igor@417 190 incluso rogar a otro desarrollador para que tome sus cabmios, porque
igor@417 191 casi no hay árboles en los cuales más de una persona pueda publicar, y
igor@417 192 no hay forma de publicar cambios en un árbol que otra persona controla.
igor@417 193
igor@417 194 El segundo está basado en reputación y meritocracia. Si usted es un
igor@417 195 desconocido, Linus probablemente ignorará sus cambios, sin siquiera
igor@417 196 responderle. Pero un mantenedor de un subsistema probablemente los
igor@417 197 revisara, y los acogerá en caso de que aprueben su criterio de
igor@417 198 aplicabilidad. A medida que usted ofrezca ``mejores'' cambios a un
jerojasro@419 199 mantenedor, habrá más posibilidad de que se confíe en su juicio y se
igor@417 200 acepten los cambios. Si usted es reconocido y matiene una rama
igor@417 201 durante bastante tiempo para algo que Linus no ha aceptado, personas
igor@417 202 con intereses similares pueden jalar sus cambios regularmente para
igor@417 203 estar al día con su trabajo.
igor@417 204
igor@417 205 La reputación y meritocracia no necesariamente es transversal entre
igor@417 206 ``personas'' de diferentes subsistemas. Si usted es respetado pero es
igor@417 207 un hacker en almacenamiento y trata de arreglar un fallo de redes,
igor@417 208 tal cambio puede recibir un nivel de escrutinio de un mantenedor de
igor@417 209 redes comparable con el que se le haría a un completo extraño.
igor@417 210
igor@417 211 Personas que vienen de proyectos con un ordenamiento distinto, sienten
igor@417 212 que el proceso comparativamente caótico del Kernel Linux es
igor@417 213 completamente lunático. Es objeto de los caprichos individuales; la
igor@417 214 gente desecha cambios cuando lo desean; y la fase de desarrollo es
igor@417 215 alucinante. A pesar de eso Linux es una pieza de software exitosa y
igor@417 216 bien reconocida.
igor@417 217
igor@417 218 \subsection{Solamente jalar frente a colaboración pública}
igor@417 219
igor@417 220 Una fuente perpetua de discusiones en la comunidad de código abierto
igor@417 221 yace en el modelo de desarrollo en el cual la gente solamente jala
igor@417 222 cambios de otros ``es mejor que'' uno en el cual muchas personas
igor@417 223 pueden publicar cambios a un repositorio compartido.
igor@417 224
igor@417 225 Tícamente los partidarios del modelo de publicar usan las herramientas
igor@417 226 que se apegan a este modelo. Si usted usa una herramienta
igor@417 227 centralizada de control de versiones como Subversion, no hay forma de
igor@417 228 elegir qué modelo va a usar: La herramienta le ofrece publicación
igor@417 229 compartida, y si desea hacer cualquier otra cosa, va a tener que
igor@417 230 aplicar una aproximación artificial (tal como aplicar parches a mano).
igor@417 231
igor@417 232 Una buena herramienta distribuida de control de versiones, tal como
igor@417 233 Mercurial soportará los dos modelos. Usted y sus colaboradores
igor@417 234 pueden estructurar cómo trabajarán juntos basados en sus propias
igor@417 235 necesidades y preferencias, sin depender de las peripecias que la
igor@417 236 herramienta les obligue a hacer.
igor@417 237
igor@417 238 \subsection{Cuando la colaboración encuentra la administración ramificada}
igor@417 239
igor@417 240 Una vez que usted y su equipo configurar algunos repositorios
igor@417 241 compartidos y comienzan a propagar cambios entre sus repositorios
igor@417 242 locales y compartidos, comenzará a encarar un reto relacionado, pero
igor@417 243 un poco distinto: Administrar las direcciones en las cuales su equipo
igor@417 244 puede moverse. A pesar de que está intimamente ligado acerca de cómo
igor@417 245 interactúa su equipo, es lo suficientemente denso para ameritar un
igor@417 246 tratamiento en el capítulo~\ref{chap:branch}.
igor@417 247
igor@417 248 \section{Aspectos técnicos de la colaboración}
igor@417 249
igor@417 250 Lo que resta del capítulo lo dedicamos a las cuestiones de servir
igor@417 251 datos a sus colaboradores.
igor@417 252
igor@417 253 \section{Compartir informalmente con \hgcmd{serve}}
igor@402 254 \label{sec:collab:serve}
igor@402 255
igor@417 256 La orden \hgcmd{serve} de Mercurial satisface de forma espectacular
igor@417 257 las necesidades de un grupo pequeño, acoplado y de corto
igor@417 258 tiempo. Se constituye en una demostración de cómo se siente usar los
igor@417 259 comandos usando la red.
igor@417 260
igor@417 261 Ejecute \hgcmd{serve} dentro de un repositorio, y en pocos segundos
igor@417 262 iniciará un servidor HTTP especializado; aceptará conexiones desde
igor@417 263 cualquier cliente y servirá datos de este repositorio mientrs lo
igor@417 264 mantenga funcionando. Todo el que sepa el URL del servidor que ha
igor@417 265 iniciado, y que puede comunicarse con su computador por la red, puede
igor@417 266 usar un navegador web o Mercurial para leer datos del repositorio. Un
igor@417 267 URL para una instancia de \hgcmd{serve} ejecutándose en un portátil
igor@417 268 debería lucir algo \Verb|http://my-laptop.local:8000/|.
igor@417 269
igor@417 270 La orden \hgcmd{serve} \emph{no} es un servidor web de propósito
igor@417 271 general. Solamente puede hacer dos cosas:
igor@402 272 \begin{itemize}
igor@417 273 \item Permitir que se pueda visualizar la historia del repositorio que
igor@417 274 está sirviendo desde navegadores web.
igor@417 275 \item Hablar el protocolo de conexión de Mercurial para que puedan hacer
igor@417 276 \hgcmd{clone} o \hgcmd{pull} (jalar) cambios de tal repositorio.
