bos@16: \chapter{Introduction} bos@16: \label{chap:intro} bos@16: romain@923: \section{A propros de la gestion source} romain@923: romain@923: La gestion de source est un processus permettant de gérer différentes romain@923: version de la même information. Dans sa forme la plus simple, c'est romain@923: quelquechose que tout le monde fait manuellement : quand vous modifiez romain@923: un fichier, vous le sauvegarder sous un nouveau nom contenant un numéro, romain@923: à chaque fois plus grand la précédente version. romain@923: romain@923: Ce genre de gestion de version manuel est cependant sujette facilement romain@923: à des erreurs, ainsi, depuis longtemps, des logiciels existent pour romain@923: adresser cette problématique. Les premiers outils de gestion de source romain@923: étaient destinés à aider un seul utilisateur, à automatiser la gestion romain@923: des versions d'un seulf fichier. Dans les dernières décades, cette cilble romain@923: a largement était agrandie, ils gèrent désormais de multiple fichiers, et romain@923: aident un grand nombre de personnes à travailler ensemble. Le outils les romain@923: plus modernes n'ont aucune difficultés à gérer plusieurs milliers de romain@923: personnes travaillant ensemble sur des projets regroupant plusieurs romain@923: centaines de milliers de fichiers. romain@923: romain@923: \subsection{Pourquoi utiliser un gestionnaire de source ?} romain@923: romain@923: Il y a de nombreuse raisons pour que vous ou votre équipe souhaitiez romain@923: utiliser un outil automatisant la gestion de version pour votre projet. bos@217: \begin{itemize} romain@923: \item L'outil se chargera de suivre l'évolution de votre projet, sans romain@923: que vous ayez à le faire. Pour chaque modification, vous aurez à votre romain@923: disposition un journal indiquant \emph{qui} a faient quoi, \emph{pourquoi} romain@923: ils l'ont fait, \emph{quand} ils l'ont fait, et \emph{ce} qu'ils ont romain@923: modifiés. romain@923: \item Quand vous travaillez avec d'autres personnes, les logiciels de romain@923: gestion de source facilite le travail collaboratif. Par exemple, quand romain@923: plusieurs personnes font, plus ou moins simultannéement, des modifications romain@923: incompatibles, le logiciel vous aidera à identifier et résoudre les conflits. romain@924: \item L'outil vous aidera à réparer vos erreurs. Si vous effectuez un changement romain@924: qui se révèlera être une erreur, vous pourrez revenir fiablement à une version romain@924: antérieur d'une fichier ou même d'un ensemble de fichier. En fait, un outil de romain@924: gestion de source \emph{vraiment} efficace vous permettra d'identifier à quel romain@924: moment le problème est apparu (voir la section~\ref{sec:undo:bisect} pour plus romain@924: de détails). romain@924: \item L'outil vous permettra aussi de travailler sur plusieurs versions différentes romain@924: de votre projet et à gérer l'écart entre chaque. bos@217: \end{itemize} romain@924: La plupart de ces raisons ont autant d'importances---du moins en théorie--- que romain@924: vous travailliez sur un projet pour vous, ou avec une centaine d'autres romain@924: personnes. romain@924: romain@924: Une question fondamental à propos des outils de gestion de source, qu'il s'agisse romain@924: du projet d'une personne ou d'une grande équipe, est quelles sont ses romain@924: \emph{avantages} par rapport à ses \emph{coût}. Un outil qui est difficile à romain@924: utiliser ou à comprendre exigera un effort d'adoption. romain@924: romain@924: Un projet de cinq milles personnnes s'effondrera très certainement de lui même romain@924: sans aucun processus et outil de gestion de source. Dans ce cas, le coût romain@924: d'utilisation d'un logiciel de gestion de source est dérisoire, puisque romain@924: \emph{sans}, l'échec est presque garanti. romain@924: romain@924: D'un autre coté, un ``rapide hack'' d'une personnne peut sembler un contexte romain@924: bien pauvre pour utiliser un outil de gestion de source, car, bien évidement romain@924: le coût d'utilisation dépasse le coût total du projet. N'est ce pas ? romain@924: romain@924: Mercurial supporte ces \emph{deux} échelles de travail. Vous pouvez apprendre romain@924: les bases en juste quelques minutes, et, grâce à sa performance, vous pouvez romain@924: l'utiliser avec facilité sur le plus petit des projets. Cette simplicité romain@924: signifie que vous n'avez pas de concepts obscures ou de séquence de commandes romain@924: défiant l'imagination, complètement décorrelé de \emph{ce que vous êtes romain@924: vraiment entrain de faire}. En même temps, ces mêmes performances et sa romain@924: nature ``peer-to-peer'' vous permet d'augmenter, sans difficulté, son romain@924: utilisation à de très grand projet. romain@924: romain@924: Aucun outil de gestion de source ne peut sauver un projet mal mené, mais un romain@924: bon outil