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More content for hook reference.
author Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>
date Wed Jul 19 23:25:30 2006 -0700 (2006-07-19)
parents 576fef93bb49
children d1a3394f8bcf
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1 \chapter{Handling repository events with hooks}
2 \label{chap:hook}
4 Mercurial offers a powerful mechanism to let you perform automated
5 actions in response to events that occur in a repository. In some
6 cases, you can even control Mercurial's response to those events.
8 The name Mercurial uses for one of these actions is a \emph{hook}.
9 Hooks are called ``triggers'' in some revision control systems, but
10 the two names refer to the same idea.
12 \section{An overview of hooks in Mercurial}
14 Here is a brief list of the hooks that Mercurial supports. For each
15 hook, we indicate when it is run, and a few examples of common tasks
16 you can use it for. We will revisit each of these hooks in more
17 detail later.
18 \begin{itemize}
19 \item[\small\hook{changegroup}] This is run after a group of
20 changesets has been brought into the repository from elsewhere. In
21 other words, it is run after a \hgcmd{pull} or \hgcmd{push} into a
22 repository, but not after a \hgcmd{commit}. You can use this for
23 performing an action once for the entire group of newly arrived
24 changesets. For example, you could use this hook to send out email
25 notifications, or kick off an automated build or test.
26 \item[\small\hook{commit}] This is run after a new changeset has been
27 created in the local repository, typically using the \hgcmd{commit}
28 command.
29 \item[\small\hook{incoming}] This is run once for each new changeset
30 that is brought into the repository from elsewhere. Notice the
31 difference from \hook{changegroup}, which is run once per
32 \emph{group} of changesets brought in. You can use this for the
33 same purposes as the \hook{changegroup} hook; it's simply more
34 convenient sometimes to run a hook once per group of changesets,
35 while othher times it's handier once per changeset.
36 \item[\small\hook{outgoing}] This is run after a group of changesets
37 has been transmitted from this repository to another. You can use
38 this, for example, to notify subscribers every time changes are
39 cloned or pulled from the repository.
40 \item[\small\hook{prechangegroup}] This is run before starting to
41 bring a group of changesets into the repository. It cannot see the
42 actual changesets, because they have not yet been transmitted. If
43 it fails, the changesets will not be transmitted. You can use this
44 hook to ``lock down'' a repository against incoming changes.
45 \item[\small\hook{precommit}] This is run before starting a commit.
46 It cannot tell what files are included in the commit, or any other
47 information about the commit. If it fails, the commit will not be
48 allowed to start. You can use this to perform a build and require
49 it to complete successfully before a commit can proceed, or
50 automatically enforce a requirement that modified files pass your
51 coding style guidelines.
52 \item[\small\hook{preoutgoing}] This is run before starting to
53 transmit a group of changesets from this repository. You can use
54 this to lock a repository against clones or pulls from remote
55 clients.
56 \item[\small\hook{pretag}] This is run before creating a tag. If it
57 fails, the tag will not be created. You can use this to enforce a
58 uniform tag naming convention.
59 \item[\small\hook{pretxnchangegroup}] This is run after a group of
60 changesets has been brought into the local repository from another,
61 but before the transaction completes that will make the changes
62 permanent in the repository. If it fails, the transaction will be
63 rolled back and the changes will disappear from the local
64 repository. You can use this to automatically check newly arrived
65 changes and, for example, roll them back if the group as a whole
66 does not build or pass your test suite.
67 \item[\small\hook{pretxncommit}] This is run after a new changeset has
68 been created in the local repository, but before the transaction
69 completes that will make it permanent. Unlike the \hook{precommit}
70 hook, this hook can see which changes are present in the changeset,
71 and it can also see all other changeset metadata, such as the commit
72 message. You can use this to require that a commit message follows
73 your local conventions, or that a changeset builds cleanly.
74 \item[\small\hook{preupdate}] This is run before starting an update or
75 merge of the working directory.
76 \item[\small\hook{tag}] This is run after a tag is created.
77 \item[\small\hook{update}] This is run after an update or merge of the
78 working directory has finished.
79 \end{itemize}
80 Each of the hooks with a ``\texttt{pre}'' prefix has the ability to
81 \emph{control} an activity. If the hook succeeds, the activity may
82 proceed; if it fails, the activity is either not permitted or undone,
83 depending on the hook.