igor@402 277 \end{itemize}
igor@417 278 En particular, \hgcmd{serve} no permitirá que los usuarios remotos
igor@417 279 puedan \emph{modificar} su repositorio. Es de tipo solo lectura.
igor@417 280
igor@417 281 Si está comenzando con Mercurial, no hay nada que le impida usar
igor@417 282 \hgcmd{serve} para servir un repositorio en su propio computador, y
igor@417 283 usar posteriormente órdenes como \hgcmd{clone}, \hgcmd{incoming}, para
igor@417 284 comunicarse con el servidor como si el repositorio estuviera alojado
igor@417 285 remotamente. Lo que además puede ayudarle a adecuarse rápidamente para
igor@417 286 usar comandos en repositorios alojados en la red.
igor@417 287
igor@417 288 \subsection{Cuestiones adicionales para tener en cuenta}
igor@417 289
igor@417 290 Dado que permite lectura sin autenticación a todos sus clientes,
igor@417 291 debería usar \hgcmd{serve} exclusivamente en ambientes en los cuáles
igor@417 292 no tenga problema en que otros vean, o en los cuales tenga control
igor@417 293 completo acerca de quien puede acceder a su red y jalar cambios de su
igor@417 294 repositorio.
igor@417 295
igor@417 296 La orden \hgcmd{serve} no tiene conocimiento acerca de programas
igor@417 297 cortafuegos que puedan estar instalados en su sistema o en su red. No
igor@417 298 puede detectar o controlar sus cortafuegos. Si otras personas no
igor@417 299 pueden acceder a su instancia \hgcmd{serve}, lo siguiente que debería hacer
igor@417 300 (\emph{después} de asegurarse que tienen el URL correcto) es verificar
igor@417 301 su configuración de cortafuegos.
igor@417 302
igor@417 303 De forma predeterminada, \hgcmd{serve} escucha conexiones entrantes en
igor@417 304 el puerto~8000. Si otro proceso está escuchando en tal puerto, usted
igor@417 305 podrá especificar un puerto distinto para escuchar con la opción
igor@417 306 \hgopt{serve}{-p} .
igor@417 307
igor@417 308 Normalmente, cuando se inicia \hgcmd{serve}, no imprime nada, lo cual
igor@417 309 puede ser desconcertante. Si desea confirmar que en efecto está
igor@417 310 ejecutándose correctamente, y darse cuenta qué URL debería enviar a
igor@417 311 sus colaboradores, inícielo con la opción \hggopt{-v}.
igor@402 312
igor@402 313 \section{Using the Secure Shell (ssh) protocol}
igor@402 314 \label{sec:collab:ssh}
igor@402 315
igor@402 316 You can pull and push changes securely over a network connection using
igor@402 317 the Secure Shell (\texttt{ssh}) protocol. To use this successfully,
igor@402 318 you may have to do a little bit of configuration on the client or
igor@402 319 server sides.
igor@402 320
igor@402 321 If you're not familiar with ssh, it's a network protocol that lets you
igor@402 322 securely communicate with another computer. To use it with Mercurial,
igor@402 323 you'll be setting up one or more user accounts on a server so that
igor@402 324 remote users can log in and execute commands.
igor@402 325
igor@402 326 (If you \emph{are} familiar with ssh, you'll probably find some of the
igor@402 327 material that follows to be elementary in nature.)
igor@402 328
igor@402 329 \subsection{How to read and write ssh URLs}
igor@402 330
igor@402 331 An ssh URL tends to look like this:
igor@402 332 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 333 ssh://bos@hg.serpentine.com:22/hg/hgbook
igor@402 334 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 335 \begin{enumerate}
igor@402 336 \item The ``\texttt{ssh://}'' part tells Mercurial to use the ssh
igor@402 337 protocol.
igor@402 338 \item The ``\texttt{bos@}'' component indicates what username to log
igor@402 339 into the server as. You can leave this out if the remote username
igor@402 340 is the same as your local username.
igor@402 341 \item The ``\texttt{hg.serpentine.com}'' gives the hostname of the
igor@402 342 server to log into.
igor@402 343 \item The ``:22'' identifies the port number to connect to the server
igor@402 344 on. The default port is~22, so you only need to specify this part
igor@402 345 if you're \emph{not} using port~22.
igor@402 346 \item The remainder of the URL is the local path to the repository on
igor@402 347 the server.
igor@402 348 \end{enumerate}
igor@402 349
igor@402 350 There's plenty of scope for confusion with the path component of ssh
igor@402 351 URLs, as there is no standard way for tools to interpret it. Some
igor@402 352 programs behave differently than others when dealing with these paths.
igor@402 353 This isn't an ideal situation, but it's unlikely to change. Please
igor@402 354 read the following paragraphs carefully.
igor@402 355
igor@402 356 Mercurial treats the path to a repository on the server as relative to
igor@402 357 the remote user's home directory. For example, if user \texttt{foo}
igor@402 358 on the server has a home directory of \dirname{/home/foo}, then an ssh
igor@402 359 URL that contains a path component of \dirname{bar}
igor@402 360 \emph{really} refers to the directory \dirname{/home/foo/bar}.
igor@402 361
igor@402 362 If you want to specify a path relative to another user's home
igor@402 363 directory, you can use a path that starts with a tilde character
igor@402 364 followed by the user's name (let's call them \texttt{otheruser}), like
igor@402 365 this.
igor@402 366 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 367 ssh://server/~otheruser/hg/repo
igor@402 368 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 369
igor@402 370 And if you really want to specify an \emph{absolute} path on the
igor@402 371 server, begin the path component with two slashes, as in this example.
igor@402 372 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 373 ssh://server//absolute/path
igor@402 374 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 375
igor@402 376 \subsection{Finding an ssh client for your system}
igor@402 377
igor@402 378 Almost every Unix-like system comes with OpenSSH preinstalled. If
igor@402 379 you're using such a system, run \Verb|which ssh| to find out if
igor@402 380 the \command{ssh} command is installed (it's usually in
igor@402 381 \dirname{/usr/bin}). In the unlikely event that it isn't present,
igor@402 382 take a look at your system documentation to figure out how to install
igor@402 383 it.
