
view tools/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/TransTractor.pm @ 623:082bb76417f1

Add Po4a 0.37-dev(2009-03-08)
author Dongsheng Song <dongsheng.song@gmail.com>
date Thu Mar 12 15:43:56 2009 +0800 (2009-03-12)
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 require Exporter;
5 package Locale::Po4a::TransTractor;
6 use DynaLoader;
8 use 5.006;
9 use strict;
10 use warnings;
12 use subs qw(makespace);
13 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
14 $VERSION="0.36";
15 @ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
16 @EXPORT = qw(new process translate
17 read write readpo writepo
18 getpoout setpoout);
20 # Try to use a C extension if present.
21 eval("bootstrap Locale::Po4a::TransTractor $VERSION");
23 use Carp qw(croak);
24 use Locale::Po4a::Po;
25 use Locale::Po4a::Common;
27 use File::Path; # mkdir before write
29 use Encode;
30 use Encode::Guess;
32 =head1 NAME
34 Locale::Po4a::TransTractor - Generic trans(lator ex)tractor.
38 The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more
39 interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on
40 areas where they were not expected like documentation.
42 This class is the ancestor of every po4a parsers used to parse a document to
43 search translatable strings, extract them to a po file and replace them by
44 their translation in the output document.
46 More formally, it takes the following arguments as input:
48 =over 2
50 =item -
52 a document to translate ;
54 =item -
56 a po file containing the translations to use.
58 =back
60 As output, it produces:
62 =over 2
64 =item -
66 another po file, resulting of the extraction of translatable strings from
67 the input document ;
69 =item -
71 a translated document, with the same structure than the one in input, but
72 with all translatable strings replaced with the translations found in the
73 po file provided in input.
75 =back
77 Here is a graphical representation of this:
79 Input document --\ /---> Output document
80 \ / (translated)
81 +-> parse() function -----+
82 / \
83 Input po --------/ \---> Output po
84 (extracted)
88 =over 4
90 =item parse()
92 This is where all the work takes place: the parsing of input documents, the
93 generation of output, and the extraction of the translatable strings. This
94 is pretty simple using the provided functions presented in the section
95 "INTERNAL FUNCTIONS" below. See also the synopsis, which present an
96 example.
98 This function is called by the process() function bellow, but if you choose
99 to use the new() function, and to add content manually to your document,
100 you will have to call this function yourself.
102 =item docheader()
104 This function returns the header we should add to the produced document,
105 quoted properly to be a comment in the target language. See the section
106 "Educating developers about translations", from L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>, for what
107 it is good for.
109 =back
111 =cut
113 sub docheader {}
115 sub parse {}
117 =head1 SYNOPSIS
119 The following example parses a list of paragraphs beginning with "<p>". For the sake
120 of simplicity, we assume that the document is well formatted, i.e. that '<p>'
121 tags are the only tags present, and that this tag is at the very beginning
122 of each paragraph.
124 sub parse {
125 my $self = shift;
127 PARAGRAPH: while (1) {
128 my ($paragraph,$pararef)=("","");
129 my $first=1;
130 my ($line,$lref)=$self->shiftline();
131 while (defined($line)) {
132 if ($line =~ m/<p>/ && !$first--; ) {
133 # Not the first time we see <p>.
134 # Reput the current line in input,
135 # and put the built paragraph to output
136 $self->unshiftline($line,$lref);
138 # Now that the document is formed, translate it:
139 # - Remove the leading tag
140 $paragraph =~ s/^<p>//s;
142 # - push to output the leading tag (untranslated) and the
143 # rest of the paragraph (translated)
144 $self->pushline( "<p>"
145 . $document->translate($paragraph,$pararef)
146 );
148 next PARAGRAPH;
149 } else {
150 # Append to the paragraph
151 $paragraph .= $line;
152 $pararef = $lref unless(length($pararef));
153 }
155 # Reinit the loop
156 ($line,$lref)=$self->shiftline();
157 }
158 # Did not get a defined line? End of input file.
159 return;
160 }
161 }
163 Once you've implemented the parse function, you can use your document
164 class, using the public interface presented in the next section.
166 =head1 PUBLIC INTERFACE for scripts using your parser
168 =head2 Constructor
170 =over 4
172 =item process(%)
174 This function can do all you need to do with a po4a document in one
175 invocation. Its arguments must be packed as a hash. ACTIONS:
177 =over 3
179 =item a.