85 \section{Hooks and security}
87 \subsection{Hooks are run with your privileges}
89 When you run a Mercurial command in a repository, and the command
90 causes a hook to run, that hook runs on your system, under your user
91 account, with your privilege level. Since hooks are arbitrary pieces
92 of executable code, you should treat them with an appropriate level of
93 suspicion. Do not install a hook unless you are confident that you
94 know who created it and what it does.
96 In some cases, you may be exposed to hooks that you did not install
97 yourself. If you work with Mercurial on an unfamiliar system,
98 Mercurial will run hooks defined in that system's global \hgrc\ file.
100 If you are working with a repository owned by another user, Mercurial
101 will run hooks defined in that repository. For example, if you
102 \hgcmd{pull} from that repository, and its \sfilename{.hg/hgrc}
103 defines a local \hook{outgoing} hook, that hook will run under your
104 user account, even though you don't own that repository.
106 \begin{note}
107 This only applies if you are pulling from a repository on a local or
108 network filesystem. If you're pulling over http or ssh, any
109 \hook{outgoing} hook will run under the account of the server
110 process, on the server.
111 \end{note}
113 XXX To see what hooks are defined in a repository, use the
114 \hgcmdargs{config}{hooks} command. If you are working in one
115 repository, but talking to another that you do not own (e.g.~using
116 \hgcmd{pull} or \hgcmd{incoming}), remember that it is the other
117 repository's hooks you should be checking, not your own.
119 \subsection{Hooks do not propagate}
121 In Mercurial, hooks are not revision controlled, and do not propagate
122 when you clone, or pull from, a repository. The reason for this is
123 simple: a hook is a completely arbitrary piece of executable code. It
124 runs under your user identity, with your privilege level, on your
125 machine.
127 It would be extremely reckless for any distributed revision control
128 system to implement revision-controlled hooks, as this would offer an
129 easily exploitable way to subvert the accounts of users of the
130 revision control system.
132 Since Mercurial does not propagate hooks, if you are collaborating
133 with other people on a common project, you should not assume that they
134 are using the same Mercurial hooks as you are, or that theirs are
135 correctly configured. You should document the hooks you expect people
136 to use.
138 In a corporate intranet, this is somewhat easier to control, as you
139 can for example provide a ``standard'' installation of Mercurial on an
140 NFS filesystem, and use a site-wide \hgrc\ file to define hooks that
141 all users will see. However, this too has its limits; see below.
143 \subsection{Hooks can be overridden}
145 Mercurial allows you to override a hook definition by redefining the
146 hook. You can disable it by setting its value to the empty string, or
147 change its behaviour as you wish.
149 If you deploy a system-~or site-wide \hgrc\ file that defines some
150 hooks, you should thus understand that your users can disable or
151 override those hooks.
153 \subsection{Ensuring that critical hooks are run}
155 Sometimes you may want to enforce a policy that you do not want others
156 to be able to work around. For example, you may have a requirement
157 that every changeset must pass a rigorous set of tests. Defining this
158 requirement via a hook in a site-wide \hgrc\ won't work for remote
159 users on laptops, and of course local users can subvert it at will by
160 overriding the hook.
162 Instead, you can set up your policies for use of Mercurial so that
163 people are expected to propagate changes through a well-known
164 ``canonical'' server that you have locked down and configured
165 appropriately.
167 One way to do this is via a combination of social engineering and
168 technology. Set up a restricted-access account; users can push
169 changes over the network to repositories managed by this account, but
170 they cannot log into the account and run normal shell commands. In
171 this scenario, a user can commit a changeset that contains any old
172 garbage they want.
174 When someone pushes a changeset to the server that everyone pulls
175 from, the server will test the changeset before it accepts it as
176 permanent, and reject it if it fails to pass the test suite. If
177 people only pull changes from this filtering server, it will serve to
178 ensure that all changes that people pull have been automatically
179 vetted.
181 \section{A short tutorial on using hooks}
182 \label{sec:hook:simple}
184 It is easy to write a Mercurial hook. Let's start with a hook that
185 runs when you finish a \hgcmd{commit}, and simply prints the hash of
186 the changeset you just created. The hook is called \hook{commit}.
188 \begin{figure}[ht]
189 \interaction{hook.simple.init}
190 \caption{A simple hook that runs when a changeset is committed}
191 \label{ex:hook:init}
192 \end{figure}
194 All hooks follow the pattern in example~\ref{ex:hook:init}. You add
195 an entry to the \rcsection{hooks} section of your \hgrc\. On the left
196 is the name of the event to trigger on; on the right is the action to
197 take. As you can see, you can run an arbitrary shell command in a
198 hook. Mercurial passes extra information to the hook using
199 environment variables (look for \envar{HG\_NODE} in the example).
201 \subsection{Performing multiple actions per event}
203 Quite often, you will want to define more than one hook for a
204 particular kind of event, as shown in example~\ref{ex:hook:ext}.
205 Mercurial lets you do this by adding an \emph{extension} to the end of
206 a hook's name. You extend a hook's name by giving the name of the
207 hook, followed by a full stop (the ``\texttt{.}'' character), followed
208 by some more text of your choosing. For example, Mercurial will run
209 both \texttt{commit.foo} and \texttt{commit.bar} when the
210 \texttt{commit} event occurs.
212 \begin{figure}[ht]
213 \interaction{hook.simple.ext}
214 \caption{Defining a second \hook{commit} hook}
215 \label{ex:hook:ext}
216 \end{figure}
218 To give a well-defined order of execution when there are multiple
219 hooks defined for an event, Mercurial sorts hooks by extension, and
220 executes the hook commands in this sorted order. In the above
221 example, it will execute \texttt{commit.bar} before
222 \texttt{commit.foo}, and \texttt{commit} before both.
224 It is a good idea to use a somewhat descriptive extension when you
225 define a new hook. This will help you to remember what the hook was
226 for. If the hook fails, you'll get an error message that contains the
227 hook name and extension, so using a descriptive extension could give
228 you an immediate hint as to why the hook failed (see
229 section~\ref{sec:hook:perm} for an example).
231 \subsection{Controlling whether an activity can proceed}
232 \label{sec:hook:perm}
234 In our earlier examples, we used the \hook{commit} hook, which is
235 run after a commit has completed. This is one of several Mercurial
236 hooks that run after an activity finishes. Such hooks have no way of
237 influencing the activity itself.
239 Mercurial defines a number of events that occur before an activity
240 starts; or after it starts, but before it finishes. Hooks that
241 trigger on these events have the added ability to choose whether the
242 activity can continue, or will abort.
244 The \hook{pretxncommit} hook runs after a commit has all but
245 completed. In other words, the metadata representing the changeset
246 has been written out to disk, but the transaction has not yet been
247 allowed to complete. The \hook{pretxncommit} hook has the ability to
248 decide whether the transaction can complete, or must be rolled back.
250 If the \hook{pretxncommit} hook exits with a status code of zero, the
251 transaction is allowed to complete; the commit finishes; and the
252 \hook{commit} hook is run. If the \hook{pretxncommit} hook exits with
253 a non-zero status code, the transaction is rolled back; the metadata
254 representing the changeset is erased; and the \hook{commit} hook is
255 not run.
257 \begin{figure}[ht]
258 \interaction{hook.simple.pretxncommit}
259 \caption{Using the \hook{pretxncommit} hook to control commits}
260 \label{ex:hook:pretxncommit}
261 \end{figure}
263 The hook in example~\ref{ex:hook:pretxncommit} checks that a commit
264 comment contains a bug ID. If it does, the commit can complete. If
265 not, the commit is rolled back.
267 \section{Writing your own hooks}
269 When you are writing a hook, you might find it useful to run Mercurial
270 either with the \hggopt{-v} option, or the \rcitem{ui}{verbose} config
271 item set to ``true''. When you do so, Mercurial will print a message
272 before it calls each hook.
274 \subsection{Choosing how your hook should run}
275 \label{sec:hook:lang}
277 You can write a hook either as a normal program---typically a shell
278 script---or as a Python function that is executed within the Mercurial
279 process.
281 Writing a hook as an external program has the advantage that it
282 requires no knowledge of Mercurial's internals. You can call normal
283 Mercurial commands to get any added information you need. The
284 trade-off is that external hooks are slower than in-process hooks.
286 An in-process Python hook has complete access to the Mercurial API,
287 and does not ``shell out'' to another process, so it is inherently
288 faster than an external hook. It is also easier to obtain much of the
289 information that a hook requires by using the Mercurial API than by
290 running Mercurial commands.
292 If you are comfortable with Python, or require high performance,
293 writing your hooks in Python may be a good choice. However, when you
294 have a straightforward hook to write and you don't need to care about
295 performance (probably the majority of hooks), a shell script is
296 perfectly fine.
298 \subsection{Hook parameters}
299 \label{sec:hook:param}
301 Mercurial calls each hook with a set of well-defined parameters. In
302 Python, a parameter is passed as a keyword argument to your hook
303 function. For an external program, a parameter is passed as an
304 environment variable.
306 Whether your hook is written in Python or as a shell script, the
307 hook-specific parameter names and values will be the same. A boolean
308 parameter will be represented as a boolean value in Python, but as the
309 number 1 (for ``true'') or 0 (for ``false'') as an environment
310 variable for an external hook. If a hook parameter is named
311 \texttt{foo}, the keyword argument for a Python hook will also be
312 named \texttt{foo} Python, while the environment variable for an
313 external hook will be named \texttt{HG\_FOO}.
315 \subsection{Hook return values and activity control}
317 A hook that executes successfully must exit with a status of zero if
318 external, or return boolean ``false'' if in-process. Failure is
319 indicated with a non-zero exit status from an external hook, or an
320 in-process hook returning boolean ``true''. If an in-process hook
321 raises an exception, the hook is considered to have failed.
323 For a hook that controls whether an activity can proceed, zero/false
324 means ``allow'', while non-zero/true/exception means ``deny''.
326 \subsection{Writing an external hook}
328 When you define an external hook in your \hgrc\ and the hook is run,
329 its value is passed to your shell, which interprets it. This means
330 that you can use normal shell constructs in the body of the hook.
332 An executable hook is always run with its current directory set to a
333 repository's root directory.
335 Each hook parameter is passed in as an environment variable; the name
336 is upper-cased, and prefixed with the string ``\texttt{HG\_}''.
338 With the exception of hook parameters, Mercurial does not set or
339 modify any environment variables when running a hook. This is useful
340 to remember if you are writing a site-wide hook that may be run by a
341 number of different users with differing environment variables set.
342 In multi-user situations, you should not rely on environment variables
343 being set to the values you have in your environment when testing the
344 hook.
346 \subsection{Telling Mercurial to use an in-process hook}
348 The \hgrc\ syntax for defining an in-process hook is slightly
349 different than for an executable hook. The value of the hook must
350 start with the text ``\texttt{python:}'', and continue with the
351 fully-qualified name of a callable object to use as the hook's value.
353 The module in which a hook lives is automatically imported when a hook
354 is run. So long as you have the module name and \envar{PYTHONPATH}
355 right, it should ``just work''.
357 The following \hgrc\ example snippet illustrates the syntax and
358 meaning of the notions we just described.
359 \begin{codesample2}
360 [hooks]
361 commit.example = python:mymodule.submodule.myhook
362 \end{codesample2}
363 When Mercurial runs the \texttt{commit.example} hook, it imports
364 \texttt{mymodule.submodule}, looks for the callable object named
365 \texttt{myhook}, and calls it.
367 \subsection{Writing an in-process hook}
369 The simplest in-process hook does nothing, but illustrates the basic
370 shape of the hook API:
371 \begin{codesample2}
372 def myhook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
373 pass
374 \end{codesample2}
375 The first argument to a Python hook is always a
376 \pymodclass{mercurial.ui}{ui} object. The second is a repository object;
377 at the moment, it is always an instance of
378 \pymodclass{mercurial.localrepo}{localrepository}. Following these two
379 arguments are other keyword arguments. Which ones are passed in
380 depends on the hook being called, but a hook can ignore arguments it
381 doesn't care about by dropping them into a keyword argument dict, as
382 with \texttt{**kwargs} above.
384 \section{Hook reference}
387 \subsection{In-process hook execution}
389 An in-process hook is called with arguments of the following form:
390 \begin{codesample2}
391 def myhook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
392 pass
393 \end{codesample2}
394 The \texttt{ui} parameter is a \pymodclass{mercurial.ui}{ui} object.
395 The \texttt{repo} parameter is a
396 \pymodclass{mercurial.localrepo}{localrepository} object. The
397 names and values of the \texttt{**kwargs} parameters depend on the
398 hook being invoked, with the following common features:
399 \begin{itemize}
400 \item If a parameter is named \texttt{node} or
401 \texttt{parent\emph{N}}, it will contain a hexadecimal changeset ID.
402 The empty string is used to represent ``null changeset ID'' instead
403 of a string of zeroes.
404 \item Boolean-valued parameters are represented as Python
405 \texttt{bool} objects.
406 \end{itemize}
408 An in-process hook is called without a change to the process's working
409 directory (unlike external hooks, which are run in the root of the
410 repository). It must not change the process's working directory. If
411 it were to do so, it would probably cause calls to the Mercurial API,
412 or operations after the hook finishes, to fail.
414 If a hook returns a boolean ``false'' value, it is considered to
415 have succeeded. If it returns a boolean ``true'' value or raises an
416 exception, it is considered to have failed.
418 \subsection{External hook execution}
420 An external hook is passed to the user's shell for execution, so
421 features of that shell, such as variable substitution and command
422 redirection, are available. The hook is run in the root directory of
423 the repository.
425 Hook parameters are passed to the hook as environment variables. Each
426 environment variable's name is converted in upper case and prefixed
427 with the string ``\texttt{HG\_}''. For example, if the name of a
428 parameter is ``\texttt{node}'', the name of the environment variable
429 representing that parameter will be ``\texttt{HG\_NODE}''.
431 A boolean parameter is represented as the string ``\texttt{1}'' for
432 ``true'', ``\texttt{0}'' for ``false''. If an environment variable is
433 named \envar{HG\_NODE}, \envar{HG\_PARENT1} or \envar{HG\_PARENT2}, it
434 contains a changeset ID represented as a hexadecimal string. The
435 empty string is used to represent ``null changeset ID'' instead of a
436 string of zeroes.
438 If a hook exits with a status of zero, it is considered to have
439 succeeded. If it exits with a non-zero status, it is considered to
440 have failed.
442 \subsection{The \hook{changegroup} hook}
443 \label{sec:hook:changegroup}
445 This hook is run after a group of pre-existing changesets has been
446 added to the repository, for example via a \hgcmd{pull} or
447 \hgcmd{unbundle}. This hook is run once per operation that added one
448 or more changesets.
450 Parameters to this hook:
451 \begin{itemize}
452 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
453 changeset in the group that was added. All changesets between this
454 and \index{tags!\texttt{tip}}\texttt{tip}, inclusive, were added by
455 a single \hgcmd{pull}, \hgcmd{push} or \hgcmd{unbundle}.
456 \end{itemize}
458 See also: \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}),
459 \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup}),
460 \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
462 \subsection{The \hook{commit} hook}
463 \label{sec:hook:commit}
465 This hook is run after a new changeset has been created.
467 Parameters to this hook:
468 \begin{itemize}
469 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the newly
470 committed changeset.
471 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
472 parent of the newly committed changeset.
473 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the second
474 parent of the newly committed changeset.
475 \end{itemize}
477 See also: \hook{precommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:precommit}),
478 \hook{pretxncommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit})
480 \subsection{The \hook{incoming} hook}
481 \label{sec:hook:incoming}
483 This hook is run after a pre-existing changeset has been added to the
484 repository, for example via a \hgcmd{push}. If a group of changesets
485 was added in a single operation, this hook is called once for each
486 added changeset.
488 Parameters to this hook:
489 \begin{itemize}
490 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The ID of the newly added
491 changeset.
492 \end{itemize}
494 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}) \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup}), \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
496 \subsection{The \hook{outgoing} hook}
497 \label{sec:hook:outgoing}
499 This hook is run after a group of changesets has been propagated out
500 of this repository, for example by a \hgcmd{push} or \hgcmd{bundle}
501 command.
503 Parameters to this hook:
504 \begin{itemize}
505 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
506 changeset of the group that was sent.
507 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of the of the operation.
508 If a remote client pulled changes from this repository,
509 \texttt{source} will be \texttt{serve}. If the client that obtained
510 changes from this repository was local, \texttt{source} will be
511 \texttt{bundle}, \texttt{pull}, or \texttt{push}, depending on the
512 operation the client performed.
513 \end{itemize}
515 See also: \hook{preoutgoing} (section~\ref{sec:hook:preoutgoing})
517 \subsection{The \hook{prechangegroup} hook}
518 \label{sec:hook:prechangegroup}
520 This hook is not passed any parameters.
522 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}),
523 \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}), ,
524 \hook{pretxnchangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup})
526 \subsection{The \hook{precommit} hook}
527 \label{sec:hook:precommit}
529 This hook is invoked before Mercurial has obtained any of the metadata
530 for the commit, such as the commit message or date.
532 Parameters to this hook:
533 \begin{itemize}
534 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the first
535 parent of the working directory.
536 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. The changeset ID of the second
537 parent of the working directory.
538 \end{itemize}
539 If the commit proceeds, the parents of the working directory will
540 become the parents of the new changeset.
542 See also: \hook{commit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:commit}),
543 \hook{pretxncommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit})
545 \subsection{The \hook{preoutgoing} hook}
546 \label{sec:hook:preoutgoing}
548 This hook is invoked before Mercurial knows the identities of the
549 changesets to be transmitted.
551 Parameters to this hook:
552 \begin{itemize}
553 \item[\texttt{source}] A string. The source of the operation that is
554 attempting to obtain changes from this repository. See the
555 documentation for the \texttt{source} parameter to the
556 \hook{outgoing} hook, in section~\ref{sec:hook:outgoing}, for
557 possible values of this parameter..
558 \end{itemize}
560 See also: \hook{outgoing} (section~\ref{sec:hook:outgoing})
562 \subsection{The \hook{pretag} hook}
563 \label{sec:hook:pretag}
565 Parameters to this hook:
566 \begin{itemize}
567 \item[\texttt{local}] A boolean. Whether the tag is local to this
568 repository instance (i.e.~stored in \sfilename{.hg/tags}) or managed
569 by Mercurial (stored in \sfilename{.hgtags}).
570 \item[\texttt{node}] A changeset ID. The ID of the changeset to be tagged.
571 \item[\texttt{tag}] A string. The name of the tag to be created.
572 \end{itemize}
574 If the tag to be created is revision-controlled, the \hook{precommit}
575 and \hook{pretxncommit} hooks (sections~\ref{sec:hook:commit}
576 and~\ref{sec:hook:pretxncommit}) will also be run.
578 See also: \hook{tag} (section~\ref{sec:hook:tag})
580 \subsection{The \hook{pretxnchangegroup} hook}
581 \label{sec:hook:pretxnchangegroup}
583 Parameters to this hook are the same as for the \hook{changegroup}
584 hook; see section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup} for details.
586 See also: \hook{changegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:changegroup}),
587 \hook{incoming} (section~\ref{sec:hook:incoming}),
588 \hook{prechangegroup} (section~\ref{sec:hook:prechangegroup})
590 \subsection{The \hook{pretxncommit} hook}
591 \label{sec:hook:pretxncommit}
593 Parameters to this hook are the same as for the \hook{commit} hook;
594 see section~\ref{sec:hook:commit} for details.
596 See also: \hook{precommit} (section~\ref{sec:hook:precommit})
598 \subsection{The \hook{preupdate} hook}
599 \label{sec:hook:preupdate}
601 Parameters to this hook:
602 \begin{itemize}
603 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The ID of the parent that the
604 working directory is to be updated to. If the working directory is
605 being merged, it will not change this parent.
606 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. Only set if the working
607 directory is being merged. The ID of the revision that the working
608 directory is being merged with.
609 \end{itemize}
611 See also: \hook{update} (section~\ref{sec:hook:update})
613 \subsection{The \hook{tag} hook}
614 \label{sec:hook:tag}
616 Parameters to this hook are the same as for the \hook{pretag} hook;
617 see section~\ref{sec:hook:pretag} for details.
619 If the created tag is revision-controlled, the \hook{commit} hook
620 (section~\ref{sec:hook:commit}) will also be run.
622 See also: \hook{pretag} (section~\ref{sec:hook:pretag})
624 \subsection{The \hook{update} hook}
625 \label{sec:hook:update}
627 \begin{itemize}
628 \item[\texttt{error}] A boolean. Indicates whether the update or
629 merge completed successfully.
630 \item[\texttt{parent1}] A changeset ID. The ID of the parent that the
631 working directory was updated to. If the working directory was
632 merged, it will not have changed this parent.
633 \item[\texttt{parent2}] A changeset ID. Only set if the working
634 directory was merged. The ID of the revision that the working
635 directory was merged with.
636 \end{itemize}
638 See also: \hook{preupdate} (section~\ref{sec:hook:preupdate})
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