igor@402 384
igor@402 385 On Windows, you'll first need to choose download a suitable ssh
igor@402 386 client. There are two alternatives.
igor@402 387 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 388 \item Simon Tatham's excellent PuTTY package~\cite{web:putty} provides
igor@402 389 a complete suite of ssh client commands.
igor@402 390 \item If you have a high tolerance for pain, you can use the Cygwin
igor@402 391 port of OpenSSH.
igor@402 392 \end{itemize}
igor@402 393 In either case, you'll need to edit your \hgini\ file to tell
igor@402 394 Mercurial where to find the actual client command. For example, if
igor@402 395 you're using PuTTY, you'll need to use the \command{plink} command as
igor@402 396 a command-line ssh client.
igor@402 397 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 398 [ui]
igor@402 399 ssh = C:/path/to/plink.exe -ssh -i "C:/path/to/my/private/key"
igor@402 400 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 401
igor@402 402 \begin{note}
igor@402 403 The path to \command{plink} shouldn't contain any whitespace
igor@402 404 characters, or Mercurial may not be able to run it correctly (so
igor@402 405 putting it in \dirname{C:\\Program Files} is probably not a good
igor@402 406 idea).
igor@402 407 \end{note}
igor@402 408
igor@402 409 \subsection{Generating a key pair}
igor@402 410
igor@402 411 To avoid the need to repetitively type a password every time you need
igor@402 412 to use your ssh client, I recommend generating a key pair. On a
igor@402 413 Unix-like system, the \command{ssh-keygen} command will do the trick.
igor@402 414 On Windows, if you're using PuTTY, the \command{puttygen} command is
igor@402 415 what you'll need.
igor@402 416
igor@402 417 When you generate a key pair, it's usually \emph{highly} advisable to
igor@402 418 protect it with a passphrase. (The only time that you might not want
igor@402 419 to do this id when you're using the ssh protocol for automated tasks
igor@402 420 on a secure network.)
igor@402 421
igor@402 422 Simply generating a key pair isn't enough, however. You'll need to
igor@402 423 add the public key to the set of authorised keys for whatever user
igor@402 424 you're logging in remotely as. For servers using OpenSSH (the vast
igor@402 425 majority), this will mean adding the public key to a list in a file
igor@402 426 called \sfilename{authorized\_keys} in their \sdirname{.ssh}
igor@402 427 directory.
igor@402 428
igor@402 429 On a Unix-like system, your public key will have a \filename{.pub}
igor@402 430 extension. If you're using \command{puttygen} on Windows, you can
igor@402 431 save the public key to a file of your choosing, or paste it from the
igor@402 432 window it's displayed in straight into the
igor@402 433 \sfilename{authorized\_keys} file.
igor@402 434
igor@402 435 \subsection{Using an authentication agent}
igor@402 436
igor@402 437 An authentication agent is a daemon that stores passphrases in memory
igor@402 438 (so it will forget passphrases if you log out and log back in again).
igor@402 439 An ssh client will notice if it's running, and query it for a
igor@402 440 passphrase. If there's no authentication agent running, or the agent
igor@402 441 doesn't store the necessary passphrase, you'll have to type your
igor@402 442 passphrase every time Mercurial tries to communicate with a server on
igor@402 443 your behalf (e.g.~whenever you pull or push changes).
igor@402 444
igor@402 445 The downside of storing passphrases in an agent is that it's possible
igor@402 446 for a well-prepared attacker to recover the plain text of your
igor@402 447 passphrases, in some cases even if your system has been power-cycled.
igor@402 448 You should make your own judgment as to whether this is an acceptable
igor@402 449 risk. It certainly saves a lot of repeated typing.
igor@402 450
igor@402 451 On Unix-like systems, the agent is called \command{ssh-agent}, and
igor@402 452 it's often run automatically for you when you log in. You'll need to
igor@402 453 use the \command{ssh-add} command to add passphrases to the agent's
igor@402 454 store. On Windows, if you're using PuTTY, the \command{pageant}
igor@402 455 command acts as the agent. It adds an icon to your system tray that
igor@402 456 will let you manage stored passphrases.
igor@402 457
igor@402 458 \subsection{Configuring the server side properly}
igor@402 459
igor@402 460 Because ssh can be fiddly to set up if you're new to it, there's a
igor@402 461 variety of things that can go wrong. Add Mercurial on top, and
igor@402 462 there's plenty more scope for head-scratching. Most of these
igor@402 463 potential problems occur on the server side, not the client side. The
igor@402 464 good news is that once you've gotten a configuration working, it will
igor@402 465 usually continue to work indefinitely.
igor@402 466
igor@402 467 Before you try using Mercurial to talk to an ssh server, it's best to
igor@402 468 make sure that you can use the normal \command{ssh} or \command{putty}
igor@402 469 command to talk to the server first. If you run into problems with
igor@402 470 using these commands directly, Mercurial surely won't work. Worse, it
igor@402 471 will obscure the underlying problem. Any time you want to debug
igor@402 472 ssh-related Mercurial problems, you should drop back to making sure
igor@402 473 that plain ssh client commands work first, \emph{before} you worry
igor@402 474 about whether there's a problem with Mercurial.
igor@402 475
igor@402 476 The first thing to be sure of on the server side is that you can
igor@402 477 actually log in from another machine at all. If you can't use
igor@402 478 \command{ssh} or \command{putty} to log in, the error message you get
igor@402 479 may give you a few hints as to what's wrong. The most common problems
igor@402 480 are as follows.
igor@402 481 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 482 \item If you get a ``connection refused'' error, either there isn't an
igor@402 483 SSH daemon running on the server at all, or it's inaccessible due to
igor@402 484 firewall configuration.
igor@402 485 \item If you get a ``no route to host'' error, you either have an
igor@402 486 incorrect address for the server or a seriously locked down firewall
igor@402 487 that won't admit its existence at all.
igor@402 488 \item If you get a ``permission denied'' error, you may have mistyped
igor@402 489 the username on the server, or you could have mistyped your key's
igor@402 490 passphrase or the remote user's password.
