bos@559: bos@85: bos@559: bos@572: bos@559: Installing Mercurial from source bos@85: bos@559: bos@559: On a Unix-like system bos@85: bos@584: If you are using a Unix-like system that has a sufficiently bos@559: recent version of Python (2.3 or newer) available, it is easy to bos@559: install Mercurial from source. bos@559: bos@584: Download a recent source tarball from bos@559: bos@584: Unpack the tarball: bos@559: gzip -dc mercurial-MYVERSION.tar.gz | tar xf - bos@559: bos@584: Go into the source directory and run the bos@559: installer script. This will build Mercurial and install it bos@559: in your home directory. bos@559: cd mercurial-MYVERSION bos@559: python install --force --home=$HOME bos@559: bos@559: bos@584: Once the install finishes, Mercurial will be in the bos@559: bin subdirectory of your home directory. bos@559: Don't forget to make sure that this directory is present in your bos@559: shell's search path. bos@85: bos@584: You will probably need to set the PYTHONPATH bos@559: environment variable so that the Mercurial executable can find bos@559: the rest of the Mercurial packages. For example, on my laptop, bos@559: I have set it to /home/bos/lib/python. The bos@559: exact path that you will need to use depends on how Python was bos@559: built for your system, but should be easy to figure out. If bos@559: you're uncertain, look through the output of the installer bos@559: script above, and see where the contents of the bos@559: mercurial directory were installed to. bos@85: bos@559: bos@559: bos@559: On Windows bos@85: bos@584: Building and installing Mercurial on Windows requires a bos@559: variety of tools, a fair amount of technical knowledge, and bos@559: considerable patience. I very much do not bos@559: recommend this route if you are a casual bos@559: user. Unless you intend to hack on Mercurial, I bos@559: strongly suggest that you use a binary package instead. bos@85: bos@584: If you are intent on building Mercurial from source on bos@559: Windows, follow the hard way directions on the bos@559: Mercurial wiki at, bos@559: and expect the process to involve a lot of fiddly work. bos@559: bos@559: bos@559: bos@559: bos@559: