#!/usr/bin/env python # # This program takes something that resembles a shell script and runs # it, spitting input (commands from the script) and output into text # files, for use in examples. import cStringIO import errno import getopt import os import pty import re import shutil import signal import stat import sys import tempfile import time tex_subs = { '\\': '\\textbackslash{}', '{': '\\{', '}': '\\}', } def gensubs(s): start = 0 for i, c in enumerate(s): sub = tex_subs.get(c) if sub: yield s[start:i] start = i + 1 yield sub yield s[start:] def tex_escape(s): return ''.join(gensubs(s)) class example: shell = '/usr/bin/env bash' prompt = '__run_example_prompt__ ' pi_re = re.compile(r'#\$\s*(name):\s*(.*)$') def __init__(self, name, verbose): self.name = name self.verbose = verbose def parse(self): '''yield each hunk of input from the file.''' fp = open(self.name) cfp = cStringIO.StringIO() for line in fp: cfp.write(line) if not line.rstrip().endswith('\\'): yield cfp.getvalue() cfp.seek(0) cfp.truncate() def status(self, s): sys.stdout.write(s) if not s.endswith('\n'): sys.stdout.flush() def send(self, s): if self.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, '>', self.debugrepr(s) while s: count = os.write(self.cfd, s) s = s[count:] def debugrepr(self, s): rs = repr(s) limit = 60 if len(rs) > limit: return ('%s%s ... [%d bytes]' % (rs[:limit], rs[0], len(s))) else: return rs def receive(self): out = cStringIO.StringIO() while True: try: if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write('< ') s = os.read(self.cfd, 1024) except OSError, err: if err.errno == errno.EIO: return '' raise if self.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, self.debugrepr(s) out.write(s) s = out.getvalue() if s.endswith(self.prompt): return s.replace('\r\n', '\n')[:-len(self.prompt)] def sendreceive(self, s): self.send(s) r = self.receive() if r.startswith(s): r = r[len(s):] return r def run(self): ofp = None basename = os.path.basename(self.name) self.status('running %s ' % basename) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=basename) rcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.hgrc') rcfp = open(rcfile, 'w') print >> rcfp, '[ui]' print >> rcfp, "username = Bryan O'Sullivan " rcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.bashrc') rcfp = open(rcfile, 'w') print >> rcfp, 'PS1="%s"' % self.prompt print >> rcfp, 'unset HISTFILE' print >> rcfp, 'export EXAMPLE_DIR="%s"' % os.getcwd() print >> rcfp, 'export LANG=C' print >> rcfp, 'export LC_ALL=C' print >> rcfp, 'export TZ=GMT' print >> rcfp, 'export HGRC="%s/.hgrc"' % tmpdir print >> rcfp, 'export HGRCPATH=$HGRC' print >> rcfp, 'cd %s' % tmpdir rcfp.close() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() pid, self.cfd = pty.fork() if pid == 0: cmdline = ['/usr/bin/env', 'bash', '--noediting', '--noprofile', '--norc'] try: os.execv(cmdline[0], cmdline) except OSError, err: print >> sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (cmdline[0], err.strerror) sys.stderr.flush() os._exit(0) try: try: # eat first prompt string from shell os.read(self.cfd, 1024) # setup env and prompt self.sendreceive('source %s\n' % rcfile) for hunk in self.parse(): # is this line a processing instruction? m = self.pi_re.match(hunk) if m: pi, rest = m.groups() if pi == 'name': self.status('.') out = rest assert os.sep not in out if out: ofp = open('%s.%s.out' % (self.name, out), 'w') else: ofp = None elif hunk.strip(): # it's something we should execute output = self.sendreceive(hunk) if not ofp: continue # first, print the command we ran if not hunk.startswith('#'): nl = hunk.endswith('\n') hunk = ('$ \\textbf{%s}' % tex_escape(hunk.rstrip('\n'))) if nl: hunk += '\n' ofp.write(hunk) # then its output ofp.write(tex_escape(output)) self.status('\n') open(self.name + '.run', 'w') except: print >> sys.stderr, '(killed)' os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) pid, rc = os.wait() raise else: try: output = self.sendreceive('exit\n') if ofp: ofp.write(output) os.close(self.cfd) except IOError: pass os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) pid, rc = os.wait() if rc: if os.WIFEXITED(rc): print >> sys.stderr, '(exit %s)' % os.WEXITSTATUS(rc) elif os.WIFSIGNALED(rc): print >> sys.stderr, '(signal %s)' % os.WTERMSIG(rc) return rc finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def main(path='.'): opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'v', ['verbose']) verbose = False for o, a in opts: if o in ('-v', '--verbose'): verbose = True errs = 0 if args: for a in args: try: st = os.lstat(a) except OSError, err: print >> sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (a, err.strerror) errs += 1 continue if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and st.st_mode & 0111: if example(a, verbose).run(): errs += 1 else: print >> sys.stderr, '%s: not a file, or not executable' % a errs += 1 return errs for name in os.listdir(path): if name == 'run-example' or name.startswith('.'): continue if name.endswith('.out') or name.endswith('~'): continue if name.endswith('.run'): continue pathname = os.path.join(path, name) st = os.lstat(pathname) if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and st.st_mode & 0111: if example(pathname, verbose).run(): errs += 1 print >> open(os.path.join(path, '.run'), 'w'), time.asctime() return errs if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())