peut faire une grande différence dans la fluidité avec lequel romain@924: vous pourrez travailler avec. romain@924: romain@924: \subsection{Les multiples noms de la gestion de source} romain@924: romain@924: La gestion de source est un domaine divers, tellement qu'il n'existe pas romain@924: une seul nom ou acronyme pour le désigner. Voilà quelqu'uns des noms ou romain@924: acronymes que vous rencontrerez le plus souvent: bos@217: \begin{itemize} romain@924: \item \textit{Revision control (RCS)} ; romain@924: \item Software configuration management (SCM), ou \textit{configuration management} ; romain@924: \item \textit{Source code management} ; romain@924: \item \textit{Source code control}, ou \textit{source control} ; romain@924: \item \textit{Version control (VCS)}. bos@217: \end{itemize} romain@924: romain@924: \notebox { romain@924: Note du traducteur : J'ai conservé la liste des noms en anglais pour des raisons de commodité (ils sont plus ``googelable''). J'ai choisi de conserver le terme ``gestion de sources'' comme traduction unique dans l'ensemble du document. romain@924: romain@924: En outre, j'ai opté pour conserver l'ensemble des opérations de Mercurial (commit, push, pull,...) en anglais, là aussi pour faciliter la lecture d'autres documents en anglais, et romain@924: aussi son utilisation. romain@924: } romain@924: romain@924: Certains personnes prétendent que ces termes ont en fait des sens romain@924: différents mais en pratique ils se recouvrent tellement qu'il n'y a pas romain@924: réellement de manière pertinente de les distinguer. romain@924: romain@924: \section{Une courte histoire de la gestion de source} romain@924: romain@924: Le plus célèbre des anciens outils de gestion de source est \textit{SCCS (Source romain@924: Code Control System)}, que Marc Rochkind conçu dans les laboratoire de recherche de Bell romain@924: (\textit{Bell Labs}), dans le début des années 70. \textit{SCCS} ne fonctionner que sur des fichiers individuels, et demandait à personne travaillant sur le projet d'avoir un accès à un répertoire de travail commun, sur un unique système. romain@924: Seulement une personne pouvait modifier un fichier au même moment, ce fonctionnement était assuré par l'utilisation de verrou (``lock''). Il était courant que des personnes ne vérouille romain@924: des fichiers, et plus tard, oublie de le dévérouiller; empêchant n'importe qui d'autre de romain@924: travailler sur ces fichiers sans l'aide de l'administrateur... romain@924: romain@924: Walter Tichy a développé une alternative libre à \textit{SCCS} au début des années 80, qu'il romain@924: nomma \textit{RSC (Revison Control System)}. Comme \textit{SCCS}, \textit{RCS} romain@924: demander aux développeurs de travailler sur le même répertoire partagé, et de vérouiller les romain@924: fichiers pour se prémunir de tout conflit issue de modifications concurrentes. romain@924: romain@924: Un peu plus tard dans les années 1980, Dick Grune utilisa \textit{RCS} comme une brique de base pour un ensemble de scripts \textit{shell} qu'il intitula cmt, avant de la renommer en \textit{CVS (Concurrent Versions System)}. La grande innovation de CVS était que les développeurs pouvaient travailler simultanéement and indépendament dans leur propre espace de travail. Ces espaces de travail privés assuraient que les développeurs ne se marche mutuellement sur les pieds, comme c'était souvent le cas avec RCS et SCCS. Chaque développeur disposait donc de sa copie de tout les fichiers du projet, et ils pouvaient donc librement les modifier. Ils devaient néanmoins effectuer la ``fusion'' (\textit{``merge''}) de leur fichiers, avant d'effectuer le ``commit'' de leur modification sur le dépôt central. bos@218: bos@218: Brian Berliner took Grune's original scripts and rewrote them in~C, bos@218: releasing in 1989 the code that has since developed into the modern bos@218: version of CVS. CVS subsequently acquired the ability to operate over bos@218: a network connection, giving it a client/server architecture. CVS's bos@218: architecture is centralised; only the server has a copy of the history bos@218: of the project. Client workspaces just contain copies of recent bos@218: versions of the project's files, and a little metadata to tell them bos@218: where the server is. CVS has been enormously successful; it is bos@218: probably the world's most widely used revision control system. bos@218: bos@218: In the early 1990s, Sun Microsystems developed an early distributed bos@218: revision control system, called TeamWare. A TeamWare workspace bos@218: contains a complete copy of the project's history. TeamWare has no bos@218: notion of a central repository. (CVS relied upon RCS for its history bos@218: storage; TeamWare used SCCS.) bos@218: bos@218: As the 1990s progressed, awareness grew of a number of problems with bos@218: CVS. It records simultaneous changes to multiple files individually, bos@218: instead of grouping them together as a single logically atomic bos@218: operation. It does not manage its file hierarchy well; it is easy to bos@218: make a mess of a repository by renaming files and directories. Worse, bos@218: its source code is difficult to read and maintain, which made the bos@218: ``pain level'' of fixing these architectural problems prohibitive. bos@218: bos@218: In 2001, Jim Blandy and Karl Fogel, two developers who had worked on bos@218: CVS, started a project to replace it with a tool that would have a bos@218: better architecture and cleaner code. The result, Subversion, does bos@218: not stray from CVS's centralised client/server model, but it adds bos@218: multi-file atomic commits, better namespace management, and a number bos@218: of other features that make it a generally better tool than CVS. bos@218: Since its initial release, it has rapidly grown in popularity. bos@218: bos@218: More or less simultaneously, Graydon Hoare began working on an bos@218: ambitious distributed revision control system that he named Monotone. bos@218: While Monotone addresses many of CVS's design flaws and has a bos@218: peer-to-peer architecture, it goes beyond earlier (and subsequent) bos@218: revision control tools in a number of innovative ways. It uses bos@218: cryptographic hashes as identifiers, and has an integral notion of bos@218: ``trust'' for code from different sources. bos@218: bos@218: Mercurial began life in 2005. While a few aspects of its design are bos@218: influenced by Monotone, Mercurial focuses on ease of use, high bos@218: performance, and scalability to very large projects. bos@155: bos@219: \section{Trends in revision control} bos@219: bos@219: There has been an unmistakable trend in the development and use of bos@219: revision control tools over the past four decades, as people have bos@219: become familiar with the capabilities of their tools and constrained bos@219: by their limitations. bos@219: bos@219: The first generation began by managing single files on individual bos@219: computers. Although these tools represented a huge advance over bos@219: ad-hoc manual revision control, their locking model and reliance on a bos@219: single computer limited them to small, tightly-knit teams. bos@219: bos@219: The second generation loosened these constraints by moving to bos@219: network-centered architectures, and managing entire projects at a bos@219: time. As projects grew larger, they ran into new problems. With bos@219: clients needing to talk to servers very frequently, server scaling bos@219: became an issue for large projects. An unreliable network connection bos@219: could prevent remote users from being able to talk to the server at bos@219: all. As open source projects started making read-only access bos@219: available anonymously to anyone, people without commit privileges bos@219: found that they could not use the tools to interact with a project in bos@219: a natural way, as they could not record their changes. bos@219: bos@219: The current generation of revision control tools is peer-to-peer in bos@219: nature. All of these systems have dropped the dependency on a single bos@219: central server, and allow people to distribute their revision control bos@219: data to where it's actually needed. Collaboration over the Internet bos@219: has moved from constrained by technology to a matter of choice and bos@219: consensus. Modern tools can operate offline indefinitely and bos@219: autonomously, with a network connection only needed when syncing bos@219: changes with another repository. bos@219: bos@219: \section{A few of the advantages of distributed revision control} bos@219: bos@219: Even though distributed revision control tools have for several years bos@219: been as robust and usable as their previous-generation counterparts, bos@219: people using older tools have not yet necessarily woken up to their bos@219: advantages. There are a number of ways in which distributed tools bos@219: shine relative to centralised ones. bos@219: bos@219: For an individual developer, distributed tools are almost always much bos@219: faster than centralised tools. This is for a simple reason: a bos@219: centralised tool needs to talk over the network for many common bos@219: operations, because most metadata is stored in a single copy on the bos@219: central server. A distributed tool stores all of its metadata bos@219: locally. All else being equal, talking over the network adds overhead bos@219: to a centralised tool. Don't underestimate the value of a snappy, bos@219: responsive tool: you're going to spend a lot of time interacting with bos@219: your revision control software. bos@219: bos@219: Distributed tools are indifferent to the vagaries of your server bos@219: infrastructure, again because they replicate metadata to so many bos@219: locations. If you use a centralised system and your server catches bos@219: fire, you'd better hope that your backup media are reliable, and that bos@219: your last backup was recent and actually worked. With a distributed bos@219: tool, you have many backups available on every contributor's computer. bos@219: bos@219: The reliability of your network will affect distributed tools far less bos@219: than it will centralised tools. You can't even use a centralised tool bos@219: without a network connection, except for a few highly constrained bos@219: commands. With a distributed tool, if your network connection goes bos@219: down while you're working, you may not even notice. The only thing bos@219: you won't be able to do is talk to repositories on other computers, bos@219: something that is relatively rare compared with local operations. If bos@219: you have a far-flung team of collaborators, this may be significant. bos@219: bos@220: \subsection{Advantages for open source projects} bos@220: bos@219: If you take a shine to an open source project and decide that you bos@219: would like to start hacking on it, and that project uses a distributed bos@219: revision control tool, you are at once a peer with the people who bos@219: consider themselves the ``core'' of that project. If they publish bos@219: their repositories, you can immediately copy their project history, bos@219: start making changes, and record your work, using the same tools in bos@219: the same ways as insiders. By contrast, with a centralised tool, you bos@219: must use the software in a ``read only'' mode unless someone grants bos@219: you permission to commit changes to their central server. Until then, bos@219: you won't be able to record changes, and your local modifications will bos@219: be at risk of corruption any time you try to update your client's view bos@219: of the repository. bos@155: bos@220: \subsubsection{The forking non-problem} bos@220: bos@220: It has been suggested that distributed revision control tools pose bos@220: some sort of risk to open source projects because they make it easy to bos@220: ``fork'' the development of a project. A fork happens when there are bos@220: differences in opinion or attitude between groups of developers that bos@220: cause them to decide that they can't work together any longer. Each bos@220: side takes a more or less complete copy of the project's source code, bos@220: and goes off in its own direction. bos@220: bos@220: Sometimes the camps in a fork decide to reconcile their differences. bos@220: With a centralised revision control system, the \emph{technical} bos@220: process of reconciliation is painful, and has to be performed largely bos@220: by hand. You have to decide whose revision history is going to bos@220: ``win'', and graft the other team's changes into the tree somehow. bos@220: This usually loses some or all of one side's revision history. bos@220: bos@220: What distributed tools do with respect to forking is they make forking bos@220: the \emph{only} way to develop a project. Every single change that bos@220: you make is potentially a fork point. The great strength of this bos@220: approach is that a distributed revision control tool has to be really bos@220: good at \emph{merging} forks, because forks are absolutely bos@220: fundamental: they happen all the time. bos@220: bos@220: If every piece of work that everybody does, all the time, is framed in bos@220: terms of forking and merging, then what the open source world refers bos@220: to as a ``fork'' becomes \emph{purely} a social issue. If anything, bos@220: distributed tools \emph{lower} the likelihood of a fork: bos@220: \begin{itemize} bos@220: \item They eliminate the social distinction that centralised tools bos@220: impose: that between insiders (people with commit access) and bos@220: outsiders (people without). bos@220: \item They make it easier to reconcile after a social fork, because bos@220: all that's involved from the perspective of the revision control bos@220: software is just another merge. bos@220: \end{itemize} bos@220: bos@220: Some people resist distributed tools because they want to retain tight bos@220: control over their projects, and they believe that centralised tools bos@220: give them this control. However, if you're of this belief, and you bos@220: publish your CVS or Subversion repositories publically, there are bos@220: plenty of tools available that can pull out your entire project's bos@220: history (albeit slowly) and recreate it somewhere that you don't bos@220: control. So while your control in this case is illusory, you are tktan@263: forgoing the ability to fluidly collaborate with whatever people feel bos@220: compelled to mirror and fork your history. bos@220: bos@220: \subsection{Advantages for commercial projects} bos@220: bos@220: Many commercial projects are undertaken by teams that are scattered bos@220: across the globe. Contributors who are far from a central server will bos@220: see slower command execution and perhaps less reliability. Commercial bos@220: revision control systems attempt to ameliorate these problems with bos@220: remote-site replication add-ons that are typically expensive to buy bos@220: and cantankerous to administer. A distributed system doesn't suffer bos@220: from these problems in the first place. Better yet, you can easily bos@220: set up multiple authoritative servers, say one per site, so that bos@220: there's no redundant communication between repositories over expensive bos@220: long-haul network links. bos@220: bos@220: Centralised revision control systems tend to have relatively low bos@220: scalability. It's not unusual for an expensive centralised system to bos@220: fall over under the combined load of just a few dozen concurrent bos@220: users. Once again, the typical response tends to be an expensive and bos@220: clunky replication facility. Since the load on a central server---if bos@280: you have one at all---is many times lower with a distributed bos@220: tool (because all of the data is replicated everywhere), a single bos@220: cheap server can handle the needs of a much larger team, and bos@220: replication to balance load becomes a simple matter of scripting. bos@220: bos@220: If you have an employee in the field, troubleshooting a problem at a bos@220: customer's site, they'll benefit from distributed revision control. bos@220: The tool will let them generate custom builds, try different fixes in bos@220: isolation from each other, and search efficiently through history for bos@220: the sources of bugs and regressions in the customer's environment, all bos@220: without needing to connect to your company's network. bos@219: bos@155: \section{Why choose Mercurial?} bos@155: bos@221: Mercurial has a unique set of properties that make it a particularly bos@221: good choice as a revision control system. bos@221: \begin{itemize} bos@221: \item It is easy to learn and use. bos@221: \item It is lightweight. bos@221: \item It scales excellently. bos@221: \item It is easy to customise. bos@221: \end{itemize} bos@221: bos@221: If you are at all familiar with revision control systems, you should bos@221: be able to get up and running with Mercurial in less than five bos@221: minutes. Even if not, it will take no more than a few minutes bos@221: longer. Mercurial's command and feature sets are generally uniform bos@221: and consistent, so you can keep track of a few general rules instead bos@221: of a host of exceptions. bos@221: bos@221: On a small project, you can start working with Mercurial in moments. bos@221: Creating new changes and branches; transferring changes around bos@221: (whether locally or over a network); and history and status operations bos@221: are all fast. Mercurial attempts to stay nimble and largely out of bos@221: your way by combining low cognitive overhead with blazingly fast bos@221: operations. bos@221: bos@221: The usefulness of Mercurial is not limited to small projects: it is bos@221: used by projects with hundreds to thousands of contributors, each bos@221: containing tens of thousands of files and hundreds of megabytes of bos@221: source code. bos@221: bos@221: If the core functionality of Mercurial is not enough for you, it's bos@221: easy to build on. Mercurial is well suited to scripting tasks, and bos@221: its clean internals and implementation in Python make it easy to add bos@221: features in the form of extensions. There are a number of popular and bos@221: useful extensions already available, ranging from helping to identify bos@221: bugs to improving performance. bos@221: bos@221: \section{Mercurial compared with other tools} bos@221: bos@221: Before you read on, please understand that this section necessarily bos@221: reflects my own experiences, interests, and (dare I say it) biases. I bos@221: have used every one of the revision control tools listed below, in bos@221: most cases for several years at a time. bos@221: bos@280: bos@221: \subsection{Subversion} bos@221: bos@221: Subversion is a popular revision control tool, developed to replace bos@221: CVS. It has a centralised client/server architecture. bos@221: bos@221: Subversion and Mercurial have similarly named commands for performing bos@280: the same operations, so if you're familiar with one, it is easy to bos@280: learn to use the other. Both tools are portable to all popular bos@221: operating systems. bos@221: bos@315: Prior to version 1.5, Subversion had no useful support for merges. bos@315: At the time of writing, its merge tracking capability is new, and known to be bos@315: \href{}{complicated bos@315: and buggy}. bos@256: bos@221: Mercurial has a substantial performance advantage over Subversion on bos@221: every revision control