igor@402 491 \end{itemize}
igor@402 492 In summary, if you're having trouble talking to the server's ssh
igor@402 493 daemon, first make sure that one is running at all. On many systems
igor@402 494 it will be installed, but disabled, by default. Once you're done with
igor@402 495 this step, you should then check that the server's firewall is
igor@402 496 configured to allow incoming connections on the port the ssh daemon is
igor@402 497 listening on (usually~22). Don't worry about more exotic
igor@402 498 possibilities for misconfiguration until you've checked these two
igor@402 499 first.
igor@402 500
igor@402 501 If you're using an authentication agent on the client side to store
igor@402 502 passphrases for your keys, you ought to be able to log into the server
igor@402 503 without being prompted for a passphrase or a password. If you're
igor@402 504 prompted for a passphrase, there are a few possible culprits.
igor@402 505 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 506 \item You might have forgotten to use \command{ssh-add} or
igor@402 507 \command{pageant} to store the passphrase.
igor@402 508 \item You might have stored the passphrase for the wrong key.
igor@402 509 \end{itemize}
igor@402 510 If you're being prompted for the remote user's password, there are
igor@402 511 another few possible problems to check.
igor@402 512 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 513 \item Either the user's home directory or their \sdirname{.ssh}
igor@402 514 directory might have excessively liberal permissions. As a result,
igor@402 515 the ssh daemon will not trust or read their
igor@402 516 \sfilename{authorized\_keys} file. For example, a group-writable
igor@402 517 home or \sdirname{.ssh} directory will often cause this symptom.
igor@402 518 \item The user's \sfilename{authorized\_keys} file may have a problem.
igor@402 519 If anyone other than the user owns or can write to that file, the
igor@402 520 ssh daemon will not trust or read it.
igor@402 521 \end{itemize}
igor@402 522
igor@402 523 In the ideal world, you should be able to run the following command
igor@402 524 successfully, and it should print exactly one line of output, the
igor@402 525 current date and time.
igor@402 526 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 527 ssh myserver date
igor@402 528 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 529
igor@402 530 If, on your server, you have login scripts that print banners or other
igor@402 531 junk even when running non-interactive commands like this, you should
igor@402 532 fix them before you continue, so that they only print output if
igor@402 533 they're run interactively. Otherwise these banners will at least
igor@402 534 clutter up Mercurial's output. Worse, they could potentially cause
igor@402 535 problems with running Mercurial commands remotely. Mercurial makes
igor@402 536 tries to detect and ignore banners in non-interactive \command{ssh}
igor@402 537 sessions, but it is not foolproof. (If you're editing your login
igor@402 538 scripts on your server, the usual way to see if a login script is
igor@402 539 running in an interactive shell is to check the return code from the
igor@402 540 command \Verb|tty -s|.)
igor@402 541
igor@402 542 Once you've verified that plain old ssh is working with your server,
igor@402 543 the next step is to ensure that Mercurial runs on the server. The
igor@402 544 following command should run successfully:
igor@402 545 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 546 ssh myserver hg version
igor@402 547 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 548 If you see an error message instead of normal \hgcmd{version} output,
igor@402 549 this is usually because you haven't installed Mercurial to
igor@402 550 \dirname{/usr/bin}. Don't worry if this is the case; you don't need
igor@402 551 to do that. But you should check for a few possible problems.
igor@402 552 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 553 \item Is Mercurial really installed on the server at all? I know this
igor@402 554 sounds trivial, but it's worth checking!
igor@402 555 \item Maybe your shell's search path (usually set via the \envar{PATH}
igor@402 556 environment variable) is simply misconfigured.
igor@402 557 \item Perhaps your \envar{PATH} environment variable is only being set
igor@402 558 to point to the location of the \command{hg} executable if the login
igor@402 559 session is interactive. This can happen if you're setting the path
igor@402 560 in the wrong shell login script. See your shell's documentation for
igor@402 561 details.
igor@402 562 \item The \envar{PYTHONPATH} environment variable may need to contain
igor@402 563 the path to the Mercurial Python modules. It might not be set at
igor@402 564 all; it could be incorrect; or it may be set only if the login is
igor@402 565 interactive.
igor@402 566 \end{itemize}
igor@402 567
igor@402 568 If you can run \hgcmd{version} over an ssh connection, well done!
igor@402 569 You've got the server and client sorted out. You should now be able
igor@402 570 to use Mercurial to access repositories hosted by that username on
igor@402 571 that server. If you run into problems with Mercurial and ssh at this
igor@402 572 point, try using the \hggopt{--debug} option to get a clearer picture
igor@402 573 of what's going on.
igor@402 574
igor@402 575 \subsection{Using compression with ssh}
igor@402 576
igor@402 577 Mercurial does not compress data when it uses the ssh protocol,
igor@402 578 because the ssh protocol can transparently compress data. However,
igor@402 579 the default behaviour of ssh clients is \emph{not} to request
igor@402 580 compression.
igor@402 581
igor@402 582 Over any network other than a fast LAN (even a wireless network),
igor@402 583 using compression is likely to significantly speed up Mercurial's
igor@402 584 network operations. For example, over a WAN, someone measured
igor@402 585 compression as reducing the amount of time required to clone a
igor@402 586 particularly large repository from~51 minutes to~17 minutes.
igor@402 587
igor@402 588 Both \command{ssh} and \command{plink} accept a \cmdopt{ssh}{-C}
igor@402 589 option which turns on compression. You can easily edit your \hgrc\ to
igor@402 590 enable compression for all of Mercurial's uses of the ssh protocol.
igor@402 591 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 592 [ui]
igor@402 593 ssh = ssh -C
igor@402 594 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 595
igor@402 596 If you use \command{ssh}, you can configure it to always use
igor@402 597 compression when talking to your server. To do this, edit your
igor@402 598 \sfilename{.ssh/config} file (which may not yet exist), as follows.
igor@402 599 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 600 Host hg
igor@402 601 Compression yes
igor@402 602 HostName hg.example.com
igor@402 603 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 604 This defines an alias, \texttt{hg}. When you use it on the
igor@402 605 \command{ssh} command line or in a Mercurial \texttt{ssh}-protocol
igor@402 606 URL, it will cause \command{ssh} to connect to \texttt{hg.example.com}
igor@402 607 and use compression. This gives you both a shorter name to type and
igor@402 608 compression, each of which is a good thing in its own right.
igor@402 609
igor@402 610 \section{Serving over HTTP using CGI}
igor@402 611 \label{sec:collab:cgi}
igor@402 612
igor@402 613 Depending on how ambitious you are, configuring Mercurial's CGI
igor@402 614 interface can take anything from a few moments to several hours.
igor@402 615
igor@402 616 We'll begin with the simplest of examples, and work our way towards a
igor@402 617 more complex configuration. Even for the most basic case, you're
igor@402 618 almost certainly going to need to read and modify your web server's
igor@402 619 configuration.
igor@402 620
igor@402 621 \begin{note}
igor@402 622 Configuring a web server is a complex, fiddly, and highly
igor@402 623 system-dependent activity. I can't possibly give you instructions
igor@402 624 that will cover anything like all of the cases you will encounter.
igor@402 625 Please use your discretion and judgment in following the sections
igor@402 626 below. Be prepared to make plenty of mistakes, and to spend a lot
igor@402 627 of time reading your server's error logs.
igor@402 628 \end{note}
igor@402 629
igor@402 630 \subsection{Web server configuration checklist}
igor@402 631
igor@402 632 Before you continue, do take a few moments to check a few aspects of
igor@402 633 your system's setup.
igor@402 634
igor@402 635 \begin{enumerate}
igor@402 636 \item Do you have a web server installed at all? Mac OS X ships with
igor@402 637 Apache, but many other systems may not have a web server installed.
igor@402 638 \item If you have a web server installed, is it actually running? On
igor@402 639 most systems, even if one is present, it will be disabled by
igor@402 640 default.
igor@402 641 \item Is your server configured to allow you to run CGI programs in
igor@402 642 the directory where you plan to do so? Most servers default to
igor@402 643 explicitly disabling the ability to run CGI programs.
igor@402 644 \end{enumerate}
igor@402 645
igor@402 646 If you don't have a web server installed, and don't have substantial
igor@402 647 experience configuring Apache, you should consider using the
igor@402 648 \texttt{lighttpd} web server instead of Apache. Apache has a
igor@402 649 well-deserved reputation for baroque and confusing configuration.
igor@402 650 While \texttt{lighttpd} is less capable in some ways than Apache, most
igor@402 651 of these capabilities are not relevant to serving Mercurial
igor@402 652 repositories. And \texttt{lighttpd} is undeniably \emph{much} easier
igor@402 653 to get started with than Apache.
igor@402 654
igor@402 655 \subsection{Basic CGI configuration}
igor@402 656
igor@402 657 On Unix-like systems, it's common for users to have a subdirectory
igor@402 658 named something like \dirname{public\_html} in their home directory,
igor@402 659 from which they can serve up web pages. A file named \filename{foo}
igor@402 660 in this directory will be accessible at a URL of the form
igor@402 661 \texttt{http://www.example.com/\~username/foo}.
igor@402 662
igor@402 663 To get started, find the \sfilename{hgweb.cgi} script that should be
igor@402 664 present in your Mercurial installation. If you can't quickly find a
igor@402 665 local copy on your system, simply download one from the master
igor@402 666 Mercurial repository at
igor@402 667 \url{http://www.selenic.com/repo/hg/raw-file/tip/hgweb.cgi}.
igor@402 668
igor@402 669 You'll need to copy this script into your \dirname{public\_html}
igor@402 670 directory, and ensure that it's executable.
igor@402 671 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 672 cp .../hgweb.cgi ~/public_html
igor@402 673 chmod 755 ~/public_html/hgweb.cgi
igor@402 674 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 675 The \texttt{755} argument to \command{chmod} is a little more general
igor@402 676 than just making the script executable: it ensures that the script is
igor@402 677 executable by anyone, and that ``group'' and ``other'' write
igor@402 678 permissions are \emph{not} set. If you were to leave those write
igor@402 679 permissions enabled, Apache's \texttt{suexec} subsystem would likely
igor@402 680 refuse to execute the script. In fact, \texttt{suexec} also insists
igor@402 681 that the \emph{directory} in which the script resides must not be
igor@402 682 writable by others.
igor@402 683 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 684 chmod 755 ~/public_html
igor@402 685 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 686
igor@402 687 \subsubsection{What could \emph{possibly} go wrong?}
igor@402 688 \label{sec:collab:wtf}
igor@402 689
igor@402 690 Once you've copied the CGI script into place, go into a web browser,
igor@402 691 and try to open the URL \url{http://myhostname/~myuser/hgweb.cgi},
igor@402 692 \emph{but} brace yourself for instant failure. There's a high
igor@402 693 probability that trying to visit this URL will fail, and there are
igor@402 694 many possible reasons for this. In fact, you're likely to stumble
igor@402 695 over almost every one of the possible errors below, so please read
igor@402 696 carefully. The following are all of the problems I ran into on a
igor@402 697 system running Fedora~7, with a fresh installation of Apache, and a
igor@402 698 user account that I created specially to perform this exercise.
igor@402 699
igor@402 700 Your web server may have per-user directories disabled. If you're
igor@402 701 using Apache, search your config file for a \texttt{UserDir}
igor@402 702 directive. If there's none present, per-user directories will be
igor@402 703 disabled. If one exists, but its value is \texttt{disabled}, then
igor@402 704 per-user directories will be disabled. Otherwise, the string after
igor@402 705 \texttt{UserDir} gives the name of the subdirectory that Apache will
igor@402 706 look in under your home directory, for example \dirname{public\_html}.
igor@402 707
igor@402 708 Your file access permissions may be too restrictive. The web server
igor@402 709 must be able to traverse your home directory and directories under
igor@402 710 your \dirname{public\_html} directory, and read files under the latter
igor@402 711 too. Here's a quick recipe to help you to make your permissions more
igor@402 712 appropriate.
igor@402 713 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 714 chmod 755 ~
igor@402 715 find ~/public_html -type d -print0 | xargs -0r chmod 755
igor@402 716 find ~/public_html -type f -print0 | xargs -0r chmod 644
igor@402 717 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 718
igor@402 719 The other possibility with permissions is that you might get a
igor@402 720 completely empty window when you try to load the script. In this
igor@402 721 case, it's likely that your access permissions are \emph{too
igor@402 722 permissive}. Apache's \texttt{suexec} subsystem won't execute a
igor@402 723 script that's group-~or world-writable, for example.
igor@402 724
igor@402 725 Your web server may be configured to disallow execution of CGI
igor@402 726 programs in your per-user web directory. Here's Apache's
igor@402 727 default per-user configuration from my Fedora system.
igor@402 728 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 729 <Directory /home/*/public_html>
igor@402 730 AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
igor@402 731 Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
igor@402 732 <Limit GET POST OPTIONS>
igor@402 733 Order allow,deny
igor@402 734 Allow from all
igor@402 735 </Limit>
igor@402 736 <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS>
igor@402 737 Order deny,allow
igor@402 738 Deny from all
igor@402 739 </LimitExcept>
igor@402 740 </Directory>
igor@402 741 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 742 If you find a similar-looking \texttt{Directory} group in your Apache
igor@402 743 configuration, the directive to look at inside it is \texttt{Options}.
igor@402 744 Add \texttt{ExecCGI} to the end of this list if it's missing, and
igor@402 745 restart the web server.
igor@402 746
igor@402 747 If you find that Apache serves you the text of the CGI script instead
igor@402 748 of executing it, you may need to either uncomment (if already present)
igor@402 749 or add a directive like this.
igor@402 750 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 751 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
igor@402 752 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 753
igor@402 754 The next possibility is that you might be served with a colourful
igor@402 755 Python backtrace claiming that it can't import a
igor@402 756 \texttt{mercurial}-related module. This is actually progress! The
igor@402 757 server is now capable of executing your CGI script. This error is
igor@402 758 only likely to occur if you're running a private installation of
igor@402 759 Mercurial, instead of a system-wide version. Remember that the web
igor@402 760 server runs the CGI program without any of the environment variables
igor@402 761 that you take for granted in an interactive session. If this error
igor@402 762 happens to you, edit your copy of \sfilename{hgweb.cgi} and follow the
igor@402 763 directions inside it to correctly set your \envar{PYTHONPATH}
igor@402 764 environment variable.
igor@402 765
igor@402 766 Finally, you are \emph{certain} to by served with another colourful
igor@402 767 Python backtrace: this one will complain that it can't find
igor@402 768 \dirname{/path/to/repository}. Edit your \sfilename{hgweb.cgi} script
igor@402 769 and replace the \dirname{/path/to/repository} string with the complete
igor@402 770 path to the repository you want to serve up.
igor@402 771
igor@402 772 At this point, when you try to reload the page, you should be
igor@402 773 presented with a nice HTML view of your repository's history. Whew!
igor@402 774
igor@402 775 \subsubsection{Configuring lighttpd}
igor@402 776
igor@402 777 To be exhaustive in my experiments, I tried configuring the
igor@402 778 increasingly popular \texttt{lighttpd} web server to serve the same
igor@402 779 repository as I described with Apache above. I had already overcome
igor@402 780 all of the problems I outlined with Apache, many of which are not
igor@402 781 server-specific. As a result, I was fairly sure that my file and
igor@402 782 directory permissions were good, and that my \sfilename{hgweb.cgi}
igor@402 783 script was properly edited.
igor@402 784
igor@402 785 Once I had Apache running, getting \texttt{lighttpd} to serve the
igor@402 786 repository was a snap (in other words, even if you're trying to use
igor@402 787 \texttt{lighttpd}, you should read the Apache section). I first had
igor@402 788 to edit the \texttt{mod\_access} section of its config file to enable
igor@402 789 \texttt{mod\_cgi} and \texttt{mod\_userdir}, both of which were
igor@402 790 disabled by default on my system. I then added a few lines to the end
igor@402 791 of the config file, to configure these modules.
igor@402 792 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 793 userdir.path = "public_html"
igor@402 794 cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "" )
igor@402 795 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 796 With this done, \texttt{lighttpd} ran immediately for me. If I had
igor@402 797 configured \texttt{lighttpd} before Apache, I'd almost certainly have
igor@402 798 run into many of the same system-level configuration problems as I did
igor@402 799 with Apache. However, I found \texttt{lighttpd} to be noticeably
igor@402 800 easier to configure than Apache, even though I've used Apache for over
igor@402 801 a decade, and this was my first exposure to \texttt{lighttpd}.
igor@402 802
igor@402 803 \subsection{Sharing multiple repositories with one CGI script}
igor@402 804
igor@402 805 The \sfilename{hgweb.cgi} script only lets you publish a single
igor@402 806 repository, which is an annoying restriction. If you want to publish
igor@402 807 more than one without wracking yourself with multiple copies of the
igor@402 808 same script, each with different names, a better choice is to use the
igor@402 809 \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} script.
igor@402 810
igor@402 811 The procedure to configure \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} is only a little
igor@402 812 more involved than for \sfilename{hgweb.cgi}. First, you must obtain
igor@402 813 a copy of the script. If you don't have one handy, you can download a
igor@402 814 copy from the master Mercurial repository at
igor@402 815 \url{http://www.selenic.com/repo/hg/raw-file/tip/hgwebdir.cgi}.
igor@402 816
igor@402 817 You'll need to copy this script into your \dirname{public\_html}
igor@402 818 directory, and ensure that it's executable.
igor@402 819 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 820 cp .../hgwebdir.cgi ~/public_html
igor@402 821 chmod 755 ~/public_html ~/public_html/hgwebdir.cgi
igor@402 822 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 823 With basic configuration out of the way, try to visit
igor@402 824 \url{http://myhostname/~myuser/hgwebdir.cgi} in your browser. It
igor@402 825 should display an empty list of repositories. If you get a blank
igor@402 826 window or error message, try walking through the list of potential
igor@402 827 problems in section~\ref{sec:collab:wtf}.
igor@402 828
igor@402 829 The \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} script relies on an external
igor@402 830 configuration file. By default, it searches for a file named
igor@402 831 \sfilename{hgweb.config} in the same directory as itself. You'll need
igor@402 832 to create this file, and make it world-readable. The format of the
igor@402 833 file is similar to a Windows ``ini'' file, as understood by Python's
igor@402 834 \texttt{ConfigParser}~\cite{web:configparser} module.
igor@402 835
igor@402 836 The easiest way to configure \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} is with a
igor@402 837 section named \texttt{collections}. This will automatically publish
igor@402 838 \emph{every} repository under the directories you name. The section
igor@402 839 should look like this:
igor@402 840 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 841 [collections]
igor@402 842 /my/root = /my/root
igor@402 843 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 844 Mercurial interprets this by looking at the directory name on the
igor@402 845 \emph{right} hand side of the ``\texttt{=}'' sign; finding
igor@402 846 repositories in that directory hierarchy; and using the text on the
igor@402 847 \emph{left} to strip off matching text from the names it will actually
igor@402 848 list in the web interface. The remaining component of a path after
igor@402 849 this stripping has occurred is called a ``virtual path''.
igor@402 850
igor@402 851 Given the example above, if we have a repository whose local path is
igor@402 852 \dirname{/my/root/this/repo}, the CGI script will strip the leading
igor@402 853 \dirname{/my/root} from the name, and publish the repository with a
igor@402 854 virtual path of \dirname{this/repo}. If the base URL for our CGI
igor@402 855 script is \url{http://myhostname/~myuser/hgwebdir.cgi}, the complete
igor@402 856 URL for that repository will be
igor@402 857 \url{http://myhostname/~myuser/hgwebdir.cgi/this/repo}.
igor@402 858
igor@402 859 If we replace \dirname{/my/root} on the left hand side of this example
igor@402 860 with \dirname{/my}, then \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} will only strip off
igor@402 861 \dirname{/my} from the repository name, and will give us a virtual
igor@402 862 path of \dirname{root/this/repo} instead of \dirname{this/repo}.
igor@402 863
igor@402 864 The \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} script will recursively search each
igor@402 865 directory listed in the \texttt{collections} section of its
igor@402 866 configuration file, but it will \texttt{not} recurse into the
igor@402 867 repositories it finds.
igor@402 868
igor@402 869 The \texttt{collections} mechanism makes it easy to publish many
igor@402 870 repositories in a ``fire and forget'' manner. You only need to set up
igor@402 871 the CGI script and configuration file one time. Afterwards, you can
igor@402 872 publish or unpublish a repository at any time by simply moving it
igor@402 873 into, or out of, the directory hierarchy in which you've configured
igor@402 874 \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} to look.
igor@402 875
igor@402 876 \subsubsection{Explicitly specifying which repositories to publish}
igor@402 877
igor@402 878 In addition to the \texttt{collections} mechanism, the
igor@402 879 \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} script allows you to publish a specific list
igor@402 880 of repositories. To do so, create a \texttt{paths} section, with
igor@402 881 contents of the following form.
igor@402 882 \begin{codesample2}
igor@402 883 [paths]
igor@402 884 repo1 = /my/path/to/some/repo
igor@402 885 repo2 = /some/path/to/another
igor@402 886 \end{codesample2}
igor@402 887 In this case, the virtual path (the component that will appear in a
igor@402 888 URL) is on the left hand side of each definition, while the path to
igor@402 889 the repository is on the right. Notice that there does not need to be
igor@402 890 any relationship between the virtual path you choose and the location
igor@402 891 of a repository in your filesystem.
igor@402 892
igor@402 893 If you wish, you can use both the \texttt{collections} and
igor@402 894 \texttt{paths} mechanisms simultaneously in a single configuration
igor@402 895 file.
igor@402 896
igor@402 897 \begin{note}
igor@402 898 If multiple repositories have the same virtual path,
igor@402 899 \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} will not report an error. Instead, it will
igor@402 900 behave unpredictably.
igor@402 901 \end{note}
igor@402 902
igor@402 903 \subsection{Downloading source archives}
igor@402 904
igor@402 905 Mercurial's web interface lets users download an archive of any
igor@402 906 revision. This archive will contain a snapshot of the working
igor@402 907 directory as of that revision, but it will not contain a copy of the
igor@402 908 repository data.
igor@402 909
igor@402 910 By default, this feature is not enabled. To enable it, you'll need to
igor@402 911 add an \rcitem{web}{allow\_archive} item to the \rcsection{web}
igor@402 912 section of your \hgrc.
igor@402 913
igor@402 914 \subsection{Web configuration options}
igor@402 915
igor@402 916 Mercurial's web interfaces (the \hgcmd{serve} command, and the
igor@402 917 \sfilename{hgweb.cgi} and \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi} scripts) have a
igor@402 918 number of configuration options that you can set. These belong in a
igor@402 919 section named \rcsection{web}.
igor@402 920 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 921 \item[\rcitem{web}{allow\_archive}] Determines which (if any) archive
igor@402 922 download mechanisms Mercurial supports. If you enable this
igor@402 923 feature, users of the web interface will be able to download an
igor@402 924 archive of whatever revision of a repository they are viewing.
igor@402 925 To enable the archive feature, this item must take the form of a
igor@402 926 sequence of words drawn from the list below.
igor@402 927 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 928 \item[\texttt{bz2}] A \command{tar} archive, compressed using
igor@402 929 \texttt{bzip2} compression. This has the best compression ratio,
igor@402 930 but uses the most CPU time on the server.
igor@402 931 \item[\texttt{gz}] A \command{tar} archive, compressed using
igor@402 932 \texttt{gzip} compression.
igor@402 933 \item[\texttt{zip}] A \command{zip} archive, compressed using LZW
igor@402 934 compression. This format has the worst compression ratio, but is
igor@402 935 widely used in the Windows world.
igor@402 936 \end{itemize}
igor@402 937 If you provide an empty list, or don't have an
igor@402 938 \rcitem{web}{allow\_archive} entry at all, this feature will be
igor@402 939 disabled. Here is an example of how to enable all three supported
igor@402 940 formats.
igor@402 941 \begin{codesample4}
igor@402 942 [web]
igor@402 943 allow_archive = bz2 gz zip
igor@402 944 \end{codesample4}
igor@402 945 \item[\rcitem{web}{allowpull}] Boolean. Determines whether the web
igor@402 946 interface allows remote users to \hgcmd{pull} and \hgcmd{clone} this
igor@402 947 repository over~HTTP. If set to \texttt{no} or \texttt{false}, only
igor@402 948 the ``human-oriented'' portion of the web interface is available.
igor@402 949 \item[\rcitem{web}{contact}] String. A free-form (but preferably
igor@402 950 brief) string identifying the person or group in charge of the
igor@402 951 repository. This often contains the name and email address of a
igor@402 952 person or mailing list. It often makes sense to place this entry in
igor@402 953 a repository's own \sfilename{.hg/hgrc} file, but it can make sense
igor@402 954 to use in a global \hgrc\ if every repository has a single
igor@402 955 maintainer.
igor@402 956 \item[\rcitem{web}{maxchanges}] Integer. The default maximum number
igor@402 957 of changesets to display in a single page of output.
igor@402 958 \item[\rcitem{web}{maxfiles}] Integer. The default maximum number
igor@402 959 of modified files to display in a single page of output.
igor@402 960 \item[\rcitem{web}{stripes}] Integer. If the web interface displays
igor@402 961 alternating ``stripes'' to make it easier to visually align rows
igor@402 962 when you are looking at a table, this number controls the number of
igor@402 963 rows in each stripe.
igor@402 964 \item[\rcitem{web}{style}] Controls the template Mercurial uses to
igor@402 965 display the web interface. Mercurial ships with two web templates,
igor@402 966 named \texttt{default} and \texttt{gitweb} (the latter is much more
igor@402 967 visually attractive). You can also specify a custom template of
igor@402 968 your own; see chapter~\ref{chap:template} for details. Here, you
igor@402 969 can see how to enable the \texttt{gitweb} style.
igor@402 970 \begin{codesample4}
igor@402 971 [web]
igor@402 972 style = gitweb
igor@402 973 \end{codesample4}
igor@402 974 \item[\rcitem{web}{templates}] Path. The directory in which to search
igor@402 975 for template files. By default, Mercurial searches in the directory
igor@402 976 in which it was installed.
igor@402 977 \end{itemize}
igor@402 978 If you are using \sfilename{hgwebdir.cgi}, you can place a few
igor@402 979 configuration items in a \rcsection{web} section of the
igor@402 980 \sfilename{hgweb.config} file instead of a \hgrc\ file, for
igor@402 981 convenience. These items are \rcitem{web}{motd} and
igor@402 982 \rcitem{web}{style}.
igor@402 983
igor@402 984 \subsubsection{Options specific to an individual repository}
igor@402 985
igor@402 986 A few \rcsection{web} configuration items ought to be placed in a
igor@402 987 repository's local \sfilename{.hg/hgrc}, rather than a user's or
igor@402 988 global \hgrc.
igor@402 989 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 990 \item[\rcitem{web}{description}] String. A free-form (but preferably
igor@402 991 brief) string that describes the contents or purpose of the
igor@402 992 repository.
igor@402 993 \item[\rcitem{web}{name}] String. The name to use for the repository
igor@402 994 in the web interface. This overrides the default name, which is the
igor@402 995 last component of the repository's path.
igor@402 996 \end{itemize}
igor@402 997
igor@402 998 \subsubsection{Options specific to the \hgcmd{serve} command}
igor@402 999
igor@402 1000 Some of the items in the \rcsection{web} section of a \hgrc\ file are
igor@402 1001 only for use with the \hgcmd{serve} command.
igor@402 1002 \begin{itemize}
igor@402 1003 \item[\rcitem{web}{accesslog}] Path. The name of a file into which to
igor@402 1004 write an access log. By default, the \hgcmd{serve} command writes
igor@402 1005 this information to standard output, not to a file. Log entries are
igor@402 1006 written in the standard ``combined'' file format used by almost all
igor@402 1007 web servers.
igor@402 1008 \item[\rcitem{web}{address}] String. The local address on which the
igor@402 1009 server should listen for incoming connections. By default, the
igor@402 1010 server listens on all addresses.
igor@402 1011 \item[\rcitem{web}{errorlog}] Path. The name of a file into which to
igor@402 1012 write an error log. By default, the \hgcmd{serve} command writes this
igor@402 1013 information to standard error, not to a file.
igor@402 1014 \item[\rcitem{web}{ipv6}] Boolean. Whether to use the IPv6 protocol.
igor@402 1015 By default, IPv6 is not used.
igor@402 1016 \item[\rcitem{web}{port}] Integer. The TCP~port number on which the
igor@402 1017 server should listen. The default port number used is~8000.
igor@402 1018 \end{itemize}
igor@402 1019
igor@402 1020 \subsubsection{Choosing the right \hgrc\ file to add \rcsection{web}
igor@402 1021 items to}
igor@402 1022
igor@402 1023 It is important to remember that a web server like Apache or
igor@402 1024 \texttt{lighttpd} will run under a user~ID that is different to yours.
igor@402 1025 CGI scripts run by your server, such as \sfilename{hgweb.cgi}, will
igor@402 1026 usually also run under that user~ID.
igor@402 1027
igor@402 1028 If you add \rcsection{web} items to your own personal \hgrc\ file, CGI
igor@402 1029 scripts won't read that \hgrc\ file. Those settings will thus only
igor@402 1030 affect the behaviour of the \hgcmd{serve} command when you run it. To
igor@402 1031 cause CGI scripts to see your settings, either create a \hgrc\ file in
igor@402 1032 the home directory of the user ID that runs your web server, or add
igor@402 1033 those settings to a system-wide \hgrc\ file.
igor@402 1034
igor@402 1035
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