
annotate es/hook.tex @ 459:622faa5f5bb8

assigned to myself a couple more of files. Will translate first the ones I have assigned since before, though ;)
author Javier Rojas <jerojasro@devnull.li>
date Sun Dec 21 23:07:13 2008 -0500 (2008-12-21)
parents 606295a87ff2
children 67d34d8b6ba0
rev   line source
jerojasro@437 1 \chapter{Manejo de eventos en repositorios mediante ganchos}
jerojasro@336 2 \label{chap:hook}
jerojasro@336 3
jerojasro@435 4 Mercurial ofrece un poderoso mecanismo para permitirle a usted
jerojasro@435 5 automatizar la ejecución de acciones en respuesta a eventos que
jerojasro@435 6 ocurran en un repositorio. En algunos casos, usted puede controlar
jerojasro@435 7 incluso la respuesta de Mercurial a dichos eventos.
jerojasro@435 8
jerojasro@435 9 Mercurial usa el término \emph{gancho} para identificar estas
jerojasro@435 10 acciones. Los ganchos son conocidos como ``disparadores'' en algunos
jerojasro@435 11 sistemas de control de revisiones, pero los dos nombres se refieren al
jerojasro@435 12 mismo concepto.
jerojasro@435 13
jerojasro@435 14 \section{Vistazo general de ganchos en Mercurial}
jerojasro@435 15
jerojasro@435 16 A continuación se encuentra una breve lista de los ganchos que
jerojasro@435 17 Mercurial soporta. Volveremos a cada uno de estos ganchos con más
jerojasro@435 18 detalle después, en la sección~\ref{sec:hook:ref}.
jerojasro@435 19
jerojasro@435 20 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@435 21 \item[\small\hook{changegroup}] Es ejecutado luego de que un grupo de
jerojasro@435 22 conjuntos de cambios ha sido traído al repositorio desde algún
jerojasro@435 23 otro sitio.
jerojasro@435 24 \item[\small\hook{commit}] Es ejecutado después de la creación de
jerojasro@435 25 un conjunto de cambios en el repositorio local.
jerojasro@435 26 \item[\small\hook{incoming}] Es ejecutado una vez por cada conjunto de
jerojasro@435 27 cambios traído al repositorio desde otra ubicación. Note la
jerojasro@435 28 diferencia respecto al gancho \hook{changegroup}, que es ejecutado
jerojasro@435 29 una vez por cada \emph{grupo} de conjuntos de cambios que se
jerojasro@435 30 traiga.
jerojasro@435 31 \item[\small\hook{outgoing}] Es ejecutado luego de que un grupo de
jerojasro@435 32 conjuntos de cambios ha sido transmitido desde el repositorio.
jerojasro@435 33 \item[\small\hook{prechangegroup}] Es ejecutado antes de iniciar la
jerojasro@435 34 recepción de un grupo de conjuntos de cambios en el repositorio.
jerojasro@435 35 \item[\small\hook{precommit}] De control. Es ejecutado antes de
jerojasro@435 36 iniciar una consignación.
jerojasro@435 37 \item[\small\hook{preoutgoing}] De control. Es ejecutado antes de
jerojasro@435 38 iniciar la transmisión de un grupo de conjuntos de cambios desde
jerojasro@435 39 el repositorio.
jerojasro@435 40 \item[\small\hook{pretag}] De control. Es ejecutado antes de crear una
jerojasro@435 41 etiqueta.
jerojasro@435 42 \item[\small\hook{pretxnchangegroup}] De control. Es ejecutado después
jerojasro@435 43 de haber recibido un grupo de conjuntos de cambios en el
jerojasro@435 44 repositorio local, pero antes de que la transacción se complete y
jerojasro@435 45 los cambios sean permanentes dentro del repositorio.
jerojasro@435 46 \item[\small\hook{pretxncommit}] De control. Es ejecutado luego de la
jerojasro@435 47 creación de un conjunto de cambios en el repositorio local, pero
jerojasro@435 48 antes de que la transacción que hace permanente el cambio sea
jerojasro@435 49 completada.
jerojasro@435 50 \item[\small\hook{preupdate}] De control. Es ejecutado antes de
jerojasro@435 51 iniciar una actualización o fusión en el directorio de trabajo.
jerojasro@435 52 \item[\small\hook{tag}] Es ejecutado después de la creación de una
jerojasro@435 53 etiqueta.
jerojasro@435 54 \item[\small\hook{update}] Es ejecutado después de que termina una
jerojasro@435 55 actualización o una fusión.
jerojasro@435 56 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@435 57 Cada uno de los ganchos cuya descripción empieza con la frase
jerojasro@435 58 ``de control'' tiene la facultad de determinar si una actividad puede
jerojasro@435 59 continuar. Si el gancho se ejecuta con éxito, la actividad puede
jerojasro@435 60 continuar; si falla, o bien la actividad no es permitida, o se
jerojasro@435 61 deshacen los cambios que se puedan haber llevado a cabo, dependiendo
jerojasro@435 62 del gancho involucrado.
jerojasro@435 63
jerojasro@435 64 \section{Ganchos y seguridad}
jerojasro@435 65
jerojasro@435 66 \subsection{Los ganchos se ejecutan con sus privilegios de usuario}
jerojasro@435 67
jerojasro@435 68 Cuando usted ejecuta un comando de Mercurial en un repositorio, y el
jerojasro@435 69 comando causa la ejecución de un gancho, dicho gancho se ejecuta en
jerojasro@435 70 \emph{su} sistema, en \emph{su} cuenta de usuario, con \emph{sus}
jerojasro@435 71 privilegios. Ya que los ganchos son elementos arbitrarios de código
jerojasro@435 72 ejecutable, usted debería tratarlos con un nivel adecuado de
jerojasro@435 73 desconfianza. No instale un gancho a menos en que confíe en quien lo
jerojasro@435 74 creó y en lo que el gancho hace.
jerojasro@435 75
jerojasro@435 76 En algunos casos, usted puede estar expuesto a ganchos que usted no
jerojasro@435 77 %TODO acá introduzco algo de texto por mi cuenta, por claridad
jerojasro@435 78 instaló. Si usted usa Mercurial en un sistema extraño, tenga en cuenta
jerojasro@435 79 que Mercurial ejecutará los ganchos definidos en el fichero \hgrc.
jerojasro@435 80
jerojasro@435 81 Si está trabajando con un repositorio propiedad de otro usuario,
jerojasro@435 82 Mercurial podrá ejecutar los ganchos definidos en el repositorio de
jerojasro@435 83 dicho usuario, pero los ejecutará como ``usted''. Por ejemplo, si
jerojasro@435 84 usted jala (\hgcmd{pull}) desde ese repositorio, y el
jerojasro@435 85 \sfilename{.hg/hgrc} define un gancho saliente (\hook{outgoing}),
jerojasro@435 86 dicho gancho se ejecuta bajo su cuenta de usuario, aun cuando usted no
jerojasro@435 87 es el propietario del repositorio.
jerojasro@336 88
jerojasro@336 89 \begin{note}
jerojasro@435 90 Esto sólo aplica si usted está jalando desde un repositorio en un
jerojasro@435 91 sistema de ficheros local o de red. Si está jalando a través de http
jerojasro@435 92 o ssh, cualquier gancho saliente (\hook{outgoing}) se ejecutará bajo
jerojasro@435 93 la cuenta que está ejecutando el proceso servidor, en el servidor.
jerojasro@336 94 \end{note}
jerojasro@336 95
jerojasro@435 96 XXX Para ver qué ganchos han sido definidos en un repositorio, use el
jerojasro@435 97 comando \hgcmdargs{config}{hooks}. Si usted está trabajando en un
jerojasro@435 98 repositorio, pero comunicándose con otro que no le pertenece
jerojasro@435 99 (por ejemplo, usando \hgcmd{pull} o \hgcmd{incoming}), recuerde que
jerojasro@435 100 los ganchos que debe considerar son los del otro repositorio, no los
jerojasro@435 101 del suyo.
jerojasro@435 102
jerojasro@435 103 \subsection{Los ganchos no se propagan}
jerojasro@435 104
jerojasro@435 105 En Mercurial, no se hace control de revisiones de los ganchos, y no se
jerojasro@435 106 propagan cuando usted clona, o jala de, un repositorio. El motivo para
jerojasro@435 107 esto es simple: un gancho es código ejecutable arbitrario. Se ejecuta
jerojasro@435 108 bajo su identidad, con su nivel de privilegios, en su máquina.
jerojasro@435 109
jerojasro@435 110 Sería extremadamente descuidado de parte de cualquier sistema
jerojasro@435 111 distribuido de control de revisiones el implementar control de
jerojasro@435 112 revisiones para ganchos, ya que esto ofrecería maneras fácilmente
jerojasro@435 113 %TODO subvertir
jerojasro@435 114 aprovechables de subvertir las cuentas de los usuarios del sistema de
jerojasro@435 115 control de revisiones.
jerojasro@435 116
jerojasro@435 117 Ya que Mercurial no propaga los ganchos, si usted está colaborando con
jerojasro@435 118 otras personas en un proyecto común, no debería asumir que ellos están
jerojasro@435 119 usando los mismos ganchos para Mercurial que usted usa, o que los de
jerojasro@435 120 ellos están configurado correctamente. Usted debería documentar los
jerojasro@435 121 ganchos que usted espera que la gente use.
jerojasro@336 122
jerojasro@437 123 En una intranet corporativa, esto es algo más fácil de manejar, ya que
jerojasro@437 124 usted puede, por ejemplo, proveer una instalación ``estándar'' de
jerojasro@437 125 Mercurial en un sistema de ficheros NFS, y usar un fichero \hgrc\
jerojasro@437 126 global para definir los ganchos que verán todos los usuarios. Sin
jerojasro@437 127 embargo, este enfoque tiene sus límites; vea más abajo.
jerojasro@336 128
jerojasro@441 129 \subsection{Es posible hacer caso omiso de los ganchos}
jerojasro@441 130
jerojasro@441 131 Mercurial le permite hacer caso omiso de la deficinión de un gancho,
jerojasro@441 132 a través de la redefinición del mismo. Usted puede deshabilitar el
jerojasro@441 133 gancho fijando su valor como una cadena vacía, o cambiar su
jerojasro@441 134 comportamiento como desee.
jerojasro@441 135
jerojasro@441 136 Si usted instala un fichero \hgrc\ a nivel de sistema o sitio completo
jerojasro@441 137 que define algunos ganchos, debe entender que sus usuarios pueden
jerojasro@441 138 deshabilitar o hacer caso omiso de los mismos.
jerojasro@441 139
jerojasro@441 140 \subsection{Asegurarse de que ganchos críticos sean ejecutados}
jerojasro@441 141
jerojasro@441 142 Algunas veces usted puede querer hacer respetar una política, y no
jerojasro@441 143 permitir que los demás sean capaces de evitarla. Por ejemplo, usted
jerojasro@441 144 puede tener como requerimiento que cada conjunto de cambios debe pasar
jerojasro@441 145 un riguroso conjunto de pruebas. Definir este requerimientos a través
jerojasro@441 146 de un gancho en un fichero \hgrc\ global no servirá con usuarios
jerojasro@441 147 remotos en computadoras portátiles, y por supuesto que los usuarios
jerojasro@441 148 locales pueden evitar esto a voluntad haciendo caso omiso del gancho.
jerojasro@441 149
jerojasro@441 150 En vez de eso, usted puede definir las políticas para usar Mercurial
jerojasro@441 151 de tal forma que se espere que los usuarios propaguen los cambios a
jerojasro@441 152 través de un servidor ``canónico'' bien conocido que usted ha
jerojasro@441 153 asegurado y configurado apropiadamente.
jerojasro@441 154
jerojasro@441 155 Una manera de hacer esto es a través de una combinación de ingeniería
jerojasro@441 156 socual y tecnología. Cree una cuenta de acceso restringido; los
jerojasro@441 157 usuarios pueden empujar cambios a través de la red a los repositorios
jerojasro@441 158 administrados por esta cuenta, pero no podrán ingresar a dicha cuenta
jerojasro@441 159 para ejecutar órdenes en el intérprete de comandos. En este escenario,
jerojasro@441 160 un usuario puede enviar un conjunto de cambios que contenga la
jerojasro@441 161 porquería que él desee.
jerojasro@441 162
jerojasro@441 163 Cuando alguien empuja un conjunto de cambios al servidor del que todos
jerojasro@441 164 jalan, el servidor probará el conjunto de cambios antes de aceptarlo
jerojasro@441 165 como permanente, y lo rechazará si no logra pasar el conjunto de
jerojasro@441 166 pruebas. Si la gente sólo jala cambios desde este servidor de filtro,
jerojasro@441 167 servirá para asegurarse de que todos los cambios que la gente jala han
jerojasro@441 168 sido examinados automáticamente
jerojasro@441 169
jerojasro@441 170 \section{Precauciones con ganchos \texttt{pretxn} en un repositorio de
jerojasro@441 171 acceso compartido}
jerojasro@441 172
jerojasro@441 173 Si usted desea usar ganchos para llevar a cabo automáticamente algún
jerojasro@441 174 trabajo en un repositorio al que varias personas tienen acceso
jerojasro@441 175 compartido, debe tener cuidado con la forma de hacerlo.
jerojasro@441 176
jerojasro@441 177 Mercurial sólo bloquea un repositorio cuando está escribiendo al
jerojasro@441 178 mismo, y sólo las partes de Mercurial que escriben al repositorio le
jerojasro@441 179 prestan atención a los bloqueos. Los bloqueos de escritura son
jerojasro@441 180 necesarios para evitar que múltiples escritores simultáneos
jerojasro@441 181 interfieran entre sí, corrompiendo el repositorio.
jerojasro@441 182
jerojasro@441 183 Ya que Mercurial tiene cuidado con el orden en que lee y escribe
jerojasro@441 184 datos, no necesita adquirir un bloqueo cuando desea leer datos del
jerojasro@441 185 repositorio. Las partes de Mercurial que leen del repositorio nunca le
jerojasro@441 186 prestan atención a los bloqueos. Este esquema de lectura libre de
jerojasro@441 187 bloqueos incremententa en gran medida el desempeño y la concurrencia.
jerojasro@441 188
jerojasro@441 189 Sin embargo, para tener un gran desempeño es necesario hacer
jerojasro@441 190 sacrificios, uno de los cuales tiene el potencial de causarle
jerojasro@441 191 problemas a menos de que usted esté consciente de él. Describirlo
jerojasro@441 192 requiere algo de detalle respecto a cómo Mercurial añade conjuntos de
jerojasro@441 193 cambios al repositorio y cómo lee esos cambios de vuelta.
jerojasro@441 194
jerojasro@441 195 Cuando Mercurial \emph{escribe} metadatos, los escribe directamente en
jerojasro@441 196 el fichero de destino. Primero escribe los datos del fichero, luego
jerojasro@441 197 los datos del manifiesto (que contienen punteros a los nuevos datos
jerojasro@441 198 del fichero), luego datos de la bitácora de cambios (que contienen
jerojasro@441 199 punteros a los nuevos datos del manifiesto). Antes de la primera
jerojasro@441 200 escritura a cada fichero, se guarda un registro de dónde estaba el
jerojasro@441 201 final de fichero en su registro de transacciones. Si la transacción
jerojasro@441 202 debe ser deshecha, Mercurial simplemente trunca cada fichero de vuelta
jerojasro@441 203 al tamaño que tenía antes de que empezara la transacción.
jerojasro@441 204
jerojasro@441 205 Cuando Mercurial \emph{lee} metadatos, lee la bitácora de cambios
jerojasro@441 206 primero, y luego todo lo demás. Como un lector sólo accederá a las
jerojasro@441 207 partes del manifiesto o de los metadatos de fichero que él puede ver
jerojasro@441 208 en la bitácora de cambios, nunca puede ver datos parcialmente
jerojasro@441 209 escritos.
jerojasro@441 210
jerojasro@441 211 Algunos ganchos de control (\hook{pretxncommit} y
jerojasro@441 212 \hook{pretxnchangegroup}) se ejecutan cuando una transacción está casi
jerojasro@441 213 completa. Todos los metadatos han sido escritos, pero Mercurial aún
jerojasro@441 214 puede deshacer la transacción y hacer que los datos recién escritos
jerojasro@441 215 desaparezcan.
jerojasro@441 216
jerojasro@441 217 Si alguno de estos ganchos permanece en ejecución por mucho tiempo,
jerojasro@441 218 abre una ventana de tiempo en la que un lector puede ver los metadatos
jerojasro@441 219 de conjuntos de cambios que aún no son permanentes y que no debería
jerojasro@441 220 considerarse que estén ``realmante ahí''. Entre más tiempo tome la
jerojasro@441 221 ejecución del gancho, más tiempo estará abierta esta ventana.
jerojasro@441 222
jerojasro@441 223 \subsection{Ilustración del problema}
jerojasro@441 224
jerojasro@441 225 En principio, un buen uso del gancho \hook{pretxnchangegroup} sería
jerojasro@441 226 ensamblar y probar automáticamente todos los cambios entrantes antes
jerojasro@441 227 de que sean aceptados en un repositorio central. Esto le permitiría a
jerojasro@441 228 usted garantizar que nadie pueda empujar cambios que ``rompan el
jerojasro@441 229 ensamblaje''. Pero si un cliente puede jalar cambios mientras están
jerojasro@441 230 siendo probados, la utilidad de esta prueba es nula; alguien confiado
jerojasro@441 231 puede jalar cambios sin probar, lo que potencialmente podría romper su
jerojasro@441 232 proceso de ensamblaje.
jerojasro@441 233
jerojasro@441 234 La respuesta técnica más segura frente a este retos es montar dicho
jerojasro@441 235 repositorio ``guardián'' como \emph{unidireccional}. Permita que
jerojasro@441 236 reciba cambios desde el exterior, pero no permita que nadie jale
jerojasro@441 237 cambios de él (use el gancho \hook{preoutgoing} para bloquear esto).
jerojasro@441 238 Configure un gancho \hook{changegroup} para que si el ensamblaje o
jerojasro@441 239 prueba tiene éxito, el gancho empuje los nuevos cambios a otro
jerojasro@441 240 repositorio del que la gente \emph{pueda} jalar.
jerojasro@441 241
jerojasro@441 242 En la práctica, montar un cuello de botella centralizado como éste a
jerojasro@441 243 menudo no es una buena idea, y la visibilidad de las transacciones no
jerojasro@441 244 tiene nada que ver con el problema. A medida que el tamaño de un
jerojasro@441 245 proyecto---y el tiempo que toma ensamblarlo y probarlo---crece, usted
jerojasro@441 246 se acerca rápidamente a un límite con este enfoque ``pruebe antes de
jerojasro@441 247 comprar'', en el que tiene más conjuntos de cambios a probar que
jerojasro@441 248 tiempo para ocuparse de ellos. El resultado inevitable es frustración
jerojasro@441 249 para todos los que estén involucrados.
jerojasro@441 250
jerojasro@441 251 Una aproximación que permite manejar mejor el crecimiento es hacer que
jerojasro@441 252 la gente ensamble y pruebe antes de empujar, y ejecutar el ensamble y
jerojasro@441 253 pruebas automáticas centralmente \emph{después} de empujar, para
jerojasro@441 254 asegurarse de que todo esté bien. La ventaja de este enfoque es que no
jerojasro@441 255 impone un límite a la rata en la que un repositorio puede aceptar
jerojasro@441 256 cambios.
jerojasro@441 257
jerojasro@441 258 \section{Tutorial corto de uso de ganchos}
jerojasro@336 259 \label{sec:hook:simple}
jerojasro@336 260
jerojasro@442 261 Escribir un gancho para Mercurial es fácil. Empecemos con un gancho
jerojasro@442 262 que se ejecute cuando usted termine un \hgcmd{commit}, y simplemente
jerojasro@442 263 muestre el hash del conjunto de cambios que usted acaba de crear. El
jerojasro@442 264 gancho se llamará \hook{commit}.
jerojasro@336 265
jerojasro@336 266 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 267 \interaction{hook.simple.init}
jerojasro@442 268 \caption{Un gancho simple que se ejecuta al hacer la consignación de
jerojasro@442 269 un conjunto de cambios}
jerojasro@336 270 \label{ex:hook:init}
jerojasro@336 271 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 272
jerojasro@442 273 Todos los ganchos siguen el patrón del ejemplo~\ref{ex:hook:init}.
jerojasro@442 274 Usted puede añadir una entrada a la sección \rcsection{hooks} de su
jerojasro@442 275 fichero \hgrc. A la izquierda está el nombre del evento respecto al
jerojasro@442 276 cual dispararse; a la derecha está la acción a llevar a cabo. Como
jerojasro@442 277 puede ver, es posible ejecutar cualquier orden de la línea de comandos
jerojasro@442 278 en un gancho. Mercurial le pasa información extra al gancho usando
jerojasro@442 279 variables de entorno (busque \envar{HG\_NODE} en el ejemplo).
jerojasro@442 280
jerojasro@442 281 \subsection{Llevar a cabo varias acciones por evento}
jerojasro@442 282
jerojasro@442 283 A menudo, usted querrá definir más de un gancho para un tipo de evento
jerojasro@442 284 particular, como se muestra en el ejemplo~\ref{ex:hook:ext}.
jerojasro@442 285 Mercurial le permite hacer esto añadiendo una \emph{extensión} al
jerojasro@442 286 final del nombre de un gancho. Usted extiende el nombre del gancho
jerojasro@442 287 %TODO Yuk, no me gusta ese "parada completa"
jerojasro@442 288 poniendo el nombre del gancho, seguido por una parada completa (el
jerojasro@442 289 caracter ``\texttt{.}''), seguido de algo más de texto de su elección.
jerojasro@442 290 Por ejemplo, Mercurial ejecutará tanto \texttt{commit.foo} como
jerojasro@442 291 \texttt{commit.bar} cuando ocurra el evento \texttt{commit}.
jerojasro@336 292
jerojasro@336 293 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 294 \interaction{hook.simple.ext}
jerojasro@442 295 \caption{Definición de un segundo gancho \hook{commit}}
jerojasro@336 296 \label{ex:hook:ext}
jerojasro@336 297 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 298
jerojasro@442 299 Para dar un orden bien definido de ejecución cuando hay múltiples
jerojasro@442 300 ganchos definidos para un evento, Mercurial ordena los ganchos de
jerojasro@442 301 acuerdo a su extensión, y los ejecuta en dicho orden. En el ejemplo de
jerojasro@442 302 arribam \texttt{commit.bar} se ejecutará antes que
jerojasro@442 303 \texttt{commit.foo}, y \texttt{commit} se ejecutará antes de ambos.
jerojasro@442 304
jerojasro@442 305 Es una buena idea usar una extensión descriptiva cuando usted define
jerojasro@442 306 un gancho. Esto le ayudará a recordar para qué se usa el gancho. Si el
jerojasro@442 307 gancho falla, usted recibirá un mensaje de error que contiene el
jerojasro@442 308 nombre y la extensión del gancho, así que usar una extensión
jerojasro@442 309 descriptiva le dará una pista inmediata de porqué el gancho falló (vea
jerojasro@442 310 un ejemplo en la sección~\ref{sec:hook:perm}).
jerojasro@442 311
jerojasro@442 312 \subsection{Controlar cuándo puede llevarse a cabo una actividad}
jerojasro@336 313 \label{sec:hook:perm}
jerojasro@336 314
jerojasro@442 315 En los ejemplos anteriores, usamos el gancho \hook{commit}, que es
jerojasro@442 316 ejecutado después de que se ha completado una consignación. Este es
jerojasro@442 317 uno de los varios ganchos que Mercurial ejecuta luego de que una
jerojasro@442 318 actividad termina. Tales ganchos no tienen forma de influenciar la
jerojasro@442 319 actividad como tal.
jerojasro@442 320
jerojasro@442 321 Mercurial define un número de eventos que ocurren antes de que una
jerojasro@442 322 actividad empiece; o luego de que empiece, pero antes de que termine.
jerojasro@442 323 Los ganchos que se disparan con estos eventos tienen la capacidad
jerojasro@442 324 adicional de elegir si la actividad puede continuar, o si su ejecución
jerojasro@442 325 es abortada.
jerojasro@442 326
jerojasro@442 327 El gancho \hook{pretxncommit} se ejecuta justo antes de que una
jerojasro@442 328 consignación se ejecute. En otras palabras, los metadatos que
jerojasro@442 329 representan el conjunto de cambios han sido escritos al disco, pero no
jerojasro@442 330 se ha terminado la transacción. El gancho \hook{pretxncommit} tiene la
jerojasro@442 331 capacidad de decidir si una transacción se completa, o debe
jerojasro@442 332 deshacerse.
jerojasro@442 333
jerojasro@442 334 Si el gancho \hook{pretxncommit} termina con un código de salida de
jerojasro@442 335 cero, se permite que la transacción se complete; la consignación
jerojasro@442 336 termina; y el gancho \hook{commit} es ejecutado. Si el gancho
jerojasro@442 337 \hook{pretxncommit} termina con un código de salida diferente de cero,
jerojasro@442 338 la transacción es revertida; los metadatos representando el conjunto
jerojasro@442 339 de cambios son borrados; y el gancho \hook{commit} no es ejecutado.
jerojasro@336 340
jerojasro@336 341 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 342 \interaction{hook.simple.pretxncommit}
jerojasro@442 343 \caption{Uso del gancho \hook{pretxncommit} hook to control commits}
jerojasro@336 344 \label{ex:hook:pretxncommit}
jerojasro@336 345 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 346
jerojasro@452 347 El gancho en el ejemplo~\ref{ex:hook:pretxncommit} revisa si el
jerojasro@452 348 mensaje de consignación contiene el ID de algún fallo. Si lo contiene,
jerojasro@452 349 la consignación puede continuar. Si no, la consignación es cancelada.
jerojasro@452 350
jerojasro@452 351 \section{Escribir sus propios ganchos}
jerojasro@452 352
jerojasro@452 353 Cuando usted escriba un gancho, puede encontrar útil el ejecutar
jerojasro@452 354 Mercurial o bien pasándole la opción \hggopt{-v}, o con el valor de
jerojasro@452 355 configuración \rcitem{ui}{verbose} fijado en ``true'' (verdadero).
jerojasro@452 356 Cuando lo haga, Mercurial imprimirá un mensaje antes de llamar cada
jerojasro@452 357 gancho.
jerojasro@452 358
jerojasro@452 359 \subsection{Escoger cómo debe ejecutarse su gancho}
jerojasro@336 360 \label{sec:hook:lang}
jerojasro@336 361
jerojasro@452 362 Usted puede escribir un gancho que funcione como un programa normal
jerojasro@452 363 ---típicamente un guión de línea de comandos---o como una función de
jerojasro@452 364 Python que se ejecuta dentro del proceso Mercurial.
jerojasro@452 365
jerojasro@452 366 Escribir un gancho como un programa externo tiene la ventaja de que no
jerojasro@452 367 requiere ningún conocimiento del funcionamiento interno de Mercurial.
jerojasro@452 368 Usted puede ejecutar comandos Mercurial normales para obtener la
jerojasro@452 369 informción extra que pueda necesitar. La contraparte de esto es que
jerojasro@452 370 los ganchos externos son más lentos que los ganchos internos
jerojasro@452 371 ejecutados dentro del proceso.
jerojasro@452 372
jerojasro@452 373 Un gancho Python interno tiene acceso completo a la API de Mercurial,
jerojasro@452 374 y no se ``externaliza'' a otro proceso, así que es inherentemente más
jerojasro@452 375 rápido que un gancho externo. Adicionalmente es más fácil obtener la
jerojasro@452 376 mayoría de la información que un gancho requiere a través de llamadas
jerojasro@452 377 directas a la API de Mercurial que hacerlo ejecutando comandos
jerojasro@452 378 Mercurial.
jerojasro@452 379
jerojasro@452 380 Si se siente a gusto con Python, o requiere un alto desempeño,
jerojasro@452 381 escribir sus ganchos en Python puede ser una buena elección. Sin
jerojasro@452 382 embargo, cuando usted tiene un gancho bastante directo por escribir y
jerojasro@452 383 no le importa el desempeño (el caso de la mayoría de los ganchos), es
jerojasro@452 384 perfectamente admisible un guión de línea de comandos.
jerojasro@336 385
jerojasro@336 386 \subsection{Hook parameters}
jerojasro@336 387 \label{sec:hook:param}
jerojasro@336 388
jerojasro@336 389 Mercurial calls each hook with a set of well-defined parameters. In
jerojasro@336 390 Python, a parameter is passed as a keyword argument to your hook
jerojasro@336 391 function. For an external program, a parameter is passed as an
jerojasro@336 392 environment variable.
jerojasro@336 393
jerojasro@336 394 Whether your hook is written in Python or as a shell script, the
jerojasro@336 395 hook-specific parameter names and values will be the same. A boolean
jerojasro@336 396 parameter will be represented as a boolean value in Python, but as the
jerojasro@336 397 number 1 (for ``true'') or 0 (for ``false'') as an environment
jerojasro@336 398 variable for an external hook. If a hook parameter is named
jerojasro@336 399 \texttt{foo}, the keyword argument for a Python hook will also be
jerojasro@336 400 named \texttt{foo}, while the environment variable for an external
jerojasro@336 401 hook will be named \texttt{HG\_FOO}.
jerojasro@336 402
jerojasro@336 403 \subsection{Hook return values and activity control}
jerojasro@336 404
jerojasro@336 405 A hook that executes successfully must exit with a status of zero if
jerojasro@336 406 external, or return boolean ``false'' if in-process. Failure is
jerojasro@336 407 indicated with a non-zero exit status from an external hook, or an
jerojasro@336 408 in-process hook returning boolean ``true''. If an in-process hook
jerojasro@336 409 raises an exception, the hook is considered to have failed.
jerojasro@336 410
jerojasro@336 411 For a hook that controls whether an activity can proceed, zero/false
jerojasro@336 412 means ``allow'', while non-zero/true/exception means ``deny''.
jerojasro@336 413
jerojasro@336 414 \subsection{Writing an external hook}
jerojasro@336 415
jerojasro@336 416 When you define an external hook in your \hgrc\ and the hook is run,
jerojasro@336 417 its value is passed to your shell, which interprets it. This means
jerojasro@336 418 that you can use normal shell constructs in the body of the hook.
jerojasro@336 419
jerojasro@336 420 An executable hook is always run with its current directory set to a
jerojasro@336 421 repository's root directory.
jerojasro@336 422
jerojasro@336 423 Each hook parameter is passed in as an environment variable; the name
jerojasro@336 424 is upper-cased, and prefixed with the string ``\texttt{HG\_}''.
jerojasro@336 425
jerojasro@336 426 With the exception of hook parameters, Mercurial does not set or
jerojasro@336 427 modify any environment variables when running a hook. This is useful
jerojasro@336 428 to remember if you are writing a site-wide hook that may be run by a
jerojasro@336 429 number of different users with differing environment variables set.
jerojasro@336 430 In multi-user situations, you should not rely on environment variables
jerojasro@336 431 being set to the values you have in your environment when testing the
jerojasro@336 432 hook.
jerojasro@336 433
jerojasro@336 434 \subsection{Telling Mercurial to use an in-process hook}
jerojasro@336 435
jerojasro@336 436 The \hgrc\ syntax for defining an in-process hook is slightly
jerojasro@336 437 different than for an executable hook. The value of the hook must
jerojasro@336 438 start with the text ``\texttt{python:}'', and continue with the
jerojasro@336 439 fully-qualified name of a callable object to use as the hook's value.
jerojasro@336 440
jerojasro@336 441 The module in which a hook lives is automatically imported when a hook
jerojasro@336 442 is run. So long as you have the module name and \envar{PYTHONPATH}
jerojasro@336 443 right, it should ``just work''.
jerojasro@336 444
jerojasro@336 445 The following \hgrc\ example snippet illustrates the syntax and
jerojasro@336 446 meaning of the notions we just described.
jerojasro@336 447 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 448 [hooks]
jerojasro@336 449 commit.example = python:mymodule.submodule.myhook
jerojasro@336 450 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 451 When Mercurial runs the \texttt{commit.example} hook, it imports
jerojasro@336 452 \texttt{mymodule.submodule}, looks for the callable object named
jerojasro@336 453 \texttt{myhook}, and calls it.
jerojasro@336 454
jerojasro@336 455 \subsection{Writing an in-process hook}
jerojasro@336 456
jerojasro@336 457 The simplest in-process hook does nothing, but illustrates the basic
jerojasro@336 458 shape of the hook API:
jerojasro@336 459 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 460 def myhook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
jerojasro@336 461 pass
jerojasro@336 462 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 463 The first argument to a Python hook is always a
jerojasro@336 464 \pymodclass{mercurial.ui}{ui} object. The second is a repository object;
jerojasro@336 465 at the moment, it is always an instance of
jerojasro@336 466 \pymodclass{mercurial.localrepo}{localrepository}. Following these two
jerojasro@336 467 arguments are other keyword arguments. Which ones are passed in
jerojasro@336 468 depends on the hook being called, but a hook can ignore arguments it
jerojasro@336 469 doesn't care about by dropping them into a keyword argument dict, as
jerojasro@336 470 with \texttt{**kwargs} above.
jerojasro@336 471
jerojasro@336 472 \section{Some hook examples}
jerojasro@336 473
jerojasro@336 474 \subsection{Writing meaningful commit messages}
jerojasro@336 475
jerojasro@336 476 It's hard to imagine a useful commit message being very short. The
jerojasro@336 477 simple \hook{pretxncommit} hook of figure~\ref{ex:hook:msglen.go}
jerojasro@336 478 will prevent you from committing a changeset with a message that is
jerojasro@336 479 less than ten bytes long.
jerojasro@336 480
jerojasro@336 481 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 482 \interaction{hook.msglen.go}
jerojasro@336 483 \caption{A hook that forbids overly short commit messages}
jerojasro@336 484 \label{ex:hook:msglen.go}
jerojasro@336 485 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 486
jerojasro@336 487 \subsection{Checking for trailing whitespace}
jerojasro@336 488
jerojasro@336 489 An interesting use of a commit-related hook is to help you to write
jerojasro@336 490 cleaner code. A simple example of ``cleaner code'' is the dictum that
jerojasro@336 491 a change should not add any new lines of text that contain ``trailing
jerojasro@336 492 whitespace''. Trailing whitespace is a series of space and tab
jerojasro@336 493 characters at the end of a line of text. In most cases, trailing
jerojasro@336 494 whitespace is unnecessary, invisible noise, but it is occasionally
jerojasro@336 495 problematic, and people often prefer to get rid of it.
jerojasro@336 496
jerojasro@336 497 You can use either the \hook{precommit} or \hook{pretxncommit} hook to
jerojasro@336 498 tell whether you have a trailing whitespace problem. If you use the
jerojasro@336 499 \hook{precommit} hook, the hook will not know which files you are
jerojasro@336 500 committing, so it will have to check every modified file in the
jerojasro@336 501 repository for trailing white space. If you want to commit a change
jerojasro@336 502 to just the file \filename{foo}, but the file \filename{bar} contains
jerojasro@336 503 trailing whitespace, doing a check in the \hook{precommit} hook will
jerojasro@336 504 prevent you from committing \filename{foo} due to the problem with
jerojasro@336 505 \filename{bar}. This doesn't seem right.
jerojasro@336 506
jerojasro@336 507 Should you choose the \hook{pretxncommit} hook, the check won't occur
jerojasro@336 508 until just before the transaction for the commit completes. This will
jerojasro@336 509 allow you to check for problems only the exact files that are being
jerojasro@336 510 committed. However, if you entered the commit message interactively
jerojasro@336 511 and the hook fails, the transaction will roll back; you'll have to
jerojasro@336 512 re-enter the commit message after you fix the trailing whitespace and
jerojasro@336 513 run \hgcmd{commit} again.
jerojasro@336 514
jerojasro@336 515 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 516 \interaction{hook.ws.simple}
jerojasro@336 517 \caption{A simple hook that checks for trailing whitespace}
jerojasro@336 518 \label{ex:hook:ws.simple}
jerojasro@336 519 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 520
jerojasro@336 521 Figure~\ref{ex:hook:ws.simple} introduces a simple \hook{pretxncommit}
jerojasro@336 522 hook that checks for trailing whitespace. This hook is short, but not
jerojasro@336 523 very helpful. It exits with an error status if a change adds a line
jerojasro@336 524 with trailing whitespace to any file, but does not print any
jerojasro@336 525 information that might help us to identify the offending file or
jerojasro@336 526 line. It also has the nice property of not paying attention to
jerojasro@336 527 unmodified lines; only lines that introduce new trailing whitespace
jerojasro@336 528 cause problems.
jerojasro@336 529
jerojasro@336 530 \begin{figure}[ht]
jerojasro@336 531 \interaction{hook.ws.better}
jerojasro@336 532 \caption{A better trailing whitespace hook}
jerojasro@336 533 \label{ex:hook:ws.better}
jerojasro@336 534 \end{figure}
jerojasro@336 535
jerojasro@336 536 The example of figure~\ref{ex:hook:ws.better} is much more complex,
jerojasro@336 537 but also more useful. It parses a unified diff to see if any lines
jerojasro@336 538 add trailing whitespace, and prints the name of the file and the line
jerojasro@336 539 number of each such occurrence. Even better, if the change adds
jerojasro@336 540 trailing whitespace, this hook saves the commit comment and prints the
jerojasro@336 541 name of the save file before exiting and telling Mercurial to roll the
jerojasro@336 542 transaction back, so you can use
jerojasro@336 543 \hgcmdargs{commit}{\hgopt{commit}{-l}~\emph{filename}} to reuse the
jerojasro@336 544 saved commit message once you've corrected the problem.
jerojasro@336 545
jerojasro@336 546 As a final aside, note in figure~\ref{ex:hook:ws.better} the use of
jerojasro@336 547 \command{perl}'s in-place editing feature to get rid of trailing
jerojasro@336 548 whitespace from a file. This is concise and useful enough that I will
jerojasro@336 549 reproduce it here.
jerojasro@336 550 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 551 perl -pi -e 's,\\s+\$,,' filename
jerojasro@336 552 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 553
jerojasro@336 554 \section{Bundled hooks}
jerojasro@336 555
jerojasro@336 556 Mercurial ships with several bundled hooks. You can find them in the
jerojasro@336 557 \dirname{hgext} directory of a Mercurial source tree. If you are
jerojasro@336 558 using a Mercurial binary package, the hooks will be located in the
jerojasro@336 559 \dirname{hgext} directory of wherever your package installer put
jerojasro@336 560 Mercurial.
jerojasro@336 561
jerojasro@336 562 \subsection{\hgext{acl}---access control for parts of a repository}
jerojasro@336 563
jerojasro@336 564 The \hgext{acl} extension lets you control which remote users are
jerojasro@336 565 allowed to push changesets to a networked server. You can protect any
jerojasro@336 566 portion of a repository (including the entire repo), so that a
jerojasro@336 567 specific remote user can push changes that do not affect the protected
jerojasro@336 568 portion.
jerojasro@336 569
jerojasro@336 570 This extension implements access control based on the identity of the
jerojasro@336 571 user performing a push, \emph{not} on who committed the changesets
jerojasro@336 572 they're pushing. It makes sense to use this hook only if you have a
jerojasro@336 573 locked-down server environment that authenticates remote users, and
jerojasro@336 574 you want to be sure that only specific users are allowed to push
jerojasro@336 575 changes to that server.
jerojasro@336 576
jerojasro@336 577 \subsubsection{Configuring the \hook{acl} hook}
jerojasro@336 578
jerojasro@336 579 In order to manage incoming changesets, the \hgext{acl} hook must be
jerojasro@336 580 used as a \hook{pretxnchangegroup} hook. This lets it see which files
jerojasro@336 581 are modified by each incoming changeset, and roll back a group of
jerojasro@336 582 changesets if they modify ``forbidden'' files. Example:
jerojasro@336 583 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 584 [hooks]
jerojasro@336 585 pretxnchangegroup.acl = python:hgext.acl.hook
jerojasro@336 586 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 587
jerojasro@336 588 The \hgext{acl} extension is configured using three sections.
jerojasro@336 589
jerojasro@336 590 The \rcsection{acl} section has only one entry, \rcitem{acl}{sources},
jerojasro@336 591 which lists the sources of incoming changesets that the hook should
jerojasro@336 592 pay attention to. You don't normally need to configure this section.
jerojasro@336 593 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 594 \item[\rcitem{acl}{serve}] Control incoming changesets that are arriving
jerojasro@336 595 from a remote repository over http or ssh. This is the default
jerojasro@336 596 value of \rcitem{acl}{sources}, and usually the only setting you'll
jerojasro@336 597 need for this configuration item.
jerojasro@336 598 \item[\rcitem{acl}{pull}] Control incoming changesets that are
jerojasro@336 599 arriving via a pull from a local repository.
jerojasro@336 600 \item[\rcitem{acl}{push}] Control incoming changesets that are
jerojasro@336 601 arriving via a push from a local repository.
jerojasro@336 602 \item[\rcitem{acl}{bundle}] Control incoming changesets that are
jerojasro@336 603 arriving from another repository via a bundle.
jerojasro@336 604 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 605
jerojasro@336 606 The \rcsection{acl.allow} section controls the users that are allowed to
jerojasro@336 607 add changesets to the repository. If this section is not present, all
jerojasro@336 608 users that are not explicitly denied are allowed. If this section is
jerojasro@336 609 present, all users that are not explicitly allowed are denied (so an
jerojasro@336 610 empty section means that all users are denied).
jerojasro@336 611
jerojasro@336 612 The \rcsection{acl.deny} section determines which users are denied
jerojasro@336 613 from adding changesets to the repository. If this section is not
jerojasro@336 614 present or is empty, no users are denied.
jerojasro@336 615
jerojasro@336 616 The syntaxes for the \rcsection{acl.allow} and \rcsection{acl.deny}
jerojasro@336 617 sections are identical. On the left of each entry is a glob pattern
jerojasro@336 618 that matches files or directories, relative to the root of the
jerojasro@336 619 repository; on the right, a user name.
jerojasro@336 620
jerojasro@336 621 In the following example, the user \texttt{docwriter} can only push
jerojasro@336 622 changes to the \dirname{docs} subtree of the repository, while
jerojasro@336 623 \texttt{intern} can push changes to any file or directory except
jerojasro@336 624 \dirname{source/sensitive}.
jerojasro@336 625 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 626 [acl.allow]
jerojasro@336 627 docs/** = docwriter
jerojasro@336 628
jerojasro@336 629 [acl.deny]
jerojasro@336 630 source/sensitive/** = intern
jerojasro@336 631 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 632
jerojasro@336 633 \subsubsection{Testing and troubleshooting}
jerojasro@336 634
jerojasro@336 635 If you want to test the \hgext{acl} hook, run it with Mercurial's
jerojasro@336 636 debugging output enabled. Since you'll probably be running it on a
jerojasro@336 637 server where it's not convenient (or sometimes possible) to pass in
jerojasro@336 638 the \hggopt{--debug} option, don't forget that you can enable
jerojasro@336 639 debugging output in your \hgrc:
jerojasro@336 640 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 641 [ui]
jerojasro@336 642 debug = true
jerojasro@336 643 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 644 With this enabled, the \hgext{acl} hook will print enough information
jerojasro@336 645 to let you figure out why it is allowing or forbidding pushes from
jerojasro@336 646 specific users.
jerojasro@336 647
jerojasro@336 648 \subsection{\hgext{bugzilla}---integration with Bugzilla}
jerojasro@336 649
jerojasro@336 650 The \hgext{bugzilla} extension adds a comment to a Bugzilla bug
jerojasro@336 651 whenever it finds a reference to that bug ID in a commit comment. You
jerojasro@336 652 can install this hook on a shared server, so that any time a remote
jerojasro@336 653 user pushes changes to this server, the hook gets run.
jerojasro@336 654
jerojasro@336 655 It adds a comment to the bug that looks like this (you can configure
jerojasro@336 656 the contents of the comment---see below):
jerojasro@336 657 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 658 Changeset aad8b264143a, made by Joe User <joe.user@domain.com> in
jerojasro@336 659 the frobnitz repository, refers to this bug.
jerojasro@336 660
jerojasro@336 661 For complete details, see
jerojasro@336 662 http://hg.domain.com/frobnitz?cmd=changeset;node=aad8b264143a
jerojasro@336 663
jerojasro@336 664 Changeset description:
jerojasro@336 665 Fix bug 10483 by guarding against some NULL pointers
jerojasro@336 666 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 667 The value of this hook is that it automates the process of updating a
jerojasro@336 668 bug any time a changeset refers to it. If you configure the hook
jerojasro@336 669 properly, it makes it easy for people to browse straight from a
jerojasro@336 670 Bugzilla bug to a changeset that refers to that bug.
jerojasro@336 671
jerojasro@336 672 You can use the code in this hook as a starting point for some more
jerojasro@336 673 exotic Bugzilla integration recipes. Here are a few possibilities:
jerojasro@336 674 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 675 \item Require that every changeset pushed to the server have a valid
jerojasro@336 676 bug~ID in its commit comment. In this case, you'd want to configure
jerojasro@336 677 the hook as a \hook{pretxncommit} hook. This would allow the hook
jerojasro@336 678 to reject changes that didn't contain bug IDs.
jerojasro@336 679 \item Allow incoming changesets to automatically modify the
jerojasro@336 680 \emph{state} of a bug, as well as simply adding a comment. For
jerojasro@336 681 example, the hook could recognise the string ``fixed bug 31337'' as
jerojasro@336 682 indicating that it should update the state of bug 31337 to
jerojasro@336 683 ``requires testing''.
jerojasro@336 684 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 685
jerojasro@336 686 \subsubsection{Configuring the \hook{bugzilla} hook}
jerojasro@336 687 \label{sec:hook:bugzilla:config}
jerojasro@336 688
jerojasro@336 689 You should configure this hook in your server's \hgrc\ as an
jerojasro@336 690 \hook{incoming} hook, for example as follows:
jerojasro@336 691 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 692 [hooks]
jerojasro@336 693 incoming.bugzilla = python:hgext.bugzilla.hook
jerojasro@336 694 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 695
jerojasro@336 696 Because of the specialised nature of this hook, and because Bugzilla
jerojasro@336 697 was not written with this kind of integration in mind, configuring
jerojasro@336 698 this hook is a somewhat involved process.
jerojasro@336 699
jerojasro@336 700 Before you begin, you must install the MySQL bindings for Python on
jerojasro@336 701 the host(s) where you'll be running the hook. If this is not
jerojasro@336 702 available as a binary package for your system, you can download it
jerojasro@336 703 from~\cite{web:mysql-python}.
jerojasro@336 704
jerojasro@336 705 Configuration information for this hook lives in the
jerojasro@336 706 \rcsection{bugzilla} section of your \hgrc.
jerojasro@336 707 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 708 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{version}] The version of Bugzilla installed on
jerojasro@336 709 the server. The database schema that Bugzilla uses changes
jerojasro@336 710 occasionally, so this hook has to know exactly which schema to use.
jerojasro@336 711 At the moment, the only version supported is \texttt{2.16}.
jerojasro@336 712 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{host}] The hostname of the MySQL server that
jerojasro@336 713 stores your Bugzilla data. The database must be configured to allow
jerojasro@336 714 connections from whatever host you are running the \hook{bugzilla}
jerojasro@336 715 hook on.
jerojasro@336 716 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{user}] The username with which to connect to
jerojasro@336 717 the MySQL server. The database must be configured to allow this
jerojasro@336 718 user to connect from whatever host you are running the
jerojasro@336 719 \hook{bugzilla} hook on. This user must be able to access and
jerojasro@336 720 modify Bugzilla tables. The default value of this item is
jerojasro@336 721 \texttt{bugs}, which is the standard name of the Bugzilla user in a
jerojasro@336 722 MySQL database.
jerojasro@336 723 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{password}] The MySQL password for the user you
jerojasro@336 724 configured above. This is stored as plain text, so you should make
jerojasro@336 725 sure that unauthorised users cannot read the \hgrc\ file where you
jerojasro@336 726 store this information.
jerojasro@336 727 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{db}] The name of the Bugzilla database on the
jerojasro@336 728 MySQL server. The default value of this item is \texttt{bugs},
jerojasro@336 729 which is the standard name of the MySQL database where Bugzilla
jerojasro@336 730 stores its data.
jerojasro@336 731 \item[\rcitem{bugzilla}{notify}] If you want Bugzilla to send out a
jerojasro@336 732 notification email to subscribers after this hook has added a
jerojasro@336 733 comment to a bug, you will need this hook to run a command whenever
jerojasro@336 734 it updates the database. The command to run depends on where you
jerojasro@336 735 have installed Bugzilla, but it will typically look something like
jerojasro@336 736 this, if you have Bugzilla installed in
jerojasro@336 737 \dirname{/var/www/html/bugzilla}:
jerojasro@336 738 \begin{codesample4}
jerojasro@336 739 cd /var/www/html/bugzilla && ./processmail %s nobody@nowhere.com
jerojasro@336 740 \end{codesample4}
jerojasro@336 741 The Bugzilla \texttt{processmail} program expects to be given a
jerojasro@336 742 bug~ID (the hook replaces ``\texttt{\%s}'' with the bug~ID) and an
jerojasro@336 743 email address. It also expects to be able to write to some files in
jerojasro@336 744 the directory that it runs in. If Bugzilla and this hook are not
jerojasro@336 745 installed on the same machine, you will need to find a way to run
jerojasro@336 746 \texttt{processmail} on the server where Bugzilla is installed.
jerojasro@336 747 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 748
jerojasro@336 749 \subsubsection{Mapping committer names to Bugzilla user names}
jerojasro@336 750
jerojasro@336 751 By default, the \hgext{bugzilla} hook tries to use the email address
jerojasro@336 752 of a changeset's committer as the Bugzilla user name with which to
jerojasro@336 753 update a bug. If this does not suit your needs, you can map committer
jerojasro@336 754 email addresses to Bugzilla user names using a \rcsection{usermap}
jerojasro@336 755 section.
jerojasro@336 756
jerojasro@336 757 Each item in the \rcsection{usermap} section contains an email address
jerojasro@336 758 on the left, and a Bugzilla user name on the right.
jerojasro@336 759 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 760 [usermap]
jerojasro@336 761 jane.user@example.com = jane
jerojasro@336 762 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 763 You can either keep the \rcsection{usermap} data in a normal \hgrc, or
jerojasro@336 764 tell the \hgext{bugzilla} hook to read the information from an
jerojasro@336 765 external \filename{usermap} file. In the latter case, you can store
jerojasro@336 766 \filename{usermap} data by itself in (for example) a user-modifiable
jerojasro@336 767 repository. This makes it possible to let your users maintain their
jerojasro@336 768 own \rcitem{bugzilla}{usermap} entries. The main \hgrc\ file might
jerojasro@336 769 look like this:
jerojasro@336 770 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 771 # regular hgrc file refers to external usermap file
jerojasro@336 772 [bugzilla]
jerojasro@336 773 usermap = /home/hg/repos/userdata/bugzilla-usermap.conf
jerojasro@336 774 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 775 While the \filename{usermap} file that it refers to might look like
jerojasro@336 776 this:
jerojasro@336 777 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 778 # bugzilla-usermap.conf - inside a hg repository
jerojasro@336 779 [usermap]
jerojasro@336 780 stephanie@example.com = steph
jerojasro@336 781 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 782
jerojasro@336 783 \subsubsection{Configuring the text that gets added to a bug}
jerojasro@336 784
jerojasro@336 785 You can configure the text that this hook adds as a comment; you
jerojasro@336 786 specify it in the form of a Mercurial template. Several \hgrc\
jerojasro@336 787 entries (still in the \rcsection{bugzilla} section) control this
jerojasro@336 788 behaviour.
jerojasro@336 789 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 790 \item[\texttt{strip}] The number of leading path elements to strip
jerojasro@336 791 from a repository's path name to construct a partial path for a URL.
jerojasro@336 792 For example, if the repositories on your server live under
jerojasro@336 793 \dirname{/home/hg/repos}, and you have a repository whose path is
jerojasro@336 794 \dirname{/home/hg/repos/app/tests}, then setting \texttt{strip} to
jerojasro@336 795 \texttt{4} will give a partial path of \dirname{app/tests}. The
jerojasro@336 796 hook will make this partial path available when expanding a
jerojasro@336 797 template, as \texttt{webroot}.
jerojasro@336 798 \item[\texttt{template}] The text of the template to use. In addition
jerojasro@336 799 to the usual changeset-related variables, this template can use
jerojasro@336 800 \texttt{hgweb} (the value of the \texttt{hgweb} configuration item
jerojasro@336 801 above) and \texttt{webroot} (the path constructed using
jerojasro@336 802 \texttt{strip} above).
jerojasro@336 803 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 804
jerojasro@336 805 In addition, you can add a \rcitem{web}{baseurl} item to the
jerojasro@336 806 \rcsection{web} section of your \hgrc. The \hgext{bugzilla} hook will
jerojasro@336 807 make this available when expanding a template, as the base string to
jerojasro@336 808 use when constructing a URL that will let users browse from a Bugzilla
jerojasro@336 809 comment to view a changeset. Example:
jerojasro@336 810 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 811 [web]
jerojasro@336 812 baseurl = http://hg.domain.com/
jerojasro@336 813 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 814
jerojasro@336 815 Here is an example set of \hgext{bugzilla} hook config information.
jerojasro@336 816 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 817 [bugzilla]
jerojasro@336 818 host = bugzilla.example.com
jerojasro@336 819 password = mypassword
jerojasro@336 820 version = 2.16
jerojasro@336 821 # server-side repos live in /home/hg/repos, so strip 4 leading
jerojasro@336 822 # separators
jerojasro@336 823 strip = 4
jerojasro@336 824 hgweb = http://hg.example.com/
jerojasro@336 825 usermap = /home/hg/repos/notify/bugzilla.conf
jerojasro@336 826 template = Changeset \{node|short\}, made by \{author\} in the \{webroot\}
jerojasro@336 827 repo, refers to this bug.\\nFor complete details, see
jerojasro@336 828 \{hgweb\}\{webroot\}?cmd=changeset;node=\{node|short\}\\nChangeset
jerojasro@336 829 description:\\n\\t\{desc|tabindent\}
jerojasro@336 830 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 831
jerojasro@336 832 \subsubsection{Testing and troubleshooting}
jerojasro@336 833
jerojasro@336 834 The most common problems with configuring the \hgext{bugzilla} hook
jerojasro@336 835 relate to running Bugzilla's \filename{processmail} script and mapping
jerojasro@336 836 committer names to user names.
jerojasro@336 837
jerojasro@336 838 Recall from section~\ref{sec:hook:bugzilla:config} above that the user
jerojasro@336 839 that runs the Mercurial process on the server is also the one that
jerojasro@336 840 will run the \filename{processmail} script. The
jerojasro@336 841 \filename{processmail} script sometimes causes Bugzilla to write to
jerojasro@336 842 files in its configuration directory, and Bugzilla's configuration
jerojasro@336 843 files are usually owned by the user that your web server runs under.
jerojasro@336 844
jerojasro@336 845 You can cause \filename{processmail} to be run with the suitable
jerojasro@336 846 user's identity using the \command{sudo} command. Here is an example
jerojasro@336 847 entry for a \filename{sudoers} file.
jerojasro@336 848 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 849 hg_user = (httpd_user) NOPASSWD: /var/www/html/bugzilla/processmail-wrapper %s
jerojasro@336 850 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 851 This allows the \texttt{hg\_user} user to run a
jerojasro@336 852 \filename{processmail-wrapper} program under the identity of
jerojasro@336 853 \texttt{httpd\_user}.
jerojasro@336 854
jerojasro@336 855 This indirection through a wrapper script is necessary, because
jerojasro@336 856 \filename{processmail} expects to be run with its current directory
jerojasro@336 857 set to wherever you installed Bugzilla; you can't specify that kind of
jerojasro@336 858 constraint in a \filename{sudoers} file. The contents of the wrapper
jerojasro@336 859 script are simple:
jerojasro@336 860 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 861 #!/bin/sh
jerojasro@336 862 cd `dirname $0` && ./processmail "$1" nobody@example.com
jerojasro@336 863 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 864 It doesn't seem to matter what email address you pass to
jerojasro@336 865 \filename{processmail}.
jerojasro@336 866
jerojasro@336 867 If your \rcsection{usermap} is not set up correctly, users will see an
jerojasro@336 868 error message from the \hgext{bugzilla} hook when they push changes
jerojasro@336 869 to the server. The error message will look like this:
jerojasro@336 870 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 871 cannot find bugzilla user id for john.q.public@example.com
jerojasro@336 872 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 873 What this means is that the committer's address,
jerojasro@336 874 \texttt{john.q.public@example.com}, is not a valid Bugzilla user name,
jerojasro@336 875 nor does it have an entry in your \rcsection{usermap} that maps it to
jerojasro@336 876 a valid Bugzilla user name.
jerojasro@336 877
jerojasro@336 878 \subsection{\hgext{notify}---send email notifications}
jerojasro@336 879
jerojasro@336 880 Although Mercurial's built-in web server provides RSS feeds of changes
jerojasro@336 881 in every repository, many people prefer to receive change
jerojasro@336 882 notifications via email. The \hgext{notify} hook lets you send out
jerojasro@336 883 notifications to a set of email addresses whenever changesets arrive
jerojasro@336 884 that those subscribers are interested in.
jerojasro@336 885
jerojasro@336 886 As with the \hgext{bugzilla} hook, the \hgext{notify} hook is
jerojasro@336 887 template-driven, so you can customise the contents of the notification
jerojasro@336 888 messages that it sends.
jerojasro@336 889
jerojasro@336 890 By default, the \hgext{notify} hook includes a diff of every changeset
jerojasro@336 891 that it sends out; you can limit the size of the diff, or turn this
jerojasro@336 892 feature off entirely. It is useful for letting subscribers review
jerojasro@336 893 changes immediately, rather than clicking to follow a URL.
jerojasro@336 894
jerojasro@336 895 \subsubsection{Configuring the \hgext{notify} hook}
jerojasro@336 896
jerojasro@336 897 You can set up the \hgext{notify} hook to send one email message per
jerojasro@336 898 incoming changeset, or one per incoming group of changesets (all those
jerojasro@336 899 that arrived in a single pull or push).
jerojasro@336 900 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 901 [hooks]
jerojasro@336 902 # send one email per group of changes
jerojasro@336 903 changegroup.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
jerojasro@336 904 # send one email per change
jerojasro@336 905 incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
jerojasro@336 906 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 907
jerojasro@336 908 Configuration information for this hook lives in the
jerojasro@336 909 \rcsection{notify} section of a \hgrc\ file.
jerojasro@336 910 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 911 \item[\rcitem{notify}{test}] By default, this hook does not send out
jerojasro@336 912 email at all; instead, it prints the message that it \emph{would}
jerojasro@336 913 send. Set this item to \texttt{false} to allow email to be sent.
jerojasro@336 914 The reason that sending of email is turned off by default is that it
jerojasro@336 915 takes several tries to configure this extension exactly as you would
jerojasro@336 916 like, and it would be bad form to spam subscribers with a number of
jerojasro@336 917 ``broken'' notifications while you debug your configuration.
jerojasro@336 918 \item[\rcitem{notify}{config}] The path to a configuration file that
jerojasro@336 919 contains subscription information. This is kept separate from the
jerojasro@336 920 main \hgrc\ so that you can maintain it in a repository of its own.
jerojasro@336 921 People can then clone that repository, update their subscriptions,
jerojasro@336 922 and push the changes back to your server.
jerojasro@336 923 \item[\rcitem{notify}{strip}] The number of leading path separator
jerojasro@336 924 characters to strip from a repository's path, when deciding whether
jerojasro@336 925 a repository has subscribers. For example, if the repositories on
jerojasro@336 926 your server live in \dirname{/home/hg/repos}, and \hgext{notify} is
jerojasro@336 927 considering a repository named \dirname{/home/hg/repos/shared/test},
jerojasro@336 928 setting \rcitem{notify}{strip} to \texttt{4} will cause
jerojasro@336 929 \hgext{notify} to trim the path it considers down to
jerojasro@336 930 \dirname{shared/test}, and it will match subscribers against that.
jerojasro@336 931 \item[\rcitem{notify}{template}] The template text to use when sending
jerojasro@336 932 messages. This specifies both the contents of the message header
jerojasro@336 933 and its body.
jerojasro@336 934 \item[\rcitem{notify}{maxdiff}] The maximum number of lines of diff
jerojasro@336 935 data to append to the end of a message. If a diff is longer than
jerojasro@336 936 this, it is truncated. By default, this is set to 300. Set this to
jerojasro@336 937 \texttt{0} to omit diffs from notification emails.
jerojasro@336 938 \item[\rcitem{notify}{sources}] A list of sources of changesets to
jerojasro@336 939 consider. This lets you limit \hgext{notify} to only sending out
jerojasro@336 940 email about changes that remote users pushed into this repository
jerojasro@336 941 via a server, for example. See section~\ref{sec:hook:sources} for
jerojasro@336 942 the sources you can specify here.
jerojasro@336 943 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 944
jerojasro@336 945 If you set the \rcitem{web}{baseurl} item in the \rcsection{web}
jerojasro@336 946 section, you can use it in a template; it will be available as
jerojasro@336 947 \texttt{webroot}.
jerojasro@336 948
jerojasro@336 949 Here is an example set of \hgext{notify} configuration information.
jerojasro@336 950 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 951 [notify]
jerojasro@336 952 # really send email
jerojasro@336 953 test = false
jerojasro@336 954 # subscriber data lives in the notify repo
jerojasro@336 955 config = /home/hg/repos/notify/notify.conf
jerojasro@336 956 # repos live in /home/hg/repos on server, so strip 4 "/" chars
jerojasro@336 957 strip = 4
jerojasro@336 958 template = X-Hg-Repo: \{webroot\}
jerojasro@336 959 Subject: \{webroot\}: \{desc|firstline|strip\}
jerojasro@336 960 From: \{author\}
jerojasro@336 961
jerojasro@336 962 changeset \{node|short\} in \{root\}
jerojasro@336 963 details: \{baseurl\}\{webroot\}?cmd=changeset;node=\{node|short\}
jerojasro@336 964 description:
jerojasro@336 965 \{desc|tabindent|strip\}
jerojasro@336 966
jerojasro@336 967 [web]
jerojasro@336 968 baseurl = http://hg.example.com/
jerojasro@336 969 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 970
jerojasro@336 971 This will produce a message that looks like the following:
jerojasro@336 972 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 973 X-Hg-Repo: tests/slave
jerojasro@336 974 Subject: tests/slave: Handle error case when slave has no buffers
jerojasro@336 975 Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 15:25:46 -0700 (PDT)
jerojasro@336 976
jerojasro@336 977 changeset 3cba9bfe74b5 in /home/hg/repos/tests/slave
jerojasro@336 978 details: http://hg.example.com/tests/slave?cmd=changeset;node=3cba9bfe74b5
jerojasro@336 979 description:
jerojasro@336 980 Handle error case when slave has no buffers
jerojasro@336 981 diffs (54 lines):
jerojasro@336 982
jerojasro@336 983 diff -r 9d95df7cf2ad -r 3cba9bfe74b5 include/tests.h
jerojasro@336 984 --- a/include/tests.h Wed Aug 02 15:19:52 2006 -0700
jerojasro@336 985 +++ b/include/tests.h Wed Aug 02 15:25:26 2006 -0700
jerojasro@336 986 @@ -212,6 +212,15 @@ static __inline__ void test_headers(void *h)
jerojasro@336 987 [...snip...]
jerojasro@336 988 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 989
jerojasro@336 990 \subsubsection{Testing and troubleshooting}
jerojasro@336 991
jerojasro@336 992 Do not forget that by default, the \hgext{notify} extension \emph{will
jerojasro@336 993 not send any mail} until you explicitly configure it to do so, by
jerojasro@336 994 setting \rcitem{notify}{test} to \texttt{false}. Until you do that,
jerojasro@336 995 it simply prints the message it \emph{would} send.
jerojasro@336 996
jerojasro@336 997 \section{Information for writers of hooks}
jerojasro@336 998 \label{sec:hook:ref}
jerojasro@336 999
jerojasro@336 1000 \subsection{In-process hook execution}
jerojasro@336 1001
jerojasro@336 1002 An in-process hook is called with arguments of the following form:
jerojasro@336 1003 \begin{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 1004 def myhook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
jerojasro@336 1005 pass
jerojasro@336 1006 \end{codesample2}
jerojasro@336 1007 The \texttt{ui} parameter is a \pymodclass{mercurial.ui}{ui} object.
jerojasro@336 1008 The \texttt{repo} parameter is a
jerojasro@336 1009 \pymodclass{mercurial.localrepo}{localrepository} object. The
jerojasro@336 1010 names and values of the \texttt{**kwargs} parameters depend on the
jerojasro@336 1011 hook being invoked, with the following common features:
jerojasro@336 1012 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1013 \item If a parameter is named \texttt{node} or
jerojasro@336 1014 \texttt{parent\emph{N}}, it will contain a hexadecimal changeset ID.
jerojasro@336 1015 The empty string is used to represent ``null changeset ID'' instead
jerojasro@336 1016 of a string of zeroes.
jerojasro@336 1017 \item If a parameter is named \texttt{url}, it will contain the URL of
jerojasro@336 1018 a remote repository, if that can be determined.
jerojasro@336 1019 \item Boolean-valued parameters are represented as Python
jerojasro@336 1020 \texttt{bool} objects.
jerojasro@336 1021 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1022
jerojasro@336 1023 An in-process hook is called without a change to the process's working
jerojasro@336 1024 directory (unlike external hooks, which are run in the root of the
jerojasro@336 1025 repository). It must not change the process's working directory, or
jerojasro@336 1026 it will cause any calls it makes into the Mercurial API to fail.
jerojasro@336 1027
jerojasro@336 1028 If a hook returns a boolean ``false'' value, it is considered to have
jerojasro@336 1029 succeeded. If it returns a boolean ``true'' value or raises an
jerojasro@336 1030 exception, it is considered to have failed. A useful way to think of
jerojasro@336 1031 the calling convention is ``tell me if you fail''.
jerojasro@336 1032
jerojasro@336 1033 Note that changeset IDs are passed into Python hooks as hexadecimal
jerojasro@336 1034 strings, not the binary hashes that Mercurial's APIs normally use. To
jerojasro@336 1035 convert a hash from hex to binary, use the
jerojasro@336 1036 \pymodfunc{mercurial.node}{bin} function.
jerojasro@336 1037
jerojasro@336 1038 \subsection{External hook execution}
jerojasro@336 1039
jerojasro@336 1040 An external hook is passed to the shell of the user running Mercurial.
jerojasro@336 1041 Features of that shell, such as variable substitution and command
jerojasro@336 1042 redirection, are available. The hook is run in the root directory of
jerojasro@336 1043 the repository (unlike in-process hooks, which are run in the same
jerojasro@336 1044 directory that Mercurial was run in).
jerojasro@336 1045
jerojasro@336 1046 Hook parameters are passed to the hook as environment variables. Each
jerojasro@336 1047 environment variable's name is converted in upper case and prefixed
jerojasro@336 1048 with the string ``\texttt{HG\_}''. For example, if the name of a
jerojasro@336 1049 parameter is ``\texttt{node}'', the name of the environment variable
jerojasro@336 1050 representing that parameter will be ``\texttt{HG\_NODE}''.
jerojasro@336 1051
jerojasro@336 1052 A boolean parameter is represented as the string ``\texttt{1}'' for
jerojasro@336 1053 ``true'', ``\texttt{0}'' for ``false''. If an environment variable is
jerojasro@336 1054 named \envar{HG\_NODE}, \envar{HG\_PARENT1} or \envar{HG\_PARENT2}, it
jerojasro@336 1055 contains a changeset ID represented as a hexadecimal string. The
jerojasro@336 1056 empty string is used to represent ``null changeset ID'' instead of a
jerojasro@336 1057 string of zeroes. If an environment variable is named
jerojasro@336 1058 \envar{HG\_URL}, it will contain the URL of a remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1059 that can be determined.
jerojasro@336 1060
jerojasro@336 1061 If a hook exits with a status of zero, it is considered to have
jerojasro@336 1062 succeeded. If it exits with a non-zero status, it is considered to
jerojasro@336 1063 have failed.
jerojasro@336 1064
jerojasro@336 1065 \subsection{Finding out where changesets come from}
jerojasro@336 1066
jerojasro@336 1067 A hook that involves the transfer of changesets between a local
jerojasro@336 1068 repository and another may be able to find out information about the
jerojasro@336 1069 ``far side''. Mercurial knows \emph{how} changes are being
jerojasro@336 1070 transferred, and in many cases \emph{where} they are being transferred
jerojasro@336 1071 to or from.
jerojasro@336 1072
jerojasro@336 1073 \subsubsection{Sources of changesets}
jerojasro@336 1074 \label{sec:hook:sources}
jerojasro@336 1075
jerojasro@336 1076 Mercurial will tell a hook what means are, or were, used to transfer
jerojasro@336 1077 changesets between repositories. This is provided by Mercurial in a
jerojasro@336 1078 Python parameter named \texttt{source}, or an environment variable named
jerojasro@336 1079 \envar{HG\_SOURCE}.
jerojasro@336 1080
jerojasro@336 1081 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1082 \item[\texttt{serve}] Changesets are transferred to or from a remote
jerojasro@336 1083 repository over http or ssh.
jerojasro@336 1084 \item[\texttt{pull}] Changesets are being transferred via a pull from
jerojasro@336 1085 one repository into another.
jerojasro@336 1086 \item[\texttt{push}] Changesets are being transferred via a push from
jerojasro@336 1087 one repository into another.
jerojasro@336 1088 \item[\texttt{bundle}] Changesets are being transferred to or from a
jerojasro@336 1089 bundle.
jerojasro@336 1090 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1091
jerojasro@336 1092 \subsubsection{Where changes are going---remote repository URLs}
jerojasro@336 1093 \label{sec:hook:url}
jerojasro@336 1094
jerojasro@336 1095 When possible, Mercurial will tell a hook the location of the ``far
jerojasro@336 1096 side'' of an activity that transfers changeset data between
jerojasro@336 1097 repositories. This is provided by Mercurial in a Python parameter
jerojasro@336 1098 named \texttt{url}, or an environment variable named \envar{HG\_URL}.
jerojasro@336 1099
jerojasro@336 1100 This information is not always known. If a hook is invoked in a
jerojasro@336 1101 repository that is being served via http or ssh, Mercurial cannot tell
jerojasro@336 1102 where the remote repository is, but it may know where the client is
jerojasro@336 1103 connecting from. In such cases, the URL will take one of the
jerojasro@336 1104 following forms:
jerojasro@336 1105 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1106 \item \texttt{remote:ssh:\emph{ip-address}}---remote ssh client, at
jerojasro@336 1107 the given IP address.
jerojasro@336 1108 \item \texttt{remote:http:\emph{ip-address}}---remote http client, at
jerojasro@336 1109 the given IP address. If the client is using SSL, this will be of
jerojasro@336 1110 the form \texttt{remote:https:\emph{ip-address}}.
jerojasro@336 1111 \item Empty---no information could be discovered about the remote
jerojasro@336 1112 client.
jerojasro@336 1113 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1114
jerojasro@336 1115 \section{Hook reference}
jerojasro@336 1116
jerojasro@336 1117 \subsection{\hook{changegroup}---after remote changesets added}
jerojasro@336 1118 \label{sec:hook:changegroup}
jerojasro@336 1119
jerojasro@336 1120 This hook is run after a group of pre-existing changesets has been
jerojasro@336 1121 added to the repository, for example via a \hgcmd{pull} or
jerojasro@336 1122 \hgcmd{unbundle}. This hook is run once per operation that added one
jerojasro@336 1123 or more changesets. This is in contrast to the \hook{incoming} hook,
jerojasro@336 1124 which is run once per changeset, regardless of whether the changesets
jerojasro@336 1125 arrive in a group.
jerojasro@336 1126
jerojasro@336 1127 Some possible uses for this hook include kicking off an automated
jerojasro@336 1128 build or test of the added changesets, updating a bug database, or
jerojasro@336 1129 notifying subscribers that a repository contains new changes.
jerojasro@336 1130
jerojasro@336 1131 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1132 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1133 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1134 changeset in the group that was added. All changesets between this
jerojasro@336 1135 and \index{tags!\texttt{tip}}\texttt{tip}, inclusive, were added by
jerojasro@336 1136 a single \hgcmd{pull}, \hgcmd{push} or \hgcmd{unbundle}.
jerojasro@336 1137 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of these changes. See
jerojasro@336 1138 section~\ref{sec:hook:sources} for details.
jerojasro@336 1139 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1140 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1141 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1142
jerojasro@336 1143 See also: \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}),
jerojasro@336 1144 \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup}),
jerojasro@336 1145 \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
jerojasro@336 1146
jerojasro@336 1147 \subsection{\hook{commit}---after a new changeset is created}
jerojasro@336 1148 \label{sec:hook:commit}
jerojasro@336 1149
jerojasro@336 1150 This hook is run after a new changeset has been created.
jerojasro@336 1151
jerojasro@336 1152 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1153 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1154 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the newly
jerojasro@336 1155 committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1156 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1157 parent of the newly committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1158 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the second
jerojasro@336 1159 parent of the newly committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1160 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1161
jerojasro@336 1162 See also: \hook{precommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:precommit}),
jerojasro@336 1163 \hook{pretxncommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit})
jerojasro@336 1164
jerojasro@336 1165 \subsection{\hook{incoming}---after one remote changeset is added}
jerojasro@336 1166 \label{sec:hook:incoming}
jerojasro@336 1167
jerojasro@336 1168 This hook is run after a pre-existing changeset has been added to the
jerojasro@336 1169 repository, for example via a \hgcmd{push}. If a group of changesets
jerojasro@336 1170 was added in a single operation, this hook is called once for each
jerojasro@336 1171 added changeset.
jerojasro@336 1172
jerojasro@336 1173 You can use this hook for the same purposes as the \hook{changegroup}
jerojasro@336 1174 hook (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}); it's simply more convenient
jerojasro@336 1175 sometimes to run a hook once per group of changesets, while other
jerojasro@336 1176 times it's handier once per changeset.
jerojasro@336 1177
jerojasro@336 1178 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1179 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1180 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The ID of the newly added
jerojasro@336 1181 changeset.
jerojasro@336 1182 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of these changes. See
jerojasro@336 1183 section~\ref{sec:hook:sources} for details.
jerojasro@336 1184 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1185 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1186 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1187
jerojasro@336 1188 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}) \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup}), \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
jerojasro@336 1189
jerojasro@336 1190 \subsection{\hook{outgoing}---after changesets are propagated}
jerojasro@336 1191 \label{sec:hook:outgoing}
jerojasro@336 1192
jerojasro@336 1193 This hook is run after a group of changesets has been propagated out
jerojasro@336 1194 of this repository, for example by a \hgcmd{push} or \hgcmd{bundle}
jerojasro@336 1195 command.
jerojasro@336 1196
jerojasro@336 1197 One possible use for this hook is to notify administrators that
jerojasro@336 1198 changes have been pulled.
jerojasro@336 1199
jerojasro@336 1200 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1201 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1202 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1203 changeset of the group that was sent.
jerojasro@336 1204 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of the of the operation
jerojasro@336 1205 (see section~\ref{sec:hook:sources}). If a remote client pulled
jerojasro@336 1206 changes from this repository, \texttt{source} will be
jerojasro@336 1207 \texttt{serve}. If the client that obtained changes from this
jerojasro@336 1208 repository was local, \texttt{source} will be \texttt{bundle},
jerojasro@336 1209 \texttt{pull}, or \texttt{push}, depending on the operation the
jerojasro@336 1210 client performed.
jerojasro@336 1211 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1212 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1213 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1214
jerojasro@336 1215 See also: \hook{preoutgoing} (section~\ref{sec:hook:preoutgoing})
jerojasro@336 1216
jerojasro@336 1217 \subsection{\hook{prechangegroup}---before starting to add remote changesets}
jerojasro@336 1218 \label{sec:hook:prechangegroup}
jerojasro@336 1219
jerojasro@336 1220 This controlling hook is run before Mercurial begins to add a group of
jerojasro@336 1221 changesets from another repository.
jerojasro@336 1222
jerojasro@336 1223 This hook does not have any information about the changesets to be
jerojasro@336 1224 added, because it is run before transmission of those changesets is
jerojasro@336 1225 allowed to begin. If this hook fails, the changesets will not be
jerojasro@336 1226 transmitted.
jerojasro@336 1227
jerojasro@336 1228 One use for this hook is to prevent external changes from being added
jerojasro@336 1229 to a repository. For example, you could use this to ``freeze'' a
jerojasro@336 1230 server-hosted branch temporarily or permanently so that users cannot
jerojasro@336 1231 push to it, while still allowing a local administrator to modify the
jerojasro@336 1232 repository.
jerojasro@336 1233
jerojasro@336 1234 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1235 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1236 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of these changes. See
jerojasro@336 1237 section~\ref{sec:hook:sources} for details.
jerojasro@336 1238 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1239 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1240 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1241
jerojasro@336 1242 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}),
jerojasro@336 1243 \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}), ,
jerojasro@336 1244 \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
jerojasro@336 1245
jerojasro@336 1246 \subsection{\hook{precommit}---before starting to commit a changeset}
jerojasro@336 1247 \label{sec:hook:precommit}
jerojasro@336 1248
jerojasro@336 1249 This hook is run before Mercurial begins to commit a new changeset.
jerojasro@336 1250 It is run before Mercurial has any of the metadata for the commit,
jerojasro@336 1251 such as the files to be committed, the commit message, or the commit
jerojasro@336 1252 date.
jerojasro@336 1253
jerojasro@336 1254 One use for this hook is to disable the ability to commit new
jerojasro@336 1255 changesets, while still allowing incoming changesets. Another is to
jerojasro@336 1256 run a build or test, and only allow the commit to begin if the build
jerojasro@336 1257 or test succeeds.
jerojasro@336 1258
jerojasro@336 1259 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1260 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1261 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1262 parent of the working directory.
jerojasro@336 1263 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the second
jerojasro@336 1264 parent of the working directory.
jerojasro@336 1265 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1266 If the commit proceeds, the parents of the working directory will
jerojasro@336 1267 become the parents of the new changeset.
jerojasro@336 1268
jerojasro@336 1269 See also: \hook{commit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:commit}),
jerojasro@336 1270 \hook{pretxncommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit})
jerojasro@336 1271
jerojasro@336 1272 \subsection{\hook{preoutgoing}---before starting to propagate changesets}
jerojasro@336 1273 \label{sec:hook:preoutgoing}
jerojasro@336 1274
jerojasro@336 1275 This hook is invoked before Mercurial knows the identities of the
jerojasro@336 1276 changesets to be transmitted.
jerojasro@336 1277
jerojasro@336 1278 One use for this hook is to prevent changes from being transmitted to
jerojasro@336 1279 another repository.
jerojasro@336 1280
jerojasro@336 1281 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1282 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1283 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of the operation that is
jerojasro@336 1284 attempting to obtain changes from this repository (see
jerojasro@336 1285 section~\ref{sec:hook:sources}). See the documentation for the
jerojasro@336 1286 \texttt{source} parameter to the \hook{outgoing} hook, in
jerojasro@336 1287 section~\ref{sec:hook:outgoing}, for possible values of this
jerojasro@336 1288 parameter.
jerojasro@336 1289 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1290 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1291 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1292
jerojasro@336 1293 See also: \hook{outgoing} (section~\ref{sec:hook:outgoing})
jerojasro@336 1294
jerojasro@336 1295 \subsection{\hook{pretag}---before tagging a changeset}
jerojasro@336 1296 \label{sec:hook:pretag}
jerojasro@336 1297
jerojasro@336 1298 This controlling hook is run before a tag is created. If the hook
jerojasro@336 1299 succeeds, creation of the tag proceeds. If the hook fails, the tag is
jerojasro@336 1300 not created.
jerojasro@336 1301
jerojasro@336 1302 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1303 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1304 \item[\texttt{local}] A boolean. Whether the tag is local to this
jerojasro@336 1305 repository instance (i.e.~stored in \sfilename{.hg/localtags}) or
jerojasro@336 1306 managed by Mercurial (stored in \sfilename{.hgtags}).
jerojasro@336 1307 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The ID of the changeset to be tagged.
jerojasro@336 1308 \item[\texttt{tag}] A string. The name of the tag to be created.
jerojasro@336 1309 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1310
jerojasro@336 1311 If the tag to be created is revision-controlled, the \hook{precommit}
jerojasro@336 1312 and \hook{pretxncommit} hooks (sections~\ref{sec:hook:commit}
jerojasro@336 1313 and~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit}) will also be run.
jerojasro@336 1314
jerojasro@336 1315 See also: \hook{tag} (section~\ref{sec:hook:tag})
jerojasro@336 1316
jerojasro@336 1317 \subsection{\hook{pretxnchangegroup}---before completing addition of
jerojasro@336 1318 remote changesets}
jerojasro@336 1319 \label{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup}
jerojasro@336 1320
jerojasro@336 1321 This controlling hook is run before a transaction---that manages the
jerojasro@336 1322 addition of a group of new changesets from outside the
jerojasro@336 1323 repository---completes. If the hook succeeds, the transaction
jerojasro@336 1324 completes, and all of the changesets become permanent within this
jerojasro@336 1325 repository. If the hook fails, the transaction is rolled back, and
jerojasro@336 1326 the data for the changesets is erased.
jerojasro@336 1327
jerojasro@336 1328 This hook can access the metadata associated with the almost-added
jerojasro@336 1329 changesets, but it should not do anything permanent with this data.
jerojasro@336 1330 It must also not modify the working directory.
jerojasro@336 1331
jerojasro@336 1332 While this hook is running, if other Mercurial processes access this
jerojasro@336 1333 repository, they will be able to see the almost-added changesets as if
jerojasro@336 1334 they are permanent. This may lead to race conditions if you do not
jerojasro@336 1335 take steps to avoid them.
jerojasro@336 1336
jerojasro@336 1337 This hook can be used to automatically vet a group of changesets. If
jerojasro@336 1338 the hook fails, all of the changesets are ``rejected'' when the
jerojasro@336 1339 transaction rolls back.
jerojasro@336 1340
jerojasro@336 1341 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1342 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1343 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1344 changeset in the group that was added. All changesets between this
jerojasro@336 1345 and \index{tags!\texttt{tip}}\texttt{tip}, inclusive, were added by
jerojasro@336 1346 a single \hgcmd{pull}, \hgcmd{push} or \hgcmd{unbundle}.
jerojasro@336 1347 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of these changes. See
jerojasro@336 1348 section~\ref{sec:hook:sources} for details.
jerojasro@336 1349 \item[\texttt{url}] A URL. The location of the remote repository, if
jerojasro@336 1350 known. See section~\ref{sec:hook:url} for more information.
jerojasro@336 1351 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1352
jerojasro@336 1353 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}),
jerojasro@336 1354 \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}),
jerojasro@336 1355 \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup})
jerojasro@336 1356
jerojasro@336 1357 \subsection{\hook{pretxncommit}---before completing commit of new changeset}
jerojasro@336 1358 \label{sec:hook:pretxncommit}
jerojasro@336 1359
jerojasro@336 1360 This controlling hook is run before a transaction---that manages a new
jerojasro@336 1361 commit---completes. If the hook succeeds, the transaction completes
jerojasro@336 1362 and the changeset becomes permanent within this repository. If the
jerojasro@336 1363 hook fails, the transaction is rolled back, and the commit data is
jerojasro@336 1364 erased.
jerojasro@336 1365
jerojasro@336 1366 This hook can access the metadata associated with the almost-new
jerojasro@336 1367 changeset, but it should not do anything permanent with this data. It
jerojasro@336 1368 must also not modify the working directory.
jerojasro@336 1369
jerojasro@336 1370 While this hook is running, if other Mercurial processes access this
jerojasro@336 1371 repository, they will be able to see the almost-new changeset as if it
jerojasro@336 1372 is permanent. This may lead to race conditions if you do not take
jerojasro@336 1373 steps to avoid them.
jerojasro@336 1374
jerojasro@336 1375 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1376 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1377 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the newly
jerojasro@336 1378 committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1379 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
jerojasro@336 1380 parent of the newly committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1381 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the second
jerojasro@336 1382 parent of the newly committed changeset.
jerojasro@336 1383 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1384
jerojasro@336 1385 See also: \hook{precommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:precommit})
jerojasro@336 1386
jerojasro@336 1387 \subsection{\hook{preupdate}---before updating or merging working directory}
jerojasro@336 1388 \label{sec:hook:preupdate}
jerojasro@336 1389
jerojasro@336 1390 This controlling hook is run before an update or merge of the working
jerojasro@336 1391 directory begins. It is run only if Mercurial's normal pre-update
jerojasro@336 1392 checks determine that the update or merge can proceed. If the hook
jerojasro@336 1393 succeeds, the update or merge may proceed; if it fails, the update or
jerojasro@336 1394 merge does not start.
jerojasro@336 1395
jerojasro@336 1396 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1397 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1398 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The ID of the parent that the
jerojasro@336 1399 working directory is to be updated to. If the working directory is
jerojasro@336 1400 being merged, it will not change this parent.
jerojasro@336 1401 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. Only set if the working
jerojasro@336 1402 directory is being merged. The ID of the revision that the working
jerojasro@336 1403 directory is being merged with.
jerojasro@336 1404 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1405
jerojasro@336 1406 See also: \hook{update} (section~\ref{sec:hook:update})
jerojasro@336 1407
jerojasro@336 1408 \subsection{\hook{tag}---after tagging a changeset}
jerojasro@336 1409 \label{sec:hook:tag}
jerojasro@336 1410
jerojasro@336 1411 This hook is run after a tag has been created.
jerojasro@336 1412
jerojasro@336 1413 Parameters to this hook:
jerojasro@336 1414 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1415 \item[\texttt{local}] A boolean. Whether the new tag is local to this
jerojasro@336 1416 repository instance (i.e.~stored in \sfilename{.hg/localtags}) or
jerojasro@336 1417 managed by Mercurial (stored in \sfilename{.hgtags}).
jerojasro@336 1418 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The ID of the changeset that was
jerojasro@336 1419 tagged.
jerojasro@336 1420 \item[\texttt{tag}] A string. The name of the tag that was created.
jerojasro@336 1421 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1422
jerojasro@336 1423 If the created tag is revision-controlled, the \hook{commit} hook
jerojasro@336 1424 (section~\ref{sec:hook:commit}) is run before this hook.
jerojasro@336 1425
jerojasro@336 1426 See also: \hook{pretag} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretag})
jerojasro@336 1427
jerojasro@336 1428 \subsection{\hook{update}---after updating or merging working directory}
jerojasro@336 1429 \label{sec:hook:update}
jerojasro@336 1430
jerojasro@336 1431 This hook is run after an update or merge of the working directory
jerojasro@336 1432 completes. Since a merge can fail (if the external \command{hgmerge}
jerojasro@336 1433 command fails to resolve conflicts in a file), this hook communicates
jerojasro@336 1434 whether the update or merge completed cleanly.
jerojasro@336 1435
jerojasro@336 1436 \begin{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1437 \item[\texttt{error}] A boolean. Indicates whether the update or
jerojasro@336 1438 merge completed successfully.
jerojasro@336 1439 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The ID of the parent that the
jerojasro@336 1440 working directory was updated to. If the working directory was
jerojasro@336 1441 merged, it will not have changed this parent.
jerojasro@336 1442 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. Only set if the working
jerojasro@336 1443 directory was merged. The ID of the revision that the working
jerojasro@336 1444 directory was merged with.
jerojasro@336 1445 \end{itemize}
jerojasro@336 1446
jerojasro@336 1447 See also: \hook{preupdate} (section~\ref{sec:hook:preupdate})
jerojasro@336 1448
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