operation I have benchmarked. I have measured bos@221: its advantage as ranging from a factor of two to a factor of six when bos@221: compared with Subversion~1.4.3's \emph{ra\_local} file store, which is simon@313: the fastest access method available. In more realistic deployments bos@221: involving a network-based store, Subversion will be at a substantially bos@256: larger disadvantage. Because many Subversion commands must talk to bos@256: the server and Subversion does not have useful replication facilities, bos@280: server capacity and network bandwidth become bottlenecks for modestly bos@280: large projects. bos@280: bos@280: Additionally, Subversion incurs substantial storage overhead to avoid bos@280: network transactions for a few common operations, such as finding bos@280: modified files (\texttt{status}) and displaying modifications against bos@280: the current revision (\texttt{diff}). As a result, a Subversion bos@280: working copy is often the same size as, or larger than, a Mercurial bos@280: repository and working directory, even though the Mercurial repository bos@280: contains a complete history of the project. bos@280: bos@280: Subversion is widely supported by third party tools. Mercurial bos@280: currently lags considerably in this area. This gap is closing, bos@280: however, and indeed some of Mercurial's GUI tools now outshine their bos@280: Subversion equivalents. Like Mercurial, Subversion has an excellent bos@280: user manual. bos@280: bos@280: Because Subversion doesn't store revision history on the client, it is bos@280: well suited to managing projects that deal with lots of large, opaque bos@280: binary files. If you check in fifty revisions to an incompressible bos@280: 10MB file, Subversion's client-side space usage stays constant The bos@280: space used by any distributed SCM will grow rapidly in proportion to bos@280: the number of revisions, because the differences between each revision bos@280: are large. bos@280: bos@280: In addition, it's often difficult or, more usually, impossible to bos@280: merge different versions of a binary file. Subversion's ability to bos@280: let a user lock a file, so that they temporarily have the exclusive bos@280: right to commit changes to it, can be a significant advantage to a bos@280: project where binary files are widely used. bos@280: bos@280: Mercurial can import revision history from a Subversion repository. bos@280: It can also export revision history to a Subversion repository. This bos@280: makes it easy to ``test the waters'' and use Mercurial and Subversion bos@280: in parallel before deciding to switch. History conversion is bos@280: incremental, so you can perform an initial conversion, then small bos@280: additional conversions afterwards to bring in new changes. bos@280: bos@221: bos@221: \subsection{Git} bos@221: bos@221: Git is a distributed revision control tool that was developed for bos@221: managing the Linux kernel source tree. Like Mercurial, its early bos@221: design was somewhat influenced by Monotone. bos@221: bos@280: Git has a very large command set, with version~1.5.0 providing~139 bos@280: individual commands. It has something of a reputation for being bos@280: difficult to learn. Compared to Git, Mercurial has a strong focus on bos@280: simplicity. bos@280: bos@280: In terms of performance, Git is extremely fast. In several cases, it bos@280: is faster than Mercurial, at least on Linux, while Mercurial performs bos@280: better on other operations. However, on Windows, the performance and bos@280: general level of support that Git provides is, at the time of writing, bos@280: far behind that of Mercurial. bos@221: bos@221: While a Mercurial repository needs no maintenance, a Git repository bos@221: requires frequent manual ``repacks'' of its metadata. Without these, bos@221: performance degrades, while space usage grows rapidly. A server that bos@221: contains many Git repositories that are not rigorously and frequently bos@221: repacked will become heavily disk-bound during backups, and there have bos@221: been instances of daily backups taking far longer than~24 hours as a bos@221: result. A freshly packed Git repository is slightly smaller than a bos@221: Mercurial repository, but an unpacked repository is several orders of bos@221: magnitude larger. bos@221: bos@221: The core of Git is written in C. Many Git commands are implemented as bos@221: shell or Perl scripts, and the quality of these scripts varies widely. bos@280: I have encountered several instances where scripts charged along bos@221: blindly in the presence of errors that should have been fatal. bos@221: bos@280: Mercurial can import revision history from a Git repository. bos@280: bos@280: bos@221: \subsection{CVS} bos@221: bos@221: CVS is probably the most widely used revision control tool in the bos@280: world. Due to its age and internal