
view en/appD-license.xml @ 685:6b7818eb3d8e

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author Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>
date Fri Apr 24 00:31:21 2009 -0700 (2009-04-24)
parents 7e7c47481e4f 4ce9d0754af3
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3 <appendix id="cha:opl">
4 <?dbhtml filename="open-publication-license.html"?>
5 <title>Open Publication License</title>
7 <para id="x_638">Version 1.0, 8 June 1999</para>
9 <sect1>
10 <title>Requirements on both unmodified and modified
11 versions</title>
13 <para id="x_639">The Open Publication works may be reproduced and distributed
14 in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
15 provided that the terms of this license are adhered to, and that
16 this license or an incorporation of it by reference (with any
17 options elected by the author(s) and/or publisher) is displayed
18 in the reproduction.</para>
20 <para id="x_63a">Proper form for an incorporation by reference is as
21 follows:</para>
23 <blockquote>
24 <para id="x_63b"> Copyright (c) <emphasis>year</emphasis> by
25 <emphasis>author's name or designee</emphasis>. This material
26 may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions
27 set forth in the Open Publication License,
28 v<emphasis>x.y</emphasis> or later (the latest version is
29 presently available at <ulink
30 url="http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/">http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/</ulink>).</para>
31 </blockquote>
33 <para id="x_63c">The reference must be immediately followed with any options
34 elected by the author(s) and/or publisher of the document (see
35 <xref linkend="sec:opl:options"/>).</para>
37 <para id="x_63d">Commercial redistribution of Open Publication-licensed
38 material is permitted.</para>
40 <para id="x_63e">Any publication in standard (paper) book form shall require
41 the citation of the original publisher and author. The publisher
42 and author's names shall appear on all outer surfaces of the
43 book. On all outer surfaces of the book the original publisher's
44 name shall be as large as the title of the work and cited as
45 possessive with respect to the title.</para>
47 </sect1>
48 <sect1>
49 <title>Copyright</title>
51 <para id="x_63f">The copyright to each Open Publication is owned by its
52 author(s) or designee.</para>
54 </sect1>
55 <sect1>
56 <title>Scope of license</title>
58 <para id="x_640">The following license terms apply to all Open Publication
59 works, unless otherwise explicitly stated in the
60 document.</para>
62 <para id="x_641">Mere aggregation of Open Publication works or a portion of
63 an Open Publication work with other works or programs on the
64 same media shall not cause this license to apply to those other
65 works. The aggregate work shall contain a notice specifying the
66 inclusion of the Open Publication material and appropriate
67 copyright notice.</para>
69 <para id="x_642"><emphasis role="bold">Severability</emphasis>. If any part
70 of this license is found to be unenforceable in any
71 jurisdiction, the remaining portions of the license remain in
72 force.</para>
74 <para id="x_643"><emphasis role="bold">No warranty</emphasis>. Open
75 Publication works are licensed and provided <quote>as is</quote>
76 without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but
77 not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
78 fitness for a particular purpose or a warranty of
79 non-infringement.</para>
81 </sect1>
82 <sect1>
83 <title>Requirements on modified works</title>
85 <para id="x_644">All modified versions of documents covered by this license,
86 including translations, anthologies, compilations and partial
87 documents, must meet the following requirements:</para>
89 <orderedlist>
90 <listitem><para id="x_645">The modified version must be labeled as
91 such.</para>
92 </listitem>
93 <listitem><para id="x_646">The person making the modifications must be
94 identified and the modifications dated.</para>
95 </listitem>
96 <listitem><para id="x_647">Acknowledgement of the original author and
97 publisher if applicable must be retained according to normal
98 academic citation practices.</para>
99 </listitem>
100 <listitem><para id="x_648">The location of the original unmodified document
101 must be identified.</para>
102 </listitem>
103 <listitem><para id="x_649">The original author's (or authors') name(s) may
104 not be used to assert or imply endorsement of the resulting
105 document without the original author's (or authors')
106 permission.</para>
107 </listitem></orderedlist>
109 </sect1>
110 <sect1>
111 <title>Good-practice recommendations</title>
113 <para id="x_64a">In addition to the requirements of this license, it is
114 requested from and strongly recommended of redistributors
115 that:</para>
117 <orderedlist>
118 <listitem><para id="x_64b">If you are distributing Open Publication works
119 on hardcopy or CD-ROM, you provide email notification to the
120 authors of your intent to redistribute at least thirty days
121 before your manuscript or media freeze, to give the authors
122 time to provide updated documents. This notification should
123 describe modifications, if any, made to the document.</para>
124 </listitem>
125 <listitem><para id="x_64c">All substantive modifications (including
126 deletions) be either clearly marked up in the document or
127 else described in an attachment to the document.</para>
128 </listitem>
129 <listitem><para id="x_64d">Finally, while it is not mandatory under this
130 license, it is considered good form to offer a free copy of
131 any hardcopy and CD-ROM expression of an Open
132 Publication-licensed work to its author(s).</para>
133 </listitem></orderedlist>
135 </sect1>
136 <sect1 id="sec:opl:options">
137 <title>License options</title>
139 <para id="x_64e">The author(s) and/or publisher of an Open
140 Publication-licensed document may elect certain options by
141 appending language to the reference to or copy of the license.
142 These options are considered part of the license instance and
143 must be included with the license (or its incorporation by
144 reference) in derived works.</para>
146 <orderedlist>
147 <listitem><para id="x_64f">To prohibit distribution of substantively
148 modified versions without the explicit permission of the
149 author(s). <quote>Substantive modification</quote> is
150 defined as a change to the semantic content of the document,
151 and excludes mere changes in format or typographical
152 corrections.</para>
153 </listitem>
154 <listitem><para id="x_650"> To accomplish this, add the phrase
155 <quote>Distribution of substantively modified versions of
156 this document is prohibited without the explicit
157 permission of the copyright holder.</quote> to the license
158 reference or copy.</para>
159 </listitem>
160 <listitem><para id="x_651">To prohibit any publication of this work or
161 derivative works in whole or in part in standard (paper)
162 book form for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior
163 permission is obtained from the copyright holder.</para>
164 </listitem>
165 <listitem><para id="x_652">To accomplish this, add the phrase
166 <quote>Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in
167 any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior
168 permission is obtained from the copyright holder.</quote>
169 to the license reference or copy.</para>
170 </listitem></orderedlist>
172 </sect1>
173 </appendix>
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