181 Reads all the po files specified in po_in_name
183 =item b.
185 Reads all original documents specified in file_in_name
187 =item c.
189 Parses the document
191 =item d.
193 Reads and applies all the addenda specified
195 =item e.
197 Writes the translated document to file_out_name (if given)
199 =item f.
201 Writes the extracted po file to po_out_name (if given)
203 =back
205 ARGUMENTS, beside the ones accepted by new() (with expected type):
207 =over 4
209 =item file_in_name (@)
211 List of filenames where we should read the input document.
213 =item file_in_charset ($)
215 Charset used in the input document (if it isn't specified, it will try
216 to detect it from the input document).
218 =item file_out_name ($)
220 Filename where we should write the output document.
222 =item file_out_charset ($)
224 Charset used in the output document (if it isn't specified, it will use
225 the po file charset).
227 =item po_in_name (@)
229 List of filenames where we should read the input po files from, containing
230 the translation which will be used to translate the document.
232 =item po_out_name ($)
234 Filename where we should write the output po file, containing the strings
235 extracted from the input document.
237 =item addendum (@)
239 List of filenames where we should read the addenda from.
241 =item addendum_charset ($)
243 Charset for the addenda.
245 =back
247 =item new(%)
249 Create a new Po4a document. Accepted options (but be in a hash):
251 =over 4
253 =item verbose ($)
255 Sets the verbosity.
257 =item debug ($)
259 Sets the debugging.
261 =back
263 =cut
265 sub process {
266 ## Determine if we were called via an object-ref or a classname
267 my $self = shift;
269 ## Any remaining arguments are treated as initial values for the
270 ## hash that is used to represent this object.
271 my %params = @_;
273 # Build the args for new()
274 my %newparams = ();
275 foreach (keys %params) {
276 next if ($_ eq 'po_in_name' ||
277 $_ eq 'po_out_name' ||
278 $_ eq 'file_in_name' ||
279 $_ eq 'file_in_charset' ||
280 $_ eq 'file_out_name' ||
281 $_ eq 'file_out_charset' ||
282 $_ eq 'addendum' ||
283 $_ eq 'addendum_charset');
284 $newparams{$_}=$params{$_};
285 }
287 $self->detected_charset($params{'file_in_charset'});
288 $self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'}=$params{'file_out_charset'};
289 if (defined($self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'}) and
290 length($self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'})) {
291 $self->{TT}{'file_out_encoder'} = find_encoding($self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'});
292 }
293 $self->{TT}{'addendum_charset'}=$params{'addendum_charset'};
295 foreach my $file (@{$params{'po_in_name'}}) {
296 print STDERR "readpo($file)... " if $self->debug();
297 $self->readpo($file);
298 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug()
299 }
300 foreach my $file (@{$params{'file_in_name'}}) {
301 print STDERR "read($file)..." if $self->debug();
302 $self->read($file);
303 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
304 }
305 print STDERR "parse..." if $self->debug();
306 $self->parse();
307 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
308 foreach my $file (@{$params{'addendum'}}) {
309 print STDERR "addendum($file)..." if $self->debug();
310 $self->addendum($file) || die "An addendum failed\n";
311 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
312 }
313 if (defined $params{'file_out_name'}) {
314 print STDERR "write(".$params{'file_out_name'}.")... "
315 if $self->debug();
316 $self->write($params{'file_out_name'});
317 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
318 }
319 if (defined $params{'po_out_name'}) {
320 print STDERR "writepo(".$params{'po_out_name'}.")... "
321 if $self->debug();
322 $self->writepo($params{'po_out_name'});
323 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
324 }
325 return $self;
326 }
328 sub new {
329 ## Determine if we were called via an object-ref or a classname
330 my $this = shift;
331 my $class = ref($this) || $this;
332 my $self = { };
333 my %options=@_;
334 ## Bless ourselves into the desired class and perform any initialization
335 bless $self, $class;
337 ## initialize the plugin
338 # prevent the plugin from croaking on the options intended for Po.pm
339 $self->{options}{'porefs'} = '';
340 # let the plugin parse the options and such
341 $self->initialize(%options);
343 ## Create our private data
344 my %po_options;
345 $po_options{'porefs'} = $self->{options}{'porefs'};
347 # private data
348 $self->{TT}=();
349 $self->{TT}{po_in}=Locale::Po4a::Po->new();
350 $self->{TT}{po_out}=Locale::Po4a::Po->new(\%po_options);
351 # Warning, this is an array of array:
352 # The document is splited on lines, and for each
353 # [0] is the line content, [1] is the reference [2] the type
354 $self->{TT}{doc_in}=();
355 $self->{TT}{doc_out}=();
356 if (defined $options{'verbose'}) {
357 $self->{TT}{verbose} = $options{'verbose'};
358 }
359 if (defined $options{'debug'}) {
360 $self->{TT}{debug} = $options{'debug'};
361 }
362 # Input document is in ascii until we prove the opposite (in read())
363 $self->{TT}{ascii_input}=1;
364 # We try not to use utf unless it's forced from the outside (in case the
365 # document isn't in ascii)
366 $self->{TT}{utf_mode}=0;
369 return $self;
370 }
372 =back
374 =head2 Manipulating document files
376 =over 4
378 =item read($)
380 Add another input document at the end of the existing one. The argument is
381 the filename to read.
383 Please note that it does not parse anything. You should use the parse()
384 function when you're done with packing input files into the document.
386 =cut
388 #'
389 sub read() {
390 my $self=shift;
391 my $filename=shift
392 or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't read from file without having a filename"));
393 my $linenum=0;
395 open INPUT,"<$filename"
396 or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't read from %s: %s"), $filename, $!);
397 while (defined (my $textline = <INPUT>)) {
398 $linenum++;
399 my $ref="$filename:$linenum";
400 my @entry=($textline,$ref);
401 push @{$self->{TT}{doc_in}}, @entry;
403 if (!defined($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'})) {
404 # Detect if this file has non-ascii characters
405 if($self->{TT}{ascii_input}) {
406 my $decoder = guess_encoding($textline);
407 if (!ref($decoder) or $decoder !~ /Encode::XS=/) {
408 # We have detected a non-ascii line
409 $self->{TT}{ascii_input} = 0;
410 # Save the reference for future error message
411 $self->{TT}{non_ascii_ref} ||= $ref;
412 }
413 }
414 }
415 }
416 close INPUT
417 or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't close %s after reading: %s"), $filename, $!);
419 }
421 =item write($)
423 Write the translated document to the given filename.
425 =cut
427 sub write {
428 my $self=shift;
429 my $filename=shift
430 or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't write to a file without filename"));
432 my $fh;
433 if ($filename eq '-') {
434 $fh=\*STDOUT;
435 } else {
436 # make sure the directory in which we should write the localized file exists
437 my $dir = $filename;
438 if ($dir =~ m|/|) {
439 $dir =~ s|/[^/]*$||;
441 File::Path::mkpath($dir, 0, 0755) # Croaks on error
442 if (length ($dir) && ! -e $dir);
443 }
444 open $fh,">$filename"
445 or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't write to %s: %s"), $filename, $!);
446 }
448 map { print $fh $_ } $self->docheader();
449 map { print $fh $_ } @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}};
451 if ($filename ne '-') {
452 close $fh or croak wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't close %s after writing: %s"), $filename, $!);
453 }
455 }
457 =back
459 =head2 Manipulating po files
461 =over 4
463 =item readpo($)
465 Add the content of a file (which name is passed in argument) to the
466 existing input po. The old content is not discarded.
468 =item writepo($)
470 Write the extracted po file to the given filename.
472 =item stats()
474 Returns some statistics about the translation done so far. Please note that
475 it's not the same statistics than the one printed by msgfmt
476 --statistic. Here, it's stats about recent usage of the po file, while
477 msgfmt reports the status of the file. It is a wrapper to the
478 Locale::Po4a::Po::stats_get function applied to the input po file. Example
479 of use:
481 [normal use of the po4a document...]
483 ($percent,$hit,$queries) = $document->stats();
484 print "We found translations for $percent\% ($hit from $queries) of strings.\n";
486 =back
488 =cut
490 sub getpoout {
491 return $_[0]->{TT}{po_out};
492 }
493 sub setpoout {
494 $_[0]->{TT}{po_out} = $_[1];
495 }
496 sub readpo {
497 $_[0]->{TT}{po_in}->read($_[1]);
498 }
499 sub writepo {
500 $_[0]->{TT}{po_out}->write( $_[1] );
501 }
502 sub stats {
503 return $_[0]->{TT}{po_in}->stats_get();
504 }
506 =head2 Manipulating addenda
508 =over 4
510 =item addendum($)
512 Please refer to L<po4a(7)|po4a.7> for more information on what addenda are,
513 and how translators should write them. To apply an addendum to the translated
514 document, simply pass its filename to this function and you are done ;)
516 This function returns a non-null integer on error.
518 =cut
520 # Internal function to read the header.
521 sub addendum_parse {
522 my ($filename,$header)=shift;
524 my ($errcode,$mode,$position,$boundary,$bmode,$content)=
525 (1,"","","","","");
527 unless (open (INS, "<$filename")) {
528 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't read from %s: %s"), $filename, $!);
530 }
532 unless (defined ($header=<INS>) && $header) {
533 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Can't read Po4a header from %s."), $filename);
535 }
537 unless ($header =~ s/PO4A-HEADER://i) {
538 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "First line of %s does not look like a Po4a header."), $filename);
540 }
541 foreach my $part (split(/;/,$header)) {
542 unless ($part =~ m/^\s*([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
543 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Syntax error in Po4a header of %s, near \"%s\""), $filename, $part);
545 }
546 my ($key,$value)=($1,$2);
547 $key=lc($key);
548 if ($key eq 'mode') { $mode=lc($value);
549 } elsif ($key eq 'position') { $position=$value;
550 } elsif ($key eq 'endboundary') {
551 $boundary=$value;
552 $bmode='after';
553 } elsif ($key eq 'beginboundary') {
554 $boundary=$value;
555 $bmode='before';
556 } else {
557 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Invalid argument in the Po4a header of %s: %s"), $filename, $key);
559 }
560 }
562 unless (length($mode)) {
563 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "The Po4a header of %s does not define the mode."), $filename);
565 }
566 unless ($mode eq "before" || $mode eq "after") {
567 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Mode invalid in the Po4a header of %s: should be 'before' or 'after' not %s."), $filename, $mode);
569 }
571 unless (length($position)) {
572 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "The Po4a header of %s does not define the position."), $filename);
574 }
575 unless ($mode eq "before" || length($boundary)) {
576 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "No ending boundary given in the Po4a header, but mode=after."));
578 }
580 while (defined(my $line = <INS>)) {
581 $content .= $line;
582 }
583 close INS;
585 $errcode=0;
587 return ($errcode,$mode,$position,$boundary,$bmode,$content);
588 }
590 sub mychomp {
591 my ($str) = shift;
592 chomp($str);
593 return $str;
594 }
596 sub addendum {
597 my ($self,$filename) = @_;
599 print STDERR "Apply addendum $filename..." if $self->debug();
600 unless ($filename) {
601 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a",
602 "Can't apply addendum when not given the filename"));
603 return 0;
604 }
605 die wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Addendum %s does not exist."), $filename)
606 unless -e $filename;
608 my ($errcode,$mode,$position,$boundary,$bmode,$content)=
609 addendum_parse($filename);
610 return 0 if ($errcode);
612 print STDERR "mode=$mode;pos=$position;bound=$boundary;bmode=$bmode;ctn=$content\n"
613 if $self->debug();
615 # We only recode the addendum if an origin charset is specified, else we
616 # suppose it's already in the output document's charset
617 if (defined($self->{TT}{'addendum_charset'}) &&
618 length($self->{TT}{'addendum_charset'})) {
619 Encode::from_to($content,$self->{TT}{'addendum_charset'},
620 $self->get_out_charset);
621 }
623 my $found = scalar grep { /$position/ } @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}};
624 if ($found == 0) {
625 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a",
626 "No candidate position for the addendum %s."), $filename);
627 return 0;
628 }
629 if ($found > 1) {
630 warn wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a",
631 "More than one candidate position found for the addendum %s."), $filename);
632 return 0;
633 }
635 if ($mode eq "before") {
636 if ($self->verbose() > 1 || $self->debug() ) {
637 map { print STDERR wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Addendum '%s' applied before this line: %s"), $filename, $_) if (/$position/);
638 } @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}};
639 }
640 @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}} = map { /$position/ ? ($content,$_) : $_
641 } @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}};
642 } else {
643 my @newres=();
645 do {
646 # make sure it doesnt whine on empty document
647 my $line = scalar @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}} ? shift @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}} : "";
648 push @newres,$line;
649 my $outline=mychomp($line);
650 $outline =~ s/^[ \t]*//;
652 if ($line =~ m/$position/) {
653 while ($line=shift @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}}) {
654 last if ($line=~/$boundary/);
655 push @newres,$line;
656 }
657 if (defined $line) {
658 if ($bmode eq 'before') {
659 print wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a",
660 "Addendum '%s' applied before this line: %s"),
661 $filename, $outline)
662 if ($self->verbose() > 1 || $self->debug());
663 push @newres,$content;
664 push @newres,$line;
665 } else {
666 print wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a",
667 "Addendum '%s' applied after the line: %s."),
668 $filename, $outline)
669 if ($self->verbose() > 1 || $self->debug());
670 push @newres,$line;
671 push @newres,$content;
672 }
673 } else {
674 print wrap_msg(dgettext("po4a", "Addendum '%s' applied at the end of the file."), $filename)
675 if ($self->verbose() > 1 || $self->debug());
676 push @newres,$content;
677 }
678 }
679 } while (scalar @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}});
680 @{$self->{TT}{doc_out}} = @newres;
681 }
682 print STDERR "done.\n" if $self->debug();
683 return 1;
684 }
686 =back
688 =head1 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS used to write derivated parsers
690 =head2 Getting input, providing output
692 Four functions are provided to get input and return output. They are very
693 similar to shift/unshift and push/pop. The first pair is about input, while
694 the second is about output. Mnemonic: in input, you are interested in the
695 first line, what shift gives, and in output you want to add your result at
696 the end, like push does.
698 =over 4
700 =item shiftline()
702 This function returns the next line of the doc_in to be parsed and its
703 reference (packed as an array).
705 =item unshiftline($$)
707 Unshifts a line of the input document and its reference.
709 =item pushline($)
711 Push a new line to the doc_out.
713 =item popline()
715 Pop the last pushed line from the doc_out.
717 =back
719 =cut
721 sub shiftline {
722 my ($line,$ref)=(shift @{$_[0]->{TT}{doc_in}},
723 shift @{$_[0]->{TT}{doc_in}});
724 return ($line,$ref);
725 }
726 sub unshiftline {
727 my $self = shift;
728 unshift @{$self->{TT}{doc_in}},@_;
729 }
731 sub pushline { push @{$_[0]->{TT}{doc_out}}, $_[1] if defined $_[1]; }
732 sub popline { return pop @{$_[0]->{TT}{doc_out}}; }
734 =head2 Marking strings as translatable
736 One function is provided to handle the text which should be translated.
738 =over 4
740 =item translate($$$)
742 Mandatory arguments:
744 =over 2
746 =item -
748 A string to translate
750 =item -
752 The reference of this string (ie, position in inputfile)
754 =item -
756 The type of this string (ie, the textual description of its structural role
757 ; used in Locale::Po4a::Po::gettextization() ; see also L<po4a(7)|po4a.7>,
758 section I<Gettextization: how does it work?>)
760 =back
762 This function can also take some extra arguments. They must be organized as
763 a hash. For example:
765 $self->translate("string","ref","type",
766 'wrap' => 1);
768 =over
770 =item wrap
772 boolean indicating whether we can consider that whitespaces in string are
773 not important. If yes, the function canonizes the string before looking for
774 a translation or extracting it, and wraps the translation.
776 =item wrapcol
778 The column at which we should wrap (default: 76).
780 =item comment
782 An extra comment to add to the entry.
784 =back
786 Actions:
788 =over 2
790 =item -
792 Pushes the string, reference and type to po_out.
794 =item -
796 Returns the translation of the string (as found in po_in) so that the
797 parser can build the doc_out.
799 =item -
801 Handles the charsets to recode the strings before sending them to
802 po_out and before returning the translations.
804 =back
806 =back
808 =cut
810 sub translate {
811 my $self=shift;
812 my ($string,$ref,$type)=(shift,shift,shift);
813 my (%options)=@_;
815 # my $validoption="wrap wrapcol";
816 # my %validoption;
818 return "" unless defined($string) && length($string);
820 # map { $validoption{$_}=1 } (split(/ /,$validoption));
821 # foreach (keys %options) {
822 # Carp::confess "internal error: translate() called with unknown arg $_. Valid options: $validoption"
823 # unless $validoption{$_};
824 # }
826 my $in_charset;
827 if ($self->{TT}{ascii_input}) {
828 $in_charset = "ascii";
829 } else {
830 if (defined($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) and
831 length($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) and
832 $self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'} !~ m/ascii/i) {
833 $in_charset=$self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'};
834 } else {
835 # FYI, the document charset have to be determined *before* we see the first
836 # string to recode.
837 die wrap_mod("po4a", dgettext("po4a", "Couldn't determine the input document's charset. Please specify it on the command line. (non-ascii char at %s)"), $self->{TT}{non_ascii_ref})
838 }
839 }
841 if ($self->{TT}{po_in}->get_charset ne "CHARSET") {
842 $string = encode_from_to($string,
843 $self->{TT}{'file_in_encoder'},
844 $self->{TT}{po_in}{encoder});
845 }
847 if (defined $options{'wrapcol'} && $options{'wrapcol'} < 0) {
848 # FIXME: should be the parameter given with --width
849 $options{'wrapcol'} = 76 + $options{'wrapcol'};
850 }
851 my $transstring = $self->{TT}{po_in}->gettext($string,
852 'wrap' => $options{'wrap'}||0,
853 'wrapcol' => $options{'wrapcol'});
855 if ($self->{TT}{po_in}->get_charset ne "CHARSET") {
856 my $out_encoder = $self->{TT}{'file_out_encoder'};
857 unless (defined $out_encoder) {
858 $out_encoder = find_encoding($self->get_out_charset)
859 }
860 $transstring = encode_from_to($transstring,
861 $self->{TT}{po_in}{encoder},
862 $out_encoder);
863 }
865 # If the input document isn't completely in ascii, we should see what to
866 # do with the current string
867 unless ($self->{TT}{ascii_input}) {
868 my $out_charset = $self->{TT}{po_out}->get_charset;
869 # We set the output po charset
870 if ($out_charset eq "CHARSET") {
871 if ($self->{TT}{utf_mode}) {
872 $out_charset="utf-8";
873 } else {
874 $out_charset=$in_charset;
875 }
876 $self->{TT}{po_out}->set_charset($out_charset);
877 }
878 if ( $in_charset !~ /^$out_charset$/i ) {
879 Encode::from_to($string,$in_charset,$out_charset);
880 if (defined($options{'comment'}) and length($options{'comment'})) {
881 Encode::from_to($options{'comment'},$in_charset,$out_charset);
882 }
883 }
884 }
886 # the comments provided by the modules are automatic comments from the PO point of view
887 $self->{TT}{po_out}->push('msgid' => $string,
888 'reference' => $ref,
889 'type' => $type,
890 'automatic' => $options{'comment'},
891 'wrap' => $options{'wrap'}||0,
892 'wrapcol' => $options{'wrapcol'});
894 # if ($self->{TT}{po_in}->get_charset ne "CHARSET") {
895 # Encode::from_to($transstring,$self->{TT}{po_in}->get_charset,
896 # $self->get_out_charset);
897 # }
899 if ($options{'wrap'}||0) {
900 $transstring =~ s/( *)$//s;
901 my $trailing_spaces = $1||"";
902 $transstring =~ s/ *$//gm;
903 $transstring .= $trailing_spaces;
904 }
906 return $transstring;
907 }
909 =head2 Misc functions
911 =over 4
913 =item verbose()
915 Returns if the verbose option was passed during the creation of the
916 TransTractor.
918 =cut
920 sub verbose {
921 if (defined $_[1]) {
922 $_[0]->{TT}{verbose} = $_[1];
923 } else {
924 return $_[0]->{TT}{verbose} || 0; # undef and 0 have the same meaning, but one generates warnings
925 }
926 }
928 =item debug()
930 Returns if the debug option was passed during the creation of the
931 TransTractor.
933 =cut
935 sub debug {
936 return $_[0]->{TT}{debug};
937 }
939 =item detected_charset($)
941 This tells TransTractor that a new charset (the first argument) has been
942 detected from the input document. It can usually be read from the document
943 header. Only the first charset will remain, coming either from the
944 process() arguments or detected from the document.
946 =cut
948 sub detected_charset {
949 my ($self,$charset)=(shift,shift);
950 unless (defined($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) and
951 length($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) ) {
952 $self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}=$charset;
953 if (defined $charset) {
954 $self->{TT}{'file_in_encoder'}=find_encoding($charset);
955 }
956 }
958 if (defined $self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'} and
959 length $self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'} and
960 $self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'} !~ m/ascii/i) {
961 $self->{TT}{ascii_input}=0;
962 }
963 }
965 =item get_out_charset()
967 This function will return the charset that should be used in the output
968 document (usually useful to substitute the input document's detected charset
969 where it has been found).
971 It will use the output charset specified in the command line. If it wasn't
972 specified, it will use the input po's charset, and if the input po has the
973 default "CHARSET", it will return the input document's charset, so that no
974 encoding is performed.
976 =cut
978 sub get_out_charset {
979 my $self=shift;
980 my $charset;
982 # Use the value specified at the command line
983 if (defined($self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'}) and
984 length($self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'})) {
985 $charset=$self->{TT}{'file_out_charset'};
986 } else {
987 if ($self->{TT}{utf_mode} && $self->{TT}{ascii_input}) {
988 $charset="utf-8";
989 } else {
990 $charset=$self->{TT}{po_in}->get_charset;
991 $charset=$self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}
992 if $charset eq "CHARSET" and
993 defined($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) and
994 length($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'});
995 $charset="ascii"
996 if $charset eq "CHARSET";
997 }
998 }
999 return $charset;
1002 =item recode_skipped_text($)
1004 This function returns the recoded text passed as argument, from the input
1005 document's charset to the output document's one. This isn't needed when
1006 translating a string (translate() recodes everything itself), but it is when
1007 you skip a string from the input document and you want the output document to
1008 be consistent with the global encoding.
1010 =cut
1012 sub recode_skipped_text {
1013 my ($self,$text)=(shift,shift);
1014 unless ($self->{TT}{'ascii_input'}) {
1015 if(defined($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) and
1016 length($self->{TT}{'file_in_charset'}) ) {
1017 $text = encode_from_to($text,
1018 $self->{TT}{'file_in_encoder'},
1019 find_encoding($self->get_out_charset));
1020 } else {
1021 die wrap_mod("po4a", dgettext("po4a", "Couldn't determine the input document's charset. Please specify it on the command line. (non-ascii char at %s)"), $self->{TT}{non_ascii_ref})
1024 return $text;
1028 # encode_from_to($,$,$)
1030 # Encode the given text from one encoding to another one.
1031 # It differs from Encode::from_to because it does not take the name of the
1032 # encoding in argument, but the encoders (as returned by the
1033 # Encode::find_encoding(<name>) method). Thus it permits to save a bunch
1034 # of call to find_encoding.
1036 # If the "from" encoding is undefined, it is considered as UTF-8 (or
1037 # ascii).
1038 # If the "to" encoding is undefined, it is considered as UTF-8.
1040 sub encode_from_to {
1041 my ($text,$from,$to) = (shift,shift,shift);
1043 if (not defined $from) {
1044 # for ascii and UTF-8, no conversion needed to get an utf-8
1045 # string.
1046 } else {
1047 $text = $from->decode($text, 0);
1050 if (not defined $to) {
1051 # Already in UTF-8, no conversion needed
1052 } else {
1053 $text = $to->encode($text, 0);
1056 return $text;
1059 =back
1063 One shortcoming of the current TransTractor is that it can't handle
1064 translated document containing all languages, like debconf templates, or
1065 .desktop files.
1067 To address this problem, the only interface changes needed are:
1069 =over 2
1071 =item -
1073 take a hash as po_in_name (a list per language)
1075 =item -
1077 add an argument to translate to indicate the target language
1079 =item -
1081 make a pushline_all function, which would make pushline of its content for
1082 all language, using a map-like syntax:
1084 $self->pushline_all({ "Description[".$langcode."]=".
1085 $self->translate($line,$ref,$langcode)
1086 });
1088 =back
1090 Will see if it's enough ;)
1092 =head1 AUTHORS
1094 Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>
1095 Martin Quinson (mquinson#debian.org)
1096 Jordi Vilalta <jvprat@gmail.com>
1098 =cut
1100 1;