untidiness, it has been only bos@280: lightly maintained for many years. bos@221: bos@221: It has a centralised client/server architecture. It does not group bos@221: related file changes into atomic commits, making it easy for people to bos@256: ``break the build'': one person can successfully commit part of a bos@256: change and then be blocked by the need for a merge, causing other bos@256: people to see only a portion of the work they intended to do. This bos@256: also affects how you work with project history. If you want to see bos@256: all of the modifications someone made as part of a task, you will need bos@256: to manually inspect the descriptions and timestamps of the changes bos@256: made to each file involved (if you even know what those files were). bos@256: bos@256: CVS has a muddled notion of tags and branches that I will not attempt bos@256: to even describe. It does not support renaming of files or bos@256: directories well, making it easy to corrupt a repository. It has bos@256: almost no internal consistency checking capabilities, so it is usually bos@256: not even possible to tell whether or how a repository is corrupt. I bos@256: would not recommend CVS for any project, existing or new. bos@221: bos@221: Mercurial can import CVS revision history. However, there are a few bos@221: caveats that apply; these are true of every other revision control bos@221: tool's CVS importer, too. Due to CVS's lack of atomic changes and bos@221: unversioned filesystem hierarchy, it is not possible to reconstruct bos@221: CVS history completely accurately; some guesswork is involved, and bos@221: renames will usually not show up. Because a lot of advanced CVS bos@221: administration has to be done by hand and is hence error-prone, it's bos@221: common for CVS importers to run into multiple problems with corrupted bos@221: repositories (completely bogus revision timestamps and files that have bos@221: remained locked for over a decade are just two of the less interesting bos@221: problems I can recall from personal experience). bos@221: bos@280: Mercurial can import revision history from a CVS repository. bos@280: bos@280: bos@221: \subsection{Commercial tools} bos@221: bos@221: Perforce has a centralised client/server architecture, with no bos@221: client-side caching of any data. Unlike modern revision control bos@221: tools, Perforce requires that a user run a command to inform the bos@221: server about every file they intend to edit. bos@221: bos@221: The performance of Perforce is quite good for small teams, but it bos@221: falls off rapidly as the number of users grows beyond a few dozen. bos@221: Modestly large Perforce installations require the deployment of bos@221: proxies to cope with the load their users generate. bos@16: bos@280: bos@280: \subsection{Choosing a revision control tool} bos@280: bos@280: With the exception of CVS, all of the tools listed above have unique bos@280: strengths that suit them to particular styles of work. There is no bos@280: single revision control tool that is best in all situations. bos@280: bos@280: As an example, Subversion is a good choice for working with frequently bos@280: edited binary files, due to its centralised nature and support for bos@318: file locking. bos@280: bos@280: I personally find Mercurial's properties of simplicity, performance, bos@280: and good merge support to be a compelling combination that has served bos@280: me well for several years. bos@280: bos@280: bos@280: \section{Switching from another tool to Mercurial} bos@280: bos@280: Mercurial is bundled with an extension named \hgext{convert}, which bos@280: can incrementally import revision history from several other revision bos@280: control tools. By ``incremental'', I mean that you can convert all of bos@280: a project's history to date in one go, then rerun the conversion later bos@280: to obtain new changes that happened after the initial conversion. bos@280: bos@280: The revision control tools supported by \hgext{convert} are as bos@280: follows: bos@280: \begin{itemize} bos@280: \item Subversion bos@280: \item CVS bos@280: \item Git bos@280: \item Darcs bos@280: \end{itemize} bos@280: bos@280: In addition, \hgext{convert} can export changes from Mercurial to bos@280: Subversion. This makes it possible to try Subversion and Mercurial in bos@280: parallel before committing to a switchover, without risking the loss bos@280: of any work. bos@280: bos@280: The \hgxcmd{conver}{convert} command is easy to use. Simply point it bos@280: at the path or URL of the source repository, optionally give it the bos@280: name of the destination repository, and it will start working. After bos@280: the initial conversion, just run the same command again to import new bos@280: changes. bos@280: bos@280: bos@16: %%% Local Variables: bos@16: %%% mode: latex bos@16: %%% TeX-master: "00book" bos@16